Hi all,
Firstly, I could not find the right heading for my question but this is the nearest I found, apologies for that !
I've been having this problem for more than a year now but it's now starting to slow my producing down and also might be responsible for a related problem as well, (more on that later).
When transmitting from midi channel "1" to any of my outboard gear the red midi indicator goes crazy on any of my out board equipment, even when transport is not playing. Also I get loads of sounds just firing off randomly. If I click on anything inside Ableton with my mouse it causes loads of notes to be played, high & low all sorts of notes on the external equipment that is set to channel "1". If I play a clip with midi notes in it will play the notes in the clip but also these other notes as well. All other external midi channels (2 to 16) respond perfectly normally. Also my outboard equipment plays fine on channel "1" if I hook up a controller keyboard directly via a midi cable. This behaviour happens on all my external equipment, S950, Roland SC-880, Kenton Pro Solo, S2000.
The problem I'm getting that I think is related to the above is to do with moving midi clips inside Ableton. When I start off a new project moving midi clips around is fairly ok at the beginning but when I have a few minutes of midi drums I've programed on anything more than 2 or 3 tracks it takes ages moving clips around inside the arrangement view. Even if I'm moving a very small clip with 2 or 3 midi notes inside, it can take 15, 20 or even more seconds before it moves once I've let go with my mouse. I've gone to support before with this problem and I did everything they said but I'm still getting this slow behaviour when my projects grow.
I have Ableton 9.7.7 an Intel i9 CPU and 96GB ram, If I look at "Task Manger" when this behaviour is happening the CPU and RAM performance is low.
Has anybody else had these problems ? or can anyone help me please ?
Best regards