im looking for a way to "batch export" all my live-sets ive done over the years, wich are quite a lot, to .wav files.
and if that wouldnt be enough all ready, i also want every track in a single file.
now, there is a tool for pheads reason that makes the job at least a bit easer. you select your folder with .rns files, hit export and it will open the document, exports the files, closes the document, grabs the next one and so on...
as far as i came with my research by now... there is no tool of the same kind for live.
my question now:
- does anybody know if there is something likely for m4l out there?
- is there any chance to automate the procedure of opening every single set and freezing all tracks manually?
because as far as i know, freezing the tracks is the best bet ive got so far. because, compared to exporting all tracks, this will already kill the problem of having live-sets with only clips and no seq data.
anybody with any help / suggestions here?
thank you very much
batch exporting hundreds of live-sets?
Re: batch exporting hundreds of live-sets?
i don't think max will make any difference.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:38 pm
Re: batch exporting hundreds of live-sets?
12 years ago this was posted. I'm also looking for a way to batch export multiple live sets to wav's or even just 30 second wav's so I can go through them quickly when artist's are here without having to open each one, wait for it to load, play it, and move on to the next one. Anyone have ideas for this?
Re: batch exporting hundreds of live-sets?
+1 on this!