You homos that use loops and Ableton aren't real musicians

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Post by Spacerboy » Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:30 am

Are you sick???


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:40 am

SquiggleF@*K certanly has "a-hole itis" & my Size-9 British Boot can cure it :twisted:

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Post by claudek » Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:59 am

we are all sick Live bastards..
By the way ,did you read the small print of the installer license?

"DISCLAIMER/WARNING: Using Live for periodic sessions of over 4 hours per day can cause homosexual behavior. This software has been specially coded to cause the user to become homosexual. During our clinical tests common side effects were: blurred vision, dry mouth, erotic odd feelings such as having a large erect swolen cock in your ass may not be uncommon.
We are not responsible in any way for any physical or mental harm that may inflict during your use with this software. Condoms are always recommended for safer, longer lives!"
Mac G4 Quicksilver 1000GHz / Motu 828 /OSX 10.3.9
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PC: ASUS 2.8 GHz P4 / XP

Live 5.02

Ian F
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Re: You homos that use loops and Ableton aren't real musicians

Post by Ian F » Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:35 am

Squigglefunk UK wrote:I mean let's face it, you're not making REAL music so let's not kid ourselves, ok? :
Damn hes got us there :( Im going to sell Ableton and buy some high end VSTis)


we're better than "real" musicians...

Post by Bruno » Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:21 am

We're better than "real" musicians.. we're actually making money...
And you Mr. Classically Trained... how's the subway these days where you play... Welcome to the 21st century Beethoven

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Post by Mbazzy » Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:23 pm

Jeez, it's summerholidays and the KIDS are obviously at home with far too much time to spend on their computer ...; -
Mbazzy's "The dysfunctional playground, a scrapbook a bout the shape of useless things" now OUT on Retinascan -

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yoohoo.. homo over here....

Post by annadyne » Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:16 pm

hahaha -

yess... ziggle-puck just didn't spell the adjective correctly -
cl-ASS-ickle attitude.... (don't get me wrong - i worship RIMsky-korsakov)
what strings? for flying kites or hanging smoked hams?

i AM a homo and love me loops - just a tool like anything else - i sample meself (ooooh that sounded kinky didn't it? yum lick) and then stick it into live.

yeah STICK IT.....

WHO wants to be a 'real musician' if it means having to hang out with diggleskunk peoples... whose music most likely ain't that great, but morons of oxy they be, yes... i'd rather be an outstanding 'virtual' musician.

wigglepuck.... squigglepuss? jigglybutt? piggle-what?

musta not gotten any in a long time..... hehehe...

annadyne :lol:

The Hulk
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Post by The Hulk » Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:05 pm

why give a nutjob like this the time of day? He's obviously someone with no vision. He's just instigating because it's a guaranteed fire starter. Why indulge?
The best, best songs are utterly forgettable.

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Re: You homos that use loops and Ableton aren't real musicians

Post by hoffman2k » Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:29 pm

Squigglefunk UK wrote:You homos that use loops and Ableton aren't real musician's
Oh, now i know why i love the Abletons so much......

xXx's to you all

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True music fuckwit

Post by carllarkos » Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:34 pm

You can't be a true musician, if you can't appreciate all forms of music. My father has been a professional musician for over 40 years, but still appreciates the "digital age", and wants to learn all about Ableton!

Get a life mate!
Dell 3.0ghz pentium 4. 1gig ram.XP. audiophille 24/96 sound card. Reasons/live rewired

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Re: True music fuckwit

Post by Amberience » Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:49 pm

carllarkos wrote:You can't be a true musician, if you can't appreciate all forms of music.
I disagree. Busted fuckin' annoy the hell out of me! :evil:

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nifty papa

Post by annadyne » Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:52 pm


that's really cool that your dad wants to check ableton out....

my mom, who's a senior citizen pushin' 70 is a video producer, shoots w/ sony vx2000, and is learning final cut express since our ole amiga-toaster-flyer NLEs are going to die someday. now, don't make fun of our ole amigas.... what other platform 12 years ago could boast NO rendering time for simple transitions with a 40 megaHz proc?

anyways... she's also learning a neat titling and graphic prog that for OS X. mom even knows more about OS X than i do....

anyways... sounds like you have a pretty groovy dad! i wish him success and happiness in his journey-to-the-center-of-the-digital-world....

annadyne - elizabeth

p.s. what's REALLY between 0 and 1 anyways, since we're talking about a digital center.....? 8)

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Post by MrYellow » Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:45 pm

I've found many trained "real musicians" are so worried about being
in the proper musical theory, that.....
Those are more of the intermediate ones....

When you get into music theory it takes a good 5+ years before you end
up back where you started and realise that everything is "correct".

For the theory geeks out there I'll briefly explain.... altered scale, 5ths
cycle, plurals, b5 subs.... = all chords/scales are a different harmony of
the same chord/scale. Every note is correct, every option is valid.... just
make it go somewhere, don't play a "wrong" note for 5mins if you're not
going to resolve it to somewhere. Unless of course you happen to be
Thelonious Monk :-) He once did a gig where he sat in silence at the piano
for 2 hours then played a single note and walked off. :-D

Being creative with loops is all well and good.... however having an
understanding of harmony, either naturally learnt or structured is a must.
If you have this understanding then you're making music that will move
people, you will know where your tune is heading and what you need to
do to get it there. You know what you need to do to make it unique, if you
have this understanding... use it and make your own loops from time to
time. Sculpting with understanding and sensibility is one thing, with it's
rewards and sense of accomplishment. Creating all your music from scratch
is another... You've got a great tool for doing just this, use it.

Return to flaming peoples characters.....


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Re: You homos that use loops and Ableton aren't real musicia

Post by smutek » Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:54 am

Amberience wrote:Do you go by the alais "Come1" on Reasonstation?? How about "Pizziano"?? "Mike-D"???

I only ask because you've got the same moronic attitude as they have. You're probably an insecure old hack who has had no success in life.
My first thought when I read this thread was Charles Tyrer. Not sure if that's Mike D's writing style and niether he nor come1 are clever enough to come up with a name like squigglefunk.

Also Tyrer claims to be a classicly trained penis. I mean pianist.

He probably saw the live four thread at RS, he's been lurking around there using Lukes id, and slunk over here.

That's my theory.

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Post by bensuthers » Sat Jul 31, 2004 9:49 am

the only thing funny about squigglefunk is the fact he doesn't respond to our posts.

we shouldn't respond to his.

and it's ok, because we know he'll be using live in a little while.

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