i trust the live forum crew to recommend a synth!

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i trust the live forum crew to recommend a synth!

Post by andrew_ » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:30 pm

I want a synth!

For the last 13 years what I've had is a Roland JV-30. The samples are cheese so my only use for it right now is midi control via the keys (it has the most old school pitch/mod wheel you can imagine, and no knobs or faders).

So basically, ANY synth on the market right now would trump this, putting me in quite the purchasing pickle. What do you recommend?

I'm not looking for crazy midi control (planning to buy a seperate box of knobs for that). My focus is really on diversity and amazingness of sounds. Warmth, textural subtlety, you know how it goes... I hope to cut back on my VST use.

Thanks for your input!

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Post by Hypomixolydian » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:40 pm

I personally would never buy a hardware synth seeing software is far more flexible and cheaper, but I am tempted by the Roland Vsynth. But if you want multitimbrality then maybe something from the Korg series.

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Post by hacktheplanet » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:57 pm

I really, really love my Alesis Ion. :)

Or if you've got the money, go balls out and try to find an Alesis A6 Andromeda. My friend has one and it's siiiiick. Either that or a Dave Smith PolyEvolver. Also sick.

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Post by adhmzaiusz » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:12 am

get a virus. when i touched one for the first time, i knew it was my destiny to buy the synth. when i brought it to my friends house two days after laying down the $$, he heard it and bought one. my other friend bought a nord 3, and after hearing the comparison his biggest regret in life now is not buying the virus instead. no hardware comes close imo, its just got more flexibility and the sound is phenominal.

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Post by djadonis206 » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:21 am

Depends on how much cheddar you want to spend

Alot $$$ - get a virus or nord lead - fuck it get a triton

No so much $$$ - get one of those cool Alesis Micron's or a Microkorg

Seriously though - if you got the cheddar Reaktor 5 is worth the money - WOW

Every kind of synth you could ask for plus it sounds awesome!!! Hell you could build your own - I've downloaded a bunch of stuff from the user community and some of it's garbage but some of it is like - Whoa!

but you know, what ever works dawg

Last edited by djadonis206 on Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jngpng » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:22 am

the_planet wrote:I really, really love my Alesis Ion. :)
I'll second that. The Ion is the only VA that comes close to sounding analog to my ears. They're a bloody good deal at the price you can get them these days.

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Post by Angstrom » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:45 am


Every day in every way I am considering building a modular more and more.(no that's not me!)

sure, people say 'softsynths eliminate the need for hardware'
and sure there's a large element of mindless foolish lust , but also remember that when they brought out CDs they said all the talk of 'weak bass' and 'harsh top end' was in our imaginations. Then ten years later they admitted it the theory and practice of encoding at 44.1 was shit all along.

The thing that appeals is you can keep adding/ making modules, until when you are 3000 years old you have a Hans Zimmer room of your very own. (just check out that system 100 set up!)

BTW, the guy from Analogue industries whose bandwidth I am stealing with that image has become a convert to Live
http://www.analogindustries.com/blog/en ... 2461476658
to an extent anyway.

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Post by DeadlyKungFu » Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:24 am

Angstrom wrote:Then ten years later they admitted it the theory and practice of encoding at 44.1 was shit all along..

In theory??? What theory are you talking about???

M. Bréqs
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Post by M. Bréqs » Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:27 am

For all those recommending virtual analog, what's the point? A controller with Reaktor is just as good as any virt analog out there in my opinion... I mean, virt analog is nothing more than a purpose built computer, no?

Anyways, my recommendation depends on your price range.

If you've got money to burn, the Andromeda A6 is a friggin top notch choice. Second down the line would be the Evolver. The Moog Voyager is overrated. Sure, it's fat but it's a monosynth - I mean you can make a mono synth out of a polysynth any day, so I don't see the money being worth it.

That said, if you are SET on getting a virtual analog, the Ion and the Micron are the best "bang for the buck". If you want the top notch virt analog hardware (Virus?), then don't bother, get Reaktor and a badass controller, and a good sound card I assure you it sounds just as good, is more flexible and is and much cheaper.

My $0.02

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Post by sweetjesus » Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:33 am

Alesis Andromeda A6

all the rest are just toys.

M. Bréqs
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Post by M. Bréqs » Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:22 am

sweetjesus wrote:Alesis Andromeda A6

all the rest are just toys.
To this day I regret sellling mine. It's the only piece of gear I shouldn't have gotten rid of.

andrew_ wrote: I'm not looking for crazy midi control (planning to buy a seperate box of knobs for that).
If you don't need a lot of knobs, another suggestion: the Waldorf Pulse. Dollar per dollar, it's the best analog monosynth out there today. No effects though, it's not a standalone one piece does it all sorta tool - it's a bass and lead machine really, but it's friggin cheap. You can find one on ebay for around $300 to $400.

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Post by sweetjesus » Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:08 am

M. Bréqs wrote:
sweetjesus wrote:Alesis Andromeda A6

all the rest are just toys.
To this day I regret sellling mine. It's the only piece of gear I shouldn't have gotten rid of.

andrew_ wrote: I'm not looking for crazy midi control (planning to buy a seperate box of knobs for that).
If you don't need a lot of knobs, another suggestion: the Waldorf Pulse. Dollar per dollar, it's the best analog monosynth out there today. No effects though, it's not a standalone one piece does it all sorta tool - it's a bass and lead machine really, but it's friggin cheap. You can find one on ebay for around $300 to $400.
you know your posts and stuff regarding the A6 was one of the things which compelled me to seriously consider purchasing one. .. i was sold once i spent a few hours on the unit.

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Post by ejectorset » Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:25 am

i have a roland juno 106 and recently picked up a nord rack (the rack version of the nord lead 1) and i love them both.

just depends on what kind of sounds you want, but you can coax a lot of sounds out of the nord, and it has some pretty awesome routing of velocity (in min/max ranges) to any of the parameters. once you define a velocity control range for a parameter turning the knob, moves the whole range (ie. 1-10 to 50-60) to fine tune/flip how much the velocity is affecting things.

either way, i paid $300 for the juno and about the same for the nord and i dunno what you are looking to spend, but i really love them both.

the nord (or any 2 VCO synth) will give you a lot more flexibility in the sounds you can create.
13" 2.0 gHz core 2 duo macbook, live 6, korg poly 800 (w/ moog slayer mod), roland rs-09, rhodes mark 1A stage piano, mattel synsonics analog drum machine

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Post by nebulae » Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:33 am

Just wanted to give one of the first Virtual Analog synths a vote of support...I've owned both the JP8000 and (currently) the JP8080, and it still sounds incredibly mean and warm and wonderful. Cuts through a mix very nicely. Check out some of the saw basses and backing pads on our song Bitter

You can get them on ebay for under $500.

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Post by Machinesworking » Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:03 am

M. Bréqs wrote:The Moog Voyager is overrated. Sure, it's fat but it's a monosynth - I mean you can make a mono synth out of a polysynth any day, so I don't see the money being worth it.
Respectfully disagree. nothing sounds like the filters on a real Moog, I own a memorymoog, and at some point I'll pick up a voyager for live shows. I've always been more of a synth player than a keyboard player, so the monophonic part doesn't bother me.
That said, the Andromeda is the only other synth I want, besides a Matrix 12, and a real Arp 2600. :wink:

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