Am I Missing Something Obvious

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Am I Missing Something Obvious

Post by dob » Wed May 29, 2002 4:47 pm

Maybe it's actually meant to work this way, but someone in Ableton support said that they'd never heard this happen before so I'm totally confused.

Quite simply, when you start Live on a Mac (I assume the same on PC but don't know) is it meant to prompt you for the install CD every time during initialisation as some form of security verification? I thought I left this painfull process behind with Rebirth.
Simply putting the original install disk in when prompted does indeed allow the application to run but I'm really concerned about taking the CD to live shows in case it's stolen/damaged.

Is this a standard feature or am I missing something obvious.

Really appreciate the help./


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Post by Alex » Wed May 29, 2002 6:49 pm

Hi dob,

believe me, this is also the first time for me hearing about this behaviour.

To make it clear, we don't use the original CD for security verification. Not on the Mac, not on the Pc. So we should find out why you have this behaviour.

But I have a presumption. Could it be that you have just copied the alias from the Live CD to your disk? In this case you will ask everytime for the installation CD if you're using OS 9. You should be sure that the complete Live 1.5 folder from the installation CD is on your disk.



Post by Gerald-o » Sun Jun 02, 2002 12:25 am

This happens to me whenever I make a change in the OMS studio setup


Security verification?

Post by Gradient2 » Sun Jun 02, 2002 5:12 pm

Are you are using OSX? - If you are this would be normal.

Only an administrator can instal software in certain parts of the system so it asks you for name and password. This would be true to change certain settings also.

Gradient2 :lol:
