My unbiased thoughts on Logic vs Live

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Post by hoffman2k » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:37 pm

• No Dongle

• Major Price cut

• New "perceived value" for audio software..

They're giving away Logic by actually making it even more easy to crack.
With a software of perceived value of 0$ (free), Ableton will not take this seriously.
Its sooo transparent.

In 2012, you'll get logic free with Ilife to replace garageband. I base this statement on no facts whatsoever.

Its like trying to scare a boxer with a rubber stick :lol:

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Post by davec1 » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:47 pm

I agree that live's strength and unique qualities lie in its live uses (not dj-ing, but actually making music).

That's why I can't get over the currently insufficient midi implementation. it would be so nice to be able to switch (native) device patches with program change messages....

I also like it's daw features and use those functions, too, but there'll always be stronger competitors in that field. Still, it's of course nice, if new daw features are added to it, too, of course

but imho mproving its live features should be first priority, daw improvements a "nice to have" 2nd priority...

You can compare it a bit to reason; personally, I think the propellerheads' approach is a good one. It's limitations are obvious, but instead of trying to dive into a new market segment with some half-baked audio-in and vst support, they focus on their strengths.

Now if only rewire was more relieable (timing issue, cubase 4 suddenly doesn't take stereo rewire tracks even though you could do that in prior versions of cubase...) :(

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Post by thefool » Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:18 pm

Funnily enough i chose live over sonar because of the way you create music in it, and i am not talking live use here.

Back to reading the manual. I have been reading from chapter 1 to 20 so far, and i feel like i am ready to give live a go (of course i have learned the basics by playing around at first point, but i like the user manual, i allready learned a lot about live)

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Post by buzzcock » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:09 pm

Tarekith wrote:Rewire with Logic 8 and Live seems to work fine, though I am starting to see why people would want Logic to rewire TO Live now. There's time I'd just want to add some synth fro Logic in a Live project I'm working on. Easy enough to deal with though, I'd just keep the audio files in Live that are already there, recor dmy new synths in Logic as Live plays back, then Bounce the Logic synths as new audio files to import in Live later on.
I played with Mainstage in the Apple store and it seems easy enough to Soundflower it into Live (or in my case loop it back internally in my Metric Halo 2882). It even accepts MIDI Clock slaving from the host. Can't host surround effects and instuments though.

On another note, where were all you rabid Logic fans when I was trying to sell my Logic Platinum 5 dongle a while back? It's been collecting dust ever since i got Live 4. It was going for $100 at one point...


For $200, I get to use almost all the Logic plugins with Live (see above) and I get Soundtrack Pro too. And I doubt I'll ever open the Logic App once...
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Post by abletoff » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:40 pm

Ehi Tarekit, great read.
My idea is really that Live should allow OMFG export (or whaterver it's called :D ) to allow anyone to mix a session wherever he likes without stamping external plugs to the tracks.
I've finished many tracks in Live but just got Logic 8 and by now, being new to Logic, loving it. Having the ability to close a session in Live and reopen it in Logic would be great indeed. Rewire setup it's a too long affair to me.
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Post by smutek » Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:47 pm

hoffman2k wrote:• No Dongle

• Major Price cut

• New "perceived value" for audio software..

They're giving away Logic by actually making it even more easy to crack.
Well, from what I'm hearing people don't even have to crack it. Download a couple of torrent files and a serial number and it's up and running. No hacks, no cracks, no validation, no copy protection at all. Apparently this is how all of the apple pro apps are, final cut, logic, aperture, shake, all of them. The ones that I own have never required anything more than a serial number.

If anything that goes to validate the point that apple isn't as concerned with software sales as they are with hardware sales. There is no way Apple doesn't know that people are going to pirate their software - but for people to pirate their software they first need to own the hardware.

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Post by smutek » Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:48 pm

abletoff wrote:Ehi Tarekit, great read.
+1 -Thanks for posting Tarekith

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Re: My unbiased thoughts on Logic vs Live

Post by djadonis206 » Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:57 pm

Tarekith wrote:I've stayed away from the Logic versus Live thing more or less, cause it's a real hornets nest now that the price is so low. I don't think any of the major DAW makers can compete with Apple when it comes to price, Apple just got too may other forms of revenue to even try.

And I really don't think Live needs to ADD more content either, at least not based on the synths and content they've provided so far. Operator and Sampler are fun, but (for me at least), they just don't sound that good to be worth the price. Again, more than capable of making good sounds, but an FM synth is just not going to get that many people excited regardless of how integrated it is. Neat, fun, but sterile sounding and beyond most people's ability to program. Sampler is cool for warping things all crazy like, but I think Ableton really did it a disservice trying to compare it to things like X2, Kontakt, Halion, etc. In terms of a multi-timbral sampling machine, it just doesn't compare with those feature to feature, and requires a lot of rack building to even come close. Sampler should have been the upgrade for Simpler, with the focus purely on sound design and new ways of twisting audio, which is what it's really good at. Really good.

And then there's EIC. Well.... hmmm. It's a huge resource hog, doesn't really compete with other 3rd party libraries out there, and we've yet to really see the other additions to it that were advertised as 'coming soon' when it was released. I just don't think content is Ableton's specialty, or what makes them such a kick ass company. The last thing I want to see with live 7 is 20GB of loops, presets, and a new $200 synth.

I'd REALLY like to see Live go back to being a live tool, or shall I say, I'd like to see that once again be the development focus. There's enough there already if you want to use it as a DAW, easily justified by all the people here standing up for it an saying they will continue to use it for that regardless of what Apple does (including me, even though I too bought the Logic upgrade). It's time to once again put the focus on performance tools, and even some DJ tools, like it or not they have a huge following there. Not saying lose any new features, just let the way forward be driven by the stage and not the studio per se.

And yes, right now there's a LOT of Logic talk going on, which is more than expected and justified:

1. Logic is the premier DAW on the Mac platform, and it's the first major release since Apple bought Emagic. If Microsoft bought Sonar and released a new version considerably cheaper, there'd be just as much talk. It's not just an Apple thing, it's a huge corporation throwing their weight around.

2. It's been 3 years since the last major update for Logic. If Live went three years without an update (feels like it already :) ), you can bet forums everywhere would be alight with talk like this.

3. Many, many pro's use Logic as it was the main app for Mac's for so long, and unfortunately the last few years have been kinda buggy. Useable yes, but nowhere near as up to date feeling as the competition. So understandably people are happy that now their main tool is more stable, and the code has finally been revamped. And because so many pro's use it, of course it's going to get a lot more exposure in the press and on the net.

4. The price. Hate it all you want, but yes Logic is now insanely cheap considering all you get. The Apple Loops are very good, their synths and effects have always been very good, and you even get a revamped mastering app and a sound to picture composition tool included now. It's not fair to other software manufacturers that Apple has the ability to do this, but they did, and people are shocked and talking about it. Yes people will likely switch to Macs just for this, duh, that's the point. NO one ever said you had to choose one or the other, many people I know bought the update asap and still use Live daily, they now just have even more tools at their disposal for very little outlay. Sucks for some, good for other, make up your own mind where you stand and just be happy with the decision.

Having used Logic 8 since the day it was announced, let me say it's both a good and bad update to me. Yes the code and interface have been updated, and both are very welcome and well done IMO. However, it's still not the ProTools killer some would have hoped, nor will flocks of musicians suddenly find themselves in the garden of eden using it. Audio editing is still as painful as before IMO, you can move things with sample accuracy now (and thank god for absolute snap mode), but all editing is still regulated to the Sample Editor (which as no snap mode BTW), and you still need to be very wary of accidentally editing any audio used elsewhere in the project. Still no real destructive editing in the Arrange View. SX, DP, PT and likely Sonar are still better in this regards IMVHO. Just a small example that it's not a perfect DAW, and that it still lags behind the competition in some regards.

It looks new, and certainly the new features are nice, but once you learn where the old functions and such are in the new version, it still very much feels like Logic 7. Maybe not a bad thing for some, but not a huge leap forward for others. Just a reminder that even at $499, if it doesn't work well for the way you want to work, then who cares how much it costs, it's still not a good deal. If you're happy in Live and getting a lot done, awesome, let people talk about Logic and just keep working away doing your own thing. If on the other hand you are doing a lot of midi (for example), and you're starting to find Live constraining for this, well read the threads and make up your own mind before you try it.

Either way, keep an open mind and remember it's not the end of the world for you, Ableton, or your Windows PC. :)
good points

Even though I'm not one to pass up a good deal you reminded me of something I hated about Logic

and there's a lot of stuff I love about Live
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Post by swishniak » Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:01 pm

MR Coogs wrote:I'm not in favor of taking live in more of a live performance/Dj direction. There are plenty of those tools out there already, and frankly Dj'ing is a much over-hyped and very small market segment.

I'd guess a 100-1 ratio of wanna be djs to wannabe music producers and artists.

All Live needs is a good way to edit recoded material, which it sorely lacks as is.

And fix that god damned timing/delay stuff.

And throw in a half dozen synths, and samplers an a decent 24 channel drum machine. Or forget it.

And the cycling 74 partnership is a flash in the pan. If you've ever tried their plug-ins you know they look like crap and sound about the same.

wow - that last part is sad - if you think cycling74 is a "plug-in" company. ... i try to ignore these kinda postings.. but thats just sad.

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Post by nuperspective » Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:26 am

since you mentioned the new pricing. i decided to take a look as i didnt know it was such a big drop. regardless of how underhanded it is or how transparent. DAW companies have to take notice. its long been discussed the value for money aspect of many DAWs and this move puts it right at the front of anybodies mind. as a business move its a master stroke. as a live and pc user [me] - its right who will drop next out of cubase, sonar and the rest [ableton].

no matter how much you love live if i was new to audio and had to make decisions on a new set up - to which cost is always a factor. what you get for your money will play a big part. is the seling point of abletons ease of use enough for that pricing point [and i agree the current stance with live only plugs and their pricing has always been a little hard to swallow]?

it going to be an interesting run up to christmas.

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Post by Tarekith » Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:21 am

Even BT has some issues with Logic: ... ndex3.html

Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:36 am

swishniak wrote:
MR Coogs wrote:And the cycling 74 partnership is a flash in the pan. If you've ever tried their plug-ins you know they look like crap and sound about the same.
wow - that last part is sad - if you think cycling74 is a "plug-in" company. ... i try to ignore these kinda postings.. but thats just sad.
I try to ignore them too, it seems that few people get what C74 is about and what it could do. if all the Abes do is implement OSC in Live, it will completely change the face of Live (literally.) anyone can create an account and post opinions, the hard part is eventually getting a feel for where each poster's strength lies.

edit - Coogs thinks that C74 writes those plug-ins, he doesn't quite get it, that's OK, he will someday. anyone who even knows C74 exists is cool by me. ;)
Last edited by Tone Deft on Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Anubis » Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:36 am

my $0.02... for Pete's sake Ableton -DON'T- take any cues from Apple, and please (re)focus on keeping Live the most intuitive audio app out there.
oh... and one more thing, can you do it some time this year? :wink:
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Post by ::mic-minimal:: » Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:54 pm

Tone Deft wrote:
swishniak wrote:
MR Coogs wrote:And the cycling 74 partnership is a flash in the pan. If you've ever tried their plug-ins you know they look like crap and sound about the same.
wow - that last part is sad - if you think cycling74 is a "plug-in" company. ... i try to ignore these kinda postings.. but thats just sad.
I try to ignore them too, it seems that few people get what C74 is about and what it could do. if all the Abes do is implement OSC in Live, it will completely change the face of Live (literally.) anyone can create an account and post opinions, the hard part is eventually getting a feel for where each poster's strength lies.

edit - Coogs thinks that C74 writes those plug-ins, he doesn't quite get it, that's OK, he will someday. anyone who even knows C74 exists is cool by me. ;)
why don't you stop talking shit and help people get it :idea:
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Post by swishniak » Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:08 pm

ok - good call - Cycling 74' is one of the first software companies dedicated to digital music making, and was integral in developing max msp, which is responsible for most of the sounds we know of as contemporary electronic music today and without which programs like Live and Reaktor wouldnt have been possible.

from wikipedia:

"Max was originally written by Miller Puckette as the Patcher editor for the Macintosh at IRCAM in the mid-1980s to give composers access to an authoring system for interactive computer music.
In 1989, IRCAM developed and maintained a concurrent version of Max ported to the IRCAM Signal Processing Workstation for the NeXT (and later SGI and Linux), called Max/FTS (FTS standing for "Faster Than Sound", and being analogous to a forerunner to MSP enhanced by a hardware DSP board on the computer).[2][3] The current commercial version of Max has since been distributed by Zicarelli's company, Cycling '74 (founded in 1997[4]), since 1999."

one could also say: if there were no ableton, we would still be programming our own patches in max. . all the more exciting that theyre doing something together now.

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