MIDI not working with some instruments but is with others

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MIDI not working with some instruments but is with others

Post by QZi11y » Thu Jan 02, 2025 8:09 pm

Hello magnificent community of Ableton Live,

Just recently got the AKAI pro APC key 25 which came with Ableton Live 12 Lite, which is a completely new program for me. I'm also not a trained musician and don't know much of the terminology for either.
I understand that an instrument has to be assigned to the MIDI in order for it to actually play. I've checked that Ableton is indeed receiving messages from my MIDI controller. The problem is this:

When I go to play a drum kit, for example, or the 'slice' section of the Simpler window the leftmost piano keys on my MIDI are the only ones being able to play the corresponding sounds to the drum kit and sliced sample. Although a MIDI message is still being sent and received when I move up a key, it is not playing anything. It's like my MIDI keyboard is shifted WAY up on the corresponding sounds, because when I press a lower key (one of the ones that work) it plays a sound that's at the tippy top of Ableton's piano ruler. To be specific — because I'm sure my lack of terminology is making this unclear — when I've assigned '707 Core Kit' to my MIDI and I press the leftmost key (I think C4) it plays the 'crash,' which Ableton says that sound corresponds to MIDI key D2 sharp. This ISN'T the case for other instruments, such as a synthesizer, in which my MIDI can play across the entire keyboard.

How do I fix this :?: :!:

Thank you, I hope there is someone out there that can assist me, I have a banger in the making.

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