Discuss music production with Ableton Live.
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Post by Spikee » Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:31 pm

snowtires wrote:
robbmasters wrote:Ah, but who is more talented: someone who could write something like Chopin, but couldn't play it. Or someone who could play something like Chopin, but couldn't write it. I reckon the writer has more musical talent, but clearly the player has more physical talent.
and then there's the school of musicians like myself, who think if you can't write music, you aren't a musician. you're just a player. and if you can't play something you wrote? come on. i mean, ok maybe you're not going to be able to play every string instrument known to man, but if you can't plan an instrumental representation of what you just wrote, you're not a musician either.

I know more than one musician (quite a few, actually) that can play whatever you put in front of him but can't write his own song or lyrics to save his life.

This also calls into validity a person who has a physical handicap that prevents them from playing a stringed instrument (missing hand or fingers, paralysis) but does an immaculate job of composing songs via the electronic realm. And your thoughts on the matter rely too heavily on physical prowess and do nothing to address or certify the absolute need for the mental capability to write harmonic, rhythmically sound songs.

There are 3 kinds of musicians -- players, composers and both.

As for me though, the only instrument I can't play to some degree of proficiency is the drums, although I can play congos and tablas fairly decently. I'm not much of a keyboardist either but I do play most of my pads instead of sequencing them; it just makes your time arranging move that much faster

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Post by cosmosuave » Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:45 pm

Ahhhh but will it let you play Tetris...


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Post by ryansupak » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:06 am

Wow -- lots of responses over the weekend. Unfortunately, lots of angry ones...

As someone who has taught "real" music theory, and plays and has taught a few "real" instruments (as well as trying to get the most out of "Ableton as realtime instrument" since v1), the idea that some instruments are more valid, and others less valid, just doesn't seem to hold up to me.

The more I study, practice, and perform, the more shaky this premise (though superficially sensible) seems.

Somehow, it seems like this line of reasoning "asks the wrong questions". I think we should focus more on "what's possible with this" and less on "what's not possible with this".


edit -- ps, I wager it could be programmed to play Tetris, also.

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Post by HD1 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:35 am

dude.....the only people here who reduced the discussion to 'valid' instruments or 'invalid' ones , are the ones who took a simple and painfully true statement out of context from page 1, and willingly moulded it into another wishy-washy take-the-meaning-out-of-every-single-word-there-is-until-its-safe-to-conclude-an-egg-cup-is-as-talented-as-beethoven-on-a-good-day thread. alot like the 100% original thread, alot like it. ......what started this whole thing was someone saying, and assuming the compositional talent was the same, that it would take more talent to actually play the piano then program the same piano sequence. How can one honestly deny this, if one is not insecure or not just interested in these banal quasi-intellectual discussions which neccessitate confusing and obscuring simple meanings, or completely ignoring context for the sake of possibly one-upping the previous poster with a dashing reply.....its like slaughtering the meaning of words on a round-a-bout till there's nothing left but spinning bloody mince, and by now people are repeating the sentiments people have put forth on page 3 based on the sentiments someone put forth by someone on page two, based on a fallacy

if it continues with the same trajectory, I predict people will be going back pages to pull up quotes prooving what the original context & intent of each message was, again - while others will be hanging on notions such as validity, or how 'us people' must be completely ignorant with respect to the entire subject of MAX/MSP for being unsure about what comes with the monome, a patch or an app .... really, a completely insane notion, and even more insane not to concede when its pointed out in plain & simple english
Last edited by HD1 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
bing bing!

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Post by robbmasters » Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:52 am

At the risk of getting this thread dangerously close to what it was originally about, how about one of these instead?

"Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling at this very moment."
OS X, Live 9, Microbook II

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Post by HD1 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:49 pm

wow, thats pretty kool....havent read the entire piece yet, or noticed its price, but I like it so far. I wouldnt get it in lieu of a musical controller, but it would make a pretty sweet 'typing' keyboard. Its like having a specialised keyboard for all your apps, like the colour coded ones they make for nuendo/cubase/protools etc

and ya, back to the topic....the monome is sweet but I havent justified the cost yet, 500 clams is good chunk towards a lemur....
bing bing!

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Post by HD1 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:08 pm


"we haven't mentioned this yet, but the software is built to auto-map multiple units. so if you plug in four units horizontally, you've got a 32x8 matrix to play with."

bing bing!

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