Vocal Tracks Repeating At Later Points In Arrangement

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Vocal Tracks Repeating At Later Points In Arrangement

Post by caleb.dalton1995 » Thu May 23, 2024 3:37 pm

VIDEO FOR EXAMPLE: https://youtu.be/Pw5hY1wTVyI

I'm having an issue with repeating vocal tracks in Live 11, although I've had this issue since Live 10. I use Melodyne Studio, so it's likely this is an issue with that and it may not be appropriate to ask about here, but I was hoping others may have experienced and solved this issue.

I have an entire album created instrumentally through session view, which has been recorded and transferred over to arrangement view. Now in arrangement view I am adding vocal tracks as needed to the various parts of the album. The vocal tracks are being sent through Melodyne.

My issue is that while the track plays properly where it should, it will also repeat itself later in the arrangement, in order of the original track placement in the arrangement. I can use the envelope to isolate the vocals and have the volume set to zero before and after the track to leave it muted elsewhere, but I'm curious if there is a better solution to this? It will be slightly tedious to do this for every single vocal track, and I'm also not sure how exporting the audio will turn out with this solution, although I feel like it should be fine.

Again, I'm fairly confident this is a Melodyne issue, although maybe it's an issue with the session to arrangement view method that I like to use?

Just curious if anyone had any advice or a possible solution. Please see the video linked above to get an idea of what I'm dealing with.


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Re: Vocal Tracks Repeating At Later Points In Arrangement

Post by slow.robot » Fri May 24, 2024 9:56 pm

assuming you're using the transfer function of Melodyne as a plugin within Ableton (meaning you're not editing the pitch externally in Melodyne, then re-importing)...that would probably be the issue. the way it seems to work, it captures the performance as it is when you transfer it, then plays that back along with any edits you've made in Melodyne...so if you then change your arrangement or add fades to the vocal clips in Live, etc. you're not going to hear your changes after that point, because it basically suppresses what's going on in the Live track/arrangement, and plays the processed Melodyne signal.

one fun thing this can cause is if you remove a section of the song, basically your vocal tracks will be all out of whack for anything after that edit point.

one way you can get around this is to bounce the output of the edited Melodyne take to its own track, and then use that for any further tweaks to the arrangement. generally I just tend to leave pitch editing with Melodyne until almost the very last step, so I can minimize the likelihood of needing to worry about it.

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