Gear you should sell but don't..

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Gear you should sell but don't..

Post by Verbal » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:08 am

Anyone suffer from this problem?

I have an Electrix Repeater. I barely use it now since I use Live and I could easily sell it for double what I bought it for. I want to sell it and the money sounds great, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

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Post by Johnisfaster » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:11 am

I recommend almost always to not sell anything. It almost always ends up in regret later even if it's something you never use.

even the silly gear I used to have that I am not even in love with I wish I still owned and didn't sell. like that dumb boss sp202 sampler, it's a piece of crap, but I wish I never sold it.
It was as if someone shook up a 6 foot can of blood soda and suddenly popped the top.

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Post by iamnotcool » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:13 am

I know I'll regret selling my trigger finger, but that thing has to go. I need the money.

I personally regret selling my turntables. After watching jeff mills and other skilled techno turntablists, I wish I had the money to shell out for a trio of techs and still afford those ghastly vinyl prices.
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Post by rbmonosylabik » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:18 am

Well, I have a Yamaha MD4s sitting in it's box inside the closet.

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Post by freqn » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:36 am

yamaha rm1x

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Post by aisling » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:59 am

roland mc 505 has not been used in over 5 years now.
Emu xtreme lead has not been used for over 5 years now.
Roland jv 1080 has not been used for over 5 years (but has the "recalled" dance card with the uncleared samples.....I'm keeping it)
Roland ms1 phrase sampler has not been used for 7 years now.......

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Post by nebulae » Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:05 am

I had a JP8000 years ago. Sold it and regretted it. About two years back, I bought a JP8080, and it felt great to have, and helped me thicken my music from my thin softsynths. So I went back to hardware and decided to get a Virus C. It was only then that the JP felt redundant, and after 6 months of not using, I sold it to a happy new owner on this forum. He sent pictures, so I could see JP in it's new home across the pond.

My advice is only sell stuff that's redundant. Even if things get used infrequently, you'll miss it when it's gone. I still miss JP ever so often.

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Post by uncovered » Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:42 am

i sold my Boss DR-5 drum machine a few years ago and wish i hadn't. it was kind of outdated and crappy, but had a few really cool non-drum samples on it, like warm bass synths

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Post by sweetjesus » Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:18 am

i just sold my alesis andromeda.

all the tracks ive made in the last 6 months have used soft synths and they sound fat and im happy and even managed to land a recording deal with one of these 'vsti' tracks... so can't be all that bad.

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Post by KU » Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:39 am

I say sell anything that isn't serving you and constantly get new things that delight you.

I mean... c'mon they are just boxes with knobs and you can always get another one that is exactly the same.

that said... I have certain guitars and amplifiers that are absolutely irreplaceable. I have also heard a couple of modded 909's that were really really unique.

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Post by MrYellow » Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:50 am


I once swapped an Ibenez for a Boss DR-660.
Sure I know Squarepusher was able to do amazing things with this, I just
couldn't ever get into figuring it out. Kinda nice pads tho, fun.

Now I'll never again have a guitar with a floating bridge.

Can't even remember what happened to my quad box.

Stuff I should sell but never will:

Boss DR-660
Yamaha Pacifica (nice strat copy)
MIDI Sax (as if I could sell that, even tho with smoking I can't blow long enuff to play sax like I could as a kid :-)
Tenor Sax
Sony-o-matic (old portable real-to-real)

List goes on....

I've been so very hungry for so very long in the past and still had thousands in music gear.


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Post by sweetjesus » Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:57 am

MrYellow wrote:NEVER SELL MUSIC STUFF!!! :-)

I once swapped an Ibenez for a Boss DR-660.
Sure I know Squarepusher was able to do amazing things with this, I just
couldn't ever get into figuring it out. Kinda nice pads tho, fun.

Now I'll never again have a guitar with a floating bridge.

Can't even remember what happened to my quad box.

Stuff I should sell but never will:

Boss DR-660
Yamaha Pacifica (nice strat copy)
MIDI Sax (as if I could sell that, even tho with smoking I can't blow long enuff to play sax like I could as a kid :-)
Tenor Sax
Sony-o-matic (old portable real-to-real)

List goes on....

I've been so very hungry for so very long in the past and still had thousands in music gear.

i agree
but a guitar is a frekkin guitar and a synth is a frekkin synth
minimoogs lost their fanciness when the voyager came out and 909's aint what they used to be after the jomeek stuff.

you may want it and it may be nice but if you arent using it then its not useful to you.

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Post by mohler » Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:32 am

With the serious up swing of the technology curve almost everything with a processor in it is going to get replaced pretty quickly.

I sell almost everything and have done a few times over, I don't miss anything, at least I chose not to. Onwards and upwards! Why would I need decks when I have Live and can do a ton more with it, like take it on a plane!!

Right now my set up is almost completely self contained with in a Powerbook.

The only thing I wouldn't sell is my Lowden acoustic guitar. It is one of the best sounding guitars I have ever heard. I can imagine it would be very difficult to replace.
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Post by dbolt » Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:15 am

I do have a Yamaha DX7 with no cartridges thats in the attic; can't sell yet..I want to find and buy ROM carts one day . Its hard b/c even though I did sell my desktop DX200($320 Ebay) I even wish i still had for the one day vintage aspect , but I sampled it into my MPC 1k (4 banks full of loops and one shots) Having the samples make it easier to live with.

I hate selling things unless its a worthy upgrade. Like selling my Korg EMX 1 and Microkorg synth to help towards my purchase of a Elektron Machinedrum and Monomachine was worth every moment. I still have a Korg ER 1 mk2........

Rule of thumb:Don't sell unless its for a worthy upgrade and either way at least create a sample library.

I don;t know if i could have parted from the Andromeda that would have been tough. I hope you got yourself some more plug ins to make up for it. Also to have it sampled would be nice.

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Post by rajcoont » Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:29 am

my roland re-501 space echo sits unplugged, but as much as i rationally know it's not needed, i cannot bring myself to part with it

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