Automatically Reflect Drum Rack Preset Changes Across Projects?

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Automatically Reflect Drum Rack Preset Changes Across Projects?

Post by agustinvolpe » Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:50 am

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to find a way to make updates to a Drum Rack preset in Ableton Live automatically reflect across multiple projects. Here’s the scenario:
• I use the same Drum Rack in several projects.
• When I make changes to the Drum Rack (like adding/removing/editing samples, etc.), I want those changes to update in all the projects that use it.

Right now, as far as I know, once you load a Drum Rack into a project, it becomes independent from the original preset. So, updating the preset doesn’t affect the already-loaded Drum Racks in other projects.

Does anyone know if there’s a native way in Ableton Live to link a Drum Rack to its preset so changes are applied universally? Or is there maybe a workaround (e.g., using Max for Live or any other tool) that could make this possible?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or ideas!


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