how can I leave the US?

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Post by Machinesworking » Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:10 am

landrvr1 wrote: Let's face it: If Germany thought they could get away with it they'd try killing the Jews all over again. The bonus is that they'd have a few Muslims to throw into the ovens as well. yippee. Go Europa!
I'm sure the guys who run this board think this is pretty dope.

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Post by landrvr1 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:53 am




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Post by landrvr1 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:22 am

Which leads me to this:

I wonder if skinheads/Neo Nazi/Racist fucks in Germany and Europe are smarter than their counterparts here in the States?

I mean, fuck. There's been several dolts in this forum and thread who swear that Europeans are all smarter, better educated, and more sophisticated than we are in the States. Wouldn't that hold true for all the European racist assholes as well?

Can you imagine that? Intelligent Neo Nazis and Skinheads that can speak with wisdom regarding world economics, Global Warming, and how Turkish people are sub-human?

Oh wait. There already was a group like that. They are the grandfathers of the current batch.



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Post by Machinesworking » Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:20 am

landrvr1 wrote:Image
So to you, those guys represent all of Germany eh? You know what sort of logic is called right? So give me your personal interpretation of prejudice VS racist, because I'm pretty sure you must have a completely different view on it than the rest of us.

landrvr1 wrote: Let's face it: If Germany thought they could get away with it they'd try killing the Jews all over again. The bonus is that they'd have a few Muslims to throw into the ovens as well. yippee. Go Europa!
You're no different than they are, congratulations.

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Post by landrvr1 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:06 am

Machinesworking wrote: You're no different than they are, congratulations.

Your utter lack of understanding for even the most basic forms of sarcasm is impressive.


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Post by rarelyseen » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:56 am

whilst the amount of racists and extremists is relatively small in european countries, the growth of stupidity and arrogance in the US is shocking. the supremacy of idiot people like landrvr are most likely the reason why the few good people are leaving the country like rats a sinking ship. you US americans better go and elect obama and pray that he can get your shithole fixed up.

btw, landrvr, your posts are not funny. you're desperately trying to be as cool and funny as b0unce and titbag, but those guys have a good sense of humor, whereas you just look stupid in your costume.

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Post by Machinesworking » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:47 am

landrvr1 wrote:
Machinesworking wrote: You're no different than they are, congratulations.
Your utter lack of understanding for even the most basic forms of sarcasm is impressive.

Bullshit. You're trolling this thread with real facts about racists, great, I get it, the rest of the world is fucked up too. Great, but do you seriously think that anybody with english as a second language here, I don't fucking know? MAYBE 60% OF THE PEOPLE WHO READ THIS BOARD! is going to read EVERY fucking post you put up to "get" your "sarcasm"???? Are you really that dense?

Does it ever occur to you, I mean in the slightest, that you post shit like that and some poor sap reads it and has an even worse day? Does it ever occur to you that maybe there are germans that really don't need to be reminded constantly that the piece of land they were born on spawned a nightmare?

Are you really so dense that you think you're somehow proving that our own governments current occupation of Iraq isn't so bad by bringing up fringe elements in other countries??

Fuck it, I guess you are...... I really don't have time to continue this, but man, I really think you should re-evaluate your approach. I get your ideas, but as I said, your sarcasm reads like prejudice macho grandstanding.

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Post by lunabass » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:45 am

better give australia a miss then. we've got all the idiots we can handle here at the moment.
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Post by lunabass » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:52 am

landrvr1 wrote:Image

Gotta wonder what this asshole's Muslim body count would be if he had access to some serious fucking military hardware....
Well done, people. Well done.
you leave christopher walken out of this
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rob lee
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Post by rob lee » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:53 am

What's wrong with being a skinhead? Lol iv'e always had one :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by andydes » Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:19 am

Idiots moving to the UK could do worse than getting a job in government. From whitehall to local council offices, the halls are full of them.

Landrvr has a point (or had, before he took it way too far, as usual). Think the patriot act is bad? This kind of thing is starting to happen all over the UK: ... 596959.ece

And how did no one involved with this piece of advertising in Spain realise it might cause offence. Good grief: ... mpics20081

Idiots are everywhere. Fortunately, so are decent thoughtful people.

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Post by landrvr1 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:41 pm

andydes wrote:
Landrvr has a point (or had, before he took it way too far, as usual).

Little old me? Taking it too far? Never! Damn you, never!


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Post by landrvr1 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:08 pm

Machinesworking wrote:
landrvr1 wrote:
Machinesworking wrote: You're no different than they are, congratulations.
Your utter lack of understanding for even the most basic forms of sarcasm is impressive.

Bullshit. You're trolling this thread with real facts about racists, great, I get it, the rest of the world is fucked up too. Great, but do you seriously think that anybody with english as a second language here, I don't fucking know? MAYBE 60% OF THE PEOPLE WHO READ THIS BOARD! is going to read EVERY fucking post you put up to "get" your "sarcasm"???? Are you really that dense?

Does it ever occur to you, I mean in the slightest, that you post shit like that and some poor sap reads it and has an even worse day? Does it ever occur to you that maybe there are germans that really don't need to be reminded constantly that the piece of land they were born on spawned a nightmare?

Are you really so dense that you think you're somehow proving that our own governments current occupation of Iraq isn't so bad by bringing up fringe elements in other countries??

Fuck it, I guess you are...... I really don't have time to continue this, but man, I really think you should re-evaluate your approach. I get your ideas, but as I said, your sarcasm reads like prejudice macho grandstanding.

At least you're letting loose a little more in your replies. If I can at least get a big FUCK YOU coming my way from you than my work here is done.

And I've never once said that our occupation of Iraq isn't so bad in comparison to other countries and the bullshit that they get up to. Not once. If that's how you read it than you need to wipe the shit off of your safety glasses.

We're in a period in which America is flexing it's last remaining muscles before the inevitable end that's fast approaching. I can't wait until the New Kid On The Block (china) starts to flex it's muscles. They are already up to some seriously fucked up shit in Africa (manipulating goverments and throwing money at warlords and ruthless dictator assholes - while at the same time throwing money at the opposite side of any conflict to basically hedge their bets). It's right out of the CIA playbook. They'll start kicking some ass soon enough. Nice job, guys! Beautiful Olympics, btw!! Any chance you can free your 50,000 fucking political prisoners any time soon? You know? Maybe after you sweep up all the Olympic Coca Cola cups and shit? Thanks.

Question is, will you lot have the courage to call them out for what they are when people start dying, or embrace them with love and understanding like you did Russia. Who, by the way, still haven't fucking pulled their troops out of Georgia. :roll:

Oh, and I love this:

For fuck's sake. Germany, the UK, AND fucking France have condemned Russia's move to formally recognize the independence of the breakaway Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Because they know it for what it is: a land and pipeline grab, lol.


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Post by pilcrow » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:40 pm

have I stumbled into another Mensa meeting?

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