Program a second BCF/BCR as MACKIE EXT...

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Program a second BCF/BCR as MACKIE EXT...

Post by tripiale » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:44 am

Hi every one,
i'm using a bcf in mackie mode and it works perfectly.

I saw that someone made a preset for the bcr to work in mackie mode (fake one.. i mean they programmed the encoders to send what he makie controller send).

Now, i think that if someone knows what the MAKIE ext sends with its knobs, faders iT CAN BE made a preset to use the bcr/bcf as MACKIE EXT.

Than you have just to set the second BCF/BCR as makie ext in ableton with its in and out and it will recognize it as EXT..

ANy toughs,.. any one good in programming have already did it? will do it?


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