After many Youtube vids and forum searches I’m down to posting a question. Help please…..I’m pulling my hair out! Sorry for the word count but hard to explain.
Struggling with midi playback after recording from an external device. Only recently started using external devices, I’ve had Ableton for a couple of years, everything else works fine.
Setup - Ableton Live 11, Launchkey mk4 37, M Audio interface (upgrade pending). External device is a Behringer Syncussion (but the issue arises with other devices i.e. Microbrute)
From what I can see, it’s all set up correctly. The Syncussion and Launchkey both trigger midi within Ableton either independently (USB) or when linked (MIDI). I can record into an audio track absolutely fine from either, that’s actually ok for the Syncussion as I got it to create one shot wav files for drum racks. But I need to sort the midi before I invest in other synths as I do want to record playable midi clips. I can record a midi clip into Ableton either direct from the Syncussion or via the Launchkey but it’s the play back – I’m getting nothing – apart from audio recordings, they are fine. The clip is coloured and the track is armed. I can see the notes recording but no sound. I can hear what I'm recording, but not what should been recorded. When I play back, the midi light comes on when a note is played from the clip so there is clearly signal. I have an external instrument loaded into the midi track which is picking up audio/midi. Recording midi from an internal instrument is fine, as is playback. I cannot tell if the issue relates to midi not recording the sounds, or the Ableton settings not allowing playback.
I have tried multiple I/O options and settings but none work. I think I managed it briefly last night accidentally but foolishly clicked out of it too soon and couldn’t see what I did right. I’m sure this will be something very simple! If it helps I sometimes here the sound twice with a latency delay.....sounds like I'm hearing the input and output simultaneously.
Could it be incorrect cables? I’m using a TS cable to go from Syncussion to the interface. Should it be TRS? That is where the recorded audio is successfully coming from so cannot see the how that would create a midi issue.
Any ideas please? I cannot see any vids/forums posts that cover this.
What I’d love is an online tutor I can share my screen with. That’s my next Google!
I have a new interface on it’s way but that will only fix latency/sound quality. I should still hear something…….
Thanks in advance