Live 12.1 Browser - Presets not grouped anymore (in filtering All and User Labels)

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Live 12.1 Browser - Presets not grouped anymore (in filtering All and User Labels)

Post by yurki » Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:30 pm


Very happy with the Live 12 browser overall, except for one recent change in Live 12.1 (and only a partly roll back of it in 12.1.5).

Ableton explains the change like this (12.1.5)
"When browsing the All label, presets will once again be grouped into their respective devices. However, the grouping will be discarded when applying any filter, in favor of showing a flat list. The grouping will also be omitted when saving a custom view based on the All label."

So when saving User Labels while searching in All, no triangles to unfold for presets anymore. This breaks my system of User Labels.
I have a custom User Label for Reverbs, Delays, Spectral devices, etc. I made presets for VST3s and now they are not nicely grouped anymore. A very long flat list of vstpresets doesn't work, mostly because it's impossible to see what VST3 preset belongs to which Plug-in. *

Some questions:
- Does anybody else experience this problem?
- Any idea why they made this change? If we would understand the reason better we might come up with a suggestion to solve this (as feature request). There has to be a better way.
- Is there a way to move User Labels from computer to computer? Live kept the preset-grouped-mode intact for already stored User Labels, so my old computer still has my perfect User Labels system.
- Any other workaround?

Thanks in advance!

* Note: preset grouping still works in "Plug-Ins" for example, but in this way you can't make a User Label of all Reverbs, Spectral, etc, with both Ableton AND third party plug-ins (and have preset grouped)

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