Game audio production support

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Game audio production support

Post by Brundlefly » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:53 pm

Lots of people are using, or would like to be using, Ableton for game audio production. Live has a very strong sound design workflow and audio manipulation tools. But the lack of export features and basic workflow tools, like enumerated track naming make Live a difficult choice to live with. As a designer trying to produce our entire game's audio in Live, I would really like the see a release with some focus on the things listed above. I realize this probably isn't considered Live's core audience, but with some small additions it could easily be a serious contender in this area.

Top feature requests for me:
-Being able name sequential tracks with a formula (attack + track number)
-Rename selected tracks view formula and/or find/change
-Ability to change the timeline to seconds instead of seconds derived from bars.
-Ability to specify export lengths in seconds without having to select time regions.
-Export file naming by formula (yes, Live will concatenate track names when exporting selected tracks but we should have more control over that)
-Save and recall of render settings

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