Calling all experienced Ableton users - Advice needed!!!

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Mark EG

Calling all experienced Ableton users - Advice needed!!!

Post by Mark EG » Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:43 pm

OK, I'm fairly new to doing full tracks in Ableton and I'd like to know if this is possible:

I've imported my loops onto the sequence page (not the live/loop page) and I'm super happy with them. I've got different keys on the keyboard triggering the mutes.


All I want to do now is jam out and record it all in the sequence page.

I've thought to myself that:

I could repeat the loops for 10 minutes or so and then press record and jam out, But surely this will just mean that my 10 minutes sequence will be a VERY-HARD-TO-EDIT bunch of mutes going on and off??????

I'm sure I saw a friend of mine be able to do a live jam and record the whole sequence in the sequence page (which registered as waveform blocks rather than mutes) but I'm sure he was trigerring loops from the loop page (not the sequence page).

Has anyone got any advice? How do I do what I want to do????

Thanks in advance ;)

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Post by borg » Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:57 pm

don't know if i understand what you're getting at, but i supose what you need is to assign keys to your clips in session view, instead of assigning keys to the mute buttons. choose your quantization of choice, maybe select 'toggle' from the launch mode in clip view (as it will serve your purpose the best) hit record and jam away.
then after your initial moments of glory, get back to the manual :wink:
seems so straightforward, i feel i didn't understand what you want. :smile:

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Post by dirtystudios » Thu Apr 15, 2004 10:01 pm

if i understand, you want to jam on your loops and have your performance recorded in the arranger (sequence) window.

to do that, you need to load all your loops into the session (live/loops) window and put them into the corresponding tracks. then arrange them into scenes (the horizontal rows in the session veiw) like so:
you can see how each scene represents a different section of the song.

then hit the record button in the top transport section to arm recording, then start your first scene, then move on to the second and so on.

you can then fire off individual clips to experiment with different arrangements, recording all the while.

hope that helps,


Mark EG


Post by Mark EG » Thu Apr 15, 2004 10:30 pm

Really appreciate your time on this one. Thanks so much.

OK, so I'll take your last post and add my questions. I'm not sure if you understand what I'm trying to do but hey, bear with me:)

1) > you need to load all your loops into the session (live/loops) window and put them into the corresponding tracks.

So how do I take these individual tracks I've done from in the sequence page and load them into the live/loops window?

2) then arrange them into scenes (the horizontal rows in the session veiw) like so.

I'm sorry but your picture doesnt show up :(

3) You can see how each scene represents a different section of the song.

Hmmm... I'm not understanding how this would enable me to do what I want... I want to be able to use the keyboard to fire off the loops i've loaded into the sequence page and record them AGAIN in the sequnece page - but as waveforms, not a bunch of mutes.

4) then hit the record button in the top transport section to arm recording, then start your first scene, then move on to the second and so on.

AHHH I understand this. But it's not what I'm asking you to do. I want to do this whole thing spontaneously on the keyboard and record the result - but being able to edit things later rather than just being a load of mutes on/off. like i say, i'm sure i saw a friend do this.

Hope you can help :))))))))))))))))))

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Post by Porpy » Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:38 am

Hi MarkEG

Have you spent any time looking at the manual that comes with Live? Its a PDF so if you installed Live you will have it on your computer. What you talking about is one of the most fundamental aspects of Live that is explained in great depth in the manual.

I am not trying to avoid answering your question, its just that the scope of the answer goes a bit beyond what a forum is capable of.

Even if you just download the latest version of Live (3.04) and play the tutorial files that come with it, you will get a better understanding of what to do.



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Post by tjwett » Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:44 am

i agree with Porpy. i started writing out an answer for you and i realized it could end up being a few thousand words. no offense, just Live comes with a very, very good manual that will do a much better job. check out the Demo song and tutorial that comes with the latest version of Live and remember you can always keep the info view open in the bottom left of your screen.

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Post by gaspode » Fri Apr 16, 2004 2:25 am

If you've got access to your friend to show you first hand, that'd probably be a second best to reading the manual and checking out the demo arangment...


Post by Guest » Fri Apr 16, 2004 2:33 am

basically the arranger view and session veiw can work together. you can record what your doing with playing clips in session view as arranger info, with clips and automation in place. Just arm you tracks for recording in the session window, hit the master play button, go back to the arranger and trigger tracks and tweak effects at will. All track set to record in the arranger view will record what you do. The only catch is that you can't really record in the session view and arranger at the same time on a track (or at least it changes the way things work).


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