Live 5.0.3 Still Causing CPU Spikes!!!

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Post by Crealive » Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:59 am

Let's not forget this thread and the problem. How are things coming along Ableton! Any news on improving this!
Laptop Intel Pentium 4, 3.2 Ghz., 512 Ram
Tascam US-122 Audiointerface, Live 5, 5.01, 5.02.

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Post by justin » Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:04 pm

yeah, would be nice to have some sort of clear msg or strategy so that we can get to the bottom of this.

i have sent quite a few emails to Alex, and support with set files, audio files, crash logs, etc...

so far, i have been told it maybe due to my slo HD.
i have a G4 PB 867mhz, 640 RAM, with an internal 5400rpm HD.
ok, its slo but it should be able to handle it as it did with previous versions.

i have used live since v.1 and never had this problem til v.5
IMO, my HD is fine cos i use it with Logic 6 and i dont have this problem.
Sometimes glitches have been happening with tiny files (<1mb)???
surely a relatively recent laptop such as mine should be able to deal with this!

My understanding so far of this glitch is that it affects both mac & pc, new or old spec machines. In my case, the problem occurs mainly with audio files playing back in arrange / session. But also sometimes noticed it when i press mute on a MIDI channel with operator.

Generally speaking, the problem seems to be with playing back audio files.
The "glitch" manifests itself as a brief increase in CPU consumption in Live.
This increase can be anywhere between a 10% to a massive 980%.

I understand this bug/glitch is not easy to reproduce exactly as it seems to manifest itself differently: i get drop out silence for a fraction of a second, but other ppl have reported stuttering noises. I sent one of my set files in and they were unable to reproduce the problem on a lower spec MAC laptop.

I understand that it is not easy to identify the source of the problem.

However, i do expect to have some feedback from ableton on this as i feel i am not the only one experiencing this. For me this makes Live 5 unusable "live", and very frustrating in the studio.

its a real shame cos it use to be so reliable...

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Just to add one more report . . .

Post by andiff » Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:45 pm

I've had a similar problem, but I also had this issue with Live 4. I think it had something to do with my VSTs with 4. For me, 5 was much improved.

Anyway, started experiencing the problem again, and here's how it happened.

One day, I realized that my sample rate had been bumped back down to 44khz with either a driver update or a Live update. Not sure, probably doesn't matter.

So I changed my preference in Live to 48khz. And that's when I started seeing CPU spikes north of 650% usage.

650% !!!

I read this thread . . . thought about what I had done, and changed my preference back to 44khz.

Problem disappeared.

I'm still suspicious of my VSTs, but I can't live without them, but for now, I can get back to work.

System - Dell Inspiron 8200 1.7 ghz
512 mg RAM
40 gb hard drive.
Win XP serv pack 1

M-Audio (surprise!) Firewire Audiophile, latest drivers.

Live 5.03

The set I was noticing this problem included 1 or 2 tracks of audio, 3-4 tracks of MIDI stuff with the following VSTs :
FreeAlpha softsynth
Blockfish compressor
SFZ soundfont VST
JCM900 amp sim
Big Tick Hexaline
Ableton's PingPong Delay effect.

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Post by meantown » Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:46 pm


Well, Alex contacted me and asked me to send a file that showed the problems. I sent a file that had been 8.2 gig (if I had included the audio files). 11 tracks (7 scenes) very long streamed audio files. No plugs.

He replied back about the use of the Complex Warp mode in the clips. His system which is a more powerful setup then mine not being able to handle such large files using Complex mode he stated.

I had the default set to Complex in the preferences. I hadn't realized that it was such a CPU hog. It definitely is. Anyway I changed the Warp Settings in the Clips to Beat Mode and now my CPU useage on the same Song as mentioned in my above posts is now running fine at 13% CPU. It had been on useable with just 6 tracks spiking wildly into the 100's.

There seeems to be no difference from Warp Beat Mode in CPU useage compared to if I turn Warp off. So I leave it on so a file can loop automatically.

I'm not saying this ends all questions and problems.

So far so good. Now I can go back to my regular useage and see how it works from there?

Everyone should check this and make sure you're not making that mistake.

Much thanks Alex.

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Post by leandro » Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:56 pm

first time i runned live, i made the same mistake... but that doesnt lead me to cpu spikes, just to a high cpu usage...

the cpu spikes & audio dropouts, happens (to me) when i launch a clip, turn a (live) fx on, move a clip, etc, etc, etc....

the funny thing is... that live 6 is going to be released before they even fix this problem... it seems that i bought this soft just to loose time and money... cause, honestly its UNUSABLE in a live situation...

this happens to me both on my pc and my mac... and from 6 friends that use live, we are 3 with the same problem (and different computers)

pretty sad i must say
iMac i7 - Macbook Pro i7 - Motu 8pre FW + 828 MKii - SSD HD

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Post by meantown » Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:26 pm

Yeah, Leandro I had a lot of problems when I first got Live 5 and I couldn't get it solved until I happened to be changing hardware (Digi 001 to RME Fireface) and to Tiger. Until this came up with my Warp mode mistake.

I feel for you. People out there should realize that even if they're not having problems how extremely frustrating and maddening this can get. It's immature to think they'll never be in such a situation somewhere, sometime.

No one should be left behind in getting help in finding the answers and solutions they need. It's the cost of doing business and keeping respect for their product.

It's important that people try to keep a little civility. Considering what's at risk it's hard to do sometimes though.

Alex has got a tough job I think.


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Post by Jonny » Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:58 am

I too am having the exact same problems.

Problem #1 - After clicking 'play' on a clip/scene that I haven't played for a few minutes, Live freezes momentarily and (for about 2 seconds) makes the 'evil digital' "GRGRRRRRRR" sound that reminds me of a thrashing hard drive right before it dies.

Problem #2 - I am having constant violent pops and crackles in the audio. It happens more with large sets (500MB+) but it still happens even with the very small ones.

I have 2 GB ram and the largest sets I ever work on are 700 - 800 MB. I can in fact load all of the audio files from one of these large Live sets into a song in Cubase and arrange them in that program with perfect quality audio (No pops, no crackles, no thrashing...PERFECT). I have also tried using Live (the app and the library) on both of my hard drives and it makes no difference to the glitchy audio quality and 'evil digital' sounds which drive Live is located on. With a 3Ghz processor and 2GB of ram I should not experience this, and that's why I don't think these errors are direct relationship to computer power. I've noticed some correlation (as supster pointed out) between the M-Audio sound cards and this specific problem. I've been meaning to upgrade my audio card, but I just spent a small fortune on cubase so I could have an audio app without glitchy audio - IRONIC HUH? The sound card is the weakest point of my computer and was one of my first hypotheses for the source of the problem, but after installing Live 4 lite again and running "tests" (BTW, I'm getting really good at testing software, Thanks Ableton!) I found that my M-Audio audiophile 24/96 was not to blame. It certainly is the best card out there, but it worked PERFECTLY in Live Lite 4 and so it should work in Live 5.

I am positive that these errors are not result of my computer. I purchased live as an upgrade from Live 4 lite, and never had these problems with v.4 nor have I had any problem like this with any app on my computer. There is something wrong with the way that Live organizes audio clips in the computer's virtual memory. It's is not nearly as efficient as it used to be (Live 4 lite is as far back as I can say for sure).

Personally I would MUCH rather just use a full copy of Live v.4, but since I purchased Live 5 as an upgrade from Live Lite 4, that is not an option for me. I have asked ableton on two occasions to let me 'devolve' and download Live 4 so that I can actually work on my music rather than their software. -I have been denied both times.

Live 4 is a great program and is very beneficial for my creativity, but Live 5 is useless. Nothing is more frustrating and counter-productive than technical difficulties when your feeling creative and just want to lay some tracks down.
Oh wait... Yes... there is one thing... When the solution to your problem is just one download away but ableton won't let you have it because that would require them to admit they made a mistake with v.5.

As for me, I've gone back to using Live Lite 4 to create ideas and then transferring those ideas to cubase. Live 5 is just a waste of time, money and energy.

So how 'bout it ableton? You care to make a customer satisfied :?:


Live 5.03 err... make that Live Lite 4.
Alienware 3.0 GHz 2gbRam
120 GB 7200RPM & 250 GB 7200RPM
Audiophile 24/96 (latest drivers)
Windows XP SP2

Cryptic UK
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Post by Cryptic UK » Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:29 pm


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Post by Machinesworking » Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:25 pm

If you go by the built in CPU meter in Live, you will be fooled, it's useless.
On mac, the utility Activity Monitor displays CPU for all running Apps, and percent of CPU left. I have songs that report 22% CPU in Live 5 and 85-90% Total in Activity monitor. This is totally inconsistent. other songs will report 45% in Live and 80% in Activity Monitor, but Activity Monitor is always accurate, drop outs and glitches occur if I have a set at or above 75-80%. Especially when I'm playing with my vocalist running audio through Live. This week I spent a few hours going over all the songs and optimizing them CPU wise. converting audio files from soft synths etc.

Guess what? no audio glitches, dropouts etc. this practice!

I can't speak for anybody with really big sets, I load songs in, and never get much above 1.5 GB in file size, but people should look into this. Firewire is more CPU hungry for sure, I get about 10% more CPU out of my X-Station than out of my Fireface, but the Fireface is a much better vocal pre than the X-Station, plus other advantages.

Good luck everybody, computer problems SUCK! :?

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Post by meantown » Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:12 am

Thanks Machine for the headsup on the activity monitor. I come across it here & there. On occassion, when I'm thinking about it and I want to use it, I forget where it's at. Thing about computers and music is I learn so many things to lose in the blur of all things I learn over time. I'm all for the just wanting to play part. It's so amazing all the things that can be done now with technology and it get's better and it need's to get better. Rushing into the future. I remember when the first cassette deck arrived.

So 5.2 is coming in February and the Abes have said it's dedicated to sowing up all these different stability issues. That's what I got from the post about the coming updates and their timing. Close to February. Power & Stability please.

Anyway back to songwriting.

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Angry !

Post by radeon » Sat Jan 28, 2006 1:38 pm

OK so i try today the latest update 5.03. I try a easy thing. I rewire reason to live using only the drum reason machine so record drum hittings on seperate audio track. I use no vst no ableton plugs and no reason effects only one reason instrument to record for audio

I start to record kik drum so far it is good then I record hi hat ok we are good so then I record 5 tracks of audio only 4 bar lonng and still good then I start to record track six with some percussions :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Bad mess Bad mess. Clickings audio dropout on play and to record audio!!

I am very angry. I hope very much to be able to use Live and so again I get problem with little audio trackings. I know ableton think we speak no good and complain for nothing reason!! Not the truth I tell no lies SIX ONLY SIX audio track no plugin of anything so I cant get more than six audio and then audio go crazy

before I updating live I put back new drivers delete pre run disk utility check for bugs virus everything is ok.

This is not good now. It making me very stress so when I make music I sit the waiting for some problem to happen so IT DOES. This making music to write very dificilt and make me worry about my job.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I am sorry to be so angry I telling no lie and this happen one hours after download a new bug fix.
Last edited by radeon on Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by radeon » Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:33 pm

so i calm now more
so after i writings above i wonder what the problems. i play the track with six audio tracks only with drop outs and clickings.

so i check activity on dual 2ghz g5 and i find things not right
i photo the screen so everyone look at cpu live is using AND check what live cpu is measure only 7%. It say now on activity monitor 750mb-------so before i take photo it say 980mb ????????????? it movings up and down

I have No vst or live plugin ONLY drum box and mixer in live. When I put some vst in to Live it go crazy I cannot put in any vst. I get five trackings of audio ONLY to play without audio dropps.
I say again again THIS is real problems for many users. Abletons cannot think it is all ok IT IS NOT I show proof of this. this is how my workings in live always I get the bad performance since ver5 never to work good from the time.

Please ableton buy more computers and set up to how users set ups to fix problems. It is not a small midi bug to my worry IT IS PERFORMACNE It is very bad I think no one take it serious at ableton. My set up is real normal I have no strange interfaces and things. My system workings perfect with cubase Logic reason and pro tool only live give me bad problems
I post the photo here ... QMNGPIJF8L

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Post by sweetjesus » Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:17 am

you may be calm radeon but i'm not...

i am sick of this crap, ive got a session where it plays back fine for say 8 bars or 16 or whatever the magic Live spaghetti monster feels like playing for with my CPU around 65-75% then suddenly it will jump to 200% or something stupid, then I will have to stop and then the cpu will go and hover on 15% then i have to wait 20 seconds and it goes down to 2% then I can start playing again.

This is crap, Ableton please fix this. I know you flew me to berlin, I'm not ungreatful... but I really want to make music. Please please fix this, it's frustrating/annoying/unprofessional.

henry ford
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Post by henry ford » Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:25 am

heh, they flew you out? What a dastardly plan. Ply the most favourable forum members with attention and recognition, and they will keep the forum in check in times of inevitable dissent. Meanwhile robert is swimming in lagoons infinitely deep with vintage brandy and the tears of a thousand children, the pope and jean paul gaultier by his side with a hearty russian whore reading excerpts from the countless rave-reviews, everyone choking on its delicious irony; the programming staff high on poppers maniacly trashing their keyboards and hitting compile, spitting and shouting in an orgiastic scene of obscene debauchery, fit for the anti-christ's mantelpiece.

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Post by LOFA » Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:24 am

That was a beautiful post Henry. I feel less alone on this planet now.

Edit- just because I don't want to be isolated as a whiner (which I have to admit- I am) doesn't mean I can't show appreciation for terrorist poetry!
