Using Sampler vs. Just loading the clip in arrangement view.

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Using Sampler vs. Just loading the clip in arrangement view.

Post by Verbal » Sat May 31, 2008 7:52 pm

I'm confused about something.

Can someone please tell me why you'd choose loading a sample in sampler and using midi to arrange it instead of just loading the clip in arrangement view and doing what you want there?

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Post by 3rdordertrauma » Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:20 am

For starters... loading a sample in the arrange does not let you play that sample up and down the note range from a midi keyboard. Inside Sampler there are stacks of sound shaping tools like... filters, envelopes, LFO's, Oscillators, Etc. Etc. The ability to layer sounds and do things like velocity stacks, set loops within the sample and modulate loop lengths or start times with things like LFO's or the aux envelope. Its not that loading a sample in Sampler allows for more powerful sequencing... its more about playability and sound shaping/designing advantages.

Granted there is tons of stuff you can do with audio just within the arrange view... but I'd consider the 2 to be largely different and not really even comparable.

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Post by NRJay » Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:25 pm

If you just want to play a sample a few times with no special add-ons, just load it in arrangement view.

If you want to play your sample like an instrument, or want to make things like ex. snare-rolls, you better load it into sampler (or impulse or drum racks). It makes it a lot more playable + a lot of effects to change and mangle your sound.

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Post by kraze » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:15 pm

Just dragging the wav is a ok when you're going to do manual wave edits.

Using Sample is a ok when you want to make a musical instrument out of the audio file.

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Post by thesmallisbeautiful » Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:56 am

This brings up a question I was going to ask anyways.

I don't have sampler, so I'm not familiar with it at all. I do a lot of chopping up loops (usually ones I make myself, not that it matters) in scene view. I usually copy the loop several times to different slots on one track and then set different start points and map them to my mpd. This works well for me but it gets a bit dicey when I do things live because I have to have the same X number of slots assigned to the pad and when I get further into my set I'm usually way further down the scene list and I have to keep scrolling back up, plus I have to remove the stop buttons from as many as 100 slots to stop it from messing up my loop when I launch a new scene.

Is there a way to do this more easily in sampler?

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Post by kraze » Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:21 pm

Load up an instance of Impulse, chop up a loop in arrangement view and drag the individual chopped parts onto impulse pads, enable Impulse, voila, start banging.

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Post by oddstep » Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:33 pm

or do something with simpler... either use midi control to move the start point about or make a rack of simplers- each with the same audio content but different start points.... each simpler with its own midi note.
impulse is easier and has good stetch, filter and distortion functions - but there's only 8 sample slots and there's a maximum sample length.

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Post by thesmallisbeautiful » Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:24 pm

I'm going to investigate this, but to be clear, I don't want individual notes from a sample, I want to start a loop at different points but have it still loop from where I start it. Putting the individual notes. I am pretty certain impulse can't do this. I guess I'll explore simpler a bit more, I have barely used it so far.

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