Two questions - regarding recording and PACE anti piracy

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Dex Methorphan
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu May 13, 2004 3:39 am

Two questions - regarding recording and PACE anti piracy

Post by Dex Methorphan » Thu May 13, 2004 3:45 am

Hi all. I just bought LIve 3.0 (hasnt arrived yet) but I have two questions, both of will determine if I return it or not to be honest.

A: Does Live use PACE anti piracy protection?
B: Will Live record in 16/44? Does it handle 16/44 well?

I realize these are two things I probably should've asked before purchasing, but the storeowner is a friend (online) and we got to talking and it sort of slipped my mind.

The PACE I might be willing to live with, but the lack of 16/44 recording would be a killer for me as every single sample I have, which is upwards of 30gb, is 16/44. I've just no need for anything else at this point. (no need to tell me about the benefits of higher bit rates etc, I am fully aware of them but choose not to utilize them for my own reasons)

Thanks in advance.

Pitch Black
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Post by Pitch Black » Thu May 13, 2004 4:28 am

Yes. And No.

Yes. Live will do 44.1 and above

No. Not PACE

We're all trusting u to be honest, now :wink: :D :D
MBP M1Max | Sonoma 14.5 | Live 12.0.1 | Babyface Pro FS | Push 3T | A clump of controllers
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Dex Methorphan
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu May 13, 2004 3:39 am

Post by Dex Methorphan » Thu May 13, 2004 1:07 pm

Thanks! I think its arriving today and am quite psyched to dig in. Live shows here we come!

Glad to hear they aren't using PACE. I read a rather scary article on it at pro-rec last night...

The sad part is I also bought Cubase at the same time (I've had it with FlStudio's audio recording) which does in fact use PACE. Luckily, that will be the only app I have (to my knowledge anyway) that uses it and I won't suffer from the uninstall problems that seem to plague other PACE users.

thanks again.

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Post by Porpy » Thu May 13, 2004 2:53 pm

Cubase uses PACE???

I am pretty sure your computer will be clean

As far as i know cubase uses a dongle that puts nothing like pace onto your hard-drive.

At least SX did when i bought that, but i dont have SX2.



Dex Methorphan
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu May 13, 2004 3:39 am

Post by Dex Methorphan » Fri May 14, 2004 5:22 pm

Well, the PACE website has steinberg listed as people who use PACE.


I got the Live today and for some reason Cubase was shipped separately. I'm assuming it'll be here monday unless it was backordered or something.

Can't wait to dive into Live tonight :!: Live and a new Wavestation EX in the same day = a combo that might keep me in the studio for far too long. I'm afraid I'll severely sunburn when I finally step outdoors :P

Posts: 183
Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:39 am

Post by Porpy » Sat May 15, 2004 1:02 am

yes, that info is correct, but only applies to a couple of early versions of Nuendo on the mac side.

Cubase and Nuendo now use syncrosoft protection which is completely different in its approach.



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