Automation confusion with hardware synth (OB-6)

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Automation confusion with hardware synth (OB-6)

Post by aeser » Sat May 11, 2024 11:20 pm

I feel like an idiot, I used to be able to do this but ok so I can record MIDI notes in from my OB-6 analog synth into a MIDI track in ableton fine (I also have a novation 49SL Mk III MIDI controller keyboard) but then say I want to do automation on the OB-6 after recording notes and i hit the "A" key to make the automation lane show up it ONLY gives me mixer and like the ability to draw in volume automation and that's IT, when I used to recall it showing CC#'s where you could figure out which CC# corresponded to say the filter Frequency on the OB-6 and draw in automation for it to automate filter sweeps and such, now nothing shows up there but mixer and volume parameters.

I can make a 2nd MIDI track in ableton and play the notes from the first MIDI track that I recorded while recording me twiddling the filter Frequency knob on the OB-6 and even though i don't see anything change on that 2nd MIDI track (the line stays dotted and doesn't change or move) it does appear to record the MIDI data back when i hit play on it and both MIDI tracks play to the OB-6, the notes i played, and the filter knob twiddling i played.

However if i use a softsynth, and hit A" even on the original one MIDI track (which is how i always did it before) it DOES show whichever parameter i last clicked on as what is live for MIDI automation and allows me to draw in MIDI automation for that parameter like I wanted it to (however after programming this automation if i click a different parameter, but then go back to the original parameter i automated, it no longer shows the automation i programmed but just a straight doted line like before programming, but it DOES play back the automation?)

I do not get it for the life of me. Inserting all the screenshots I figured would be pertinent:

First 2 are the Ableton MIDI preferences settings:
Then the Ableton arrangement view with the notes recorded from the OB-6 and the 2nd MIDI track not letting me automate any knob/CC data, yet recording it and playing it back while not showing any automation data that's being played back:
The Session view/mixer view of those tracks and their I/O:
Using a softsynth where the automation IS working mostly correctly and if i click on a parameter that parameter shows up as what is automatable in ableton and lets me draw in automation:

Any idea how I can do this? As I recall this never used to be an issue, automation used to just work nice and easy and simply (and without having to his the "A" key)?


Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:21 pm

Re: Automation confusion with hardware synth (OB-6)

Post by aeser » Sat May 11, 2024 11:26 pm

btw the last image looks small if you right click and copy the image address and paste it into a new window it will be huge and you can click to + it even larger

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