help me vote for obama

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Post by nebulae » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:31 pm

I had no self-respecting stinky hippie would vote McCain. :)

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Post by ethios4 » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:36 pm

Well, I felt like it didn't really matter who would win before. I was being all snooty and cynical about it and thinking I just wouldn't vote, or I'd write in Ron Paul or something. That last debate somehow made me realize that cynicism does absolutely nothing to make the situation better. I think there's a really good chance he will be very good for this country. I'll fucking cry if he loses.

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Post by nebulae » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:37 pm

ethios4 wrote:I'll fucking cry if he loses.
I'll be in tears when he wins.

dj superflat
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Post by dj superflat » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:45 pm

yeah, life's going to be completely different -- and so much better -- once obama wins. or things will carry on much as they did before.

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Post by nebulae » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:47 pm

dj superflat wrote:yeah, life's going to be completely different -- and so much better -- once obama wins. or things will carry on much as they did before.
I suspect Colorado will immediately start to look like socialist Europe! Quick, run for the rockies! And bring your muskets!

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Post by nebulae » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:50 pm

dj superflat wrote:yeah, life's going to be completely different
In all seriousness, things already are. Like it or not.

dj superflat
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Post by dj superflat » Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:49 pm

um, how so? you mean the market crashing? or the dancing in the streets, people spontaneously breaking into song? look, i'm voting for obama. but i'm not going to pretend life in the US is suddenly going to be so very different. in fact, little's likely to change. if you think the world's suddenly going to be very different in a practical sense, please let us know. you might convince some folk to vote for O.

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Post by nebulae » Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:53 pm

I see signs everywhere that Obama represents a movement...record number of voters, record numbers of donors, students, seniors, people engaged and involved, people volunteering, I mean the list just goes on. You can't ignore that politics in this country has changed forever. And from that energy and discourse emerges changed standards as to what we expect from government and how we expect to live as a society.

I get that you may be jaded or cynical. And I get that you may begrudgingly vote Obama as a lesser of evils. But as far as I'm concerned, I see a social revolution happening right before my eyes, and it's fantastic!

dj superflat
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Post by dj superflat » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:04 pm

i'm not begrudgingingly voting for O, i'm a supporter. and i don't consider myself cynical but, instead, realistic. no lefty candidate even floats the idea of doing many things that most lefties would get behind, consider well worth while. here's an example: gay marriage. fairly broad support for gay marriage on the left, but O won't touch it (for pragmatic reasons). here's another: legalize pot. nope. here's another: cut military spending by 80% so we don't have the capability of going off to serious wars (don't worry, we could still invade panama, etc.). not going to happen.

the list goes on and on of things that O will never, ever do, even if they make lots of sense to many if not most of his supporters. so, by definition, he will be somewhat of a disappointment, because you get the president you want, but few of the policies that might make a difference.

this may explain why movements tend to dissipate pretty quickly once someone gets elected. people who get elected very quickly start doing most of the same things their predecessors did, and also very quickly start breaking promises they made to get elected (how'd that gays in the military thing work out? or universal healthcare w/ hilary?).

as for a social revolution, i don't see that at all. put another way, this has nothing on the 60s, and all that died once the draft did (well, it got us the 70s and disco, so you can't really complain).

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Post by nebulae » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:09 pm

^ all good points...the only thing I'd add to all that is that when the country has swung so far right, it's hard to think that suddenly it'll jerk back left immediately. But yeah, I get where you're coming from. Keep the faith...this disco party's just gettin' started :)

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Post by deva » Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:27 am

nebulae wrote:I see signs everywhere that Obama represents a movement...record number of voters, record numbers of donors, students, seniors, people engaged and involved, people volunteering, I mean the list just goes on. You can't ignore that politics in this country has changed forever. And from that energy and discourse emerges changed standards as to what we expect from government and how we expect to live as a society.

I get that you may be jaded or cynical. And I get that you may begrudgingly vote Obama as a lesser of evils. But as far as I'm concerned, I see a social revolution happening right before my eyes, and it's fantastic!

Organizing during elections does not generally continue after the election. The infrastructure of electioneering, is not so useful afterwards.

Many people have such unrealistic hopes for an Obama administration that there is going to be a period of disappointment. And what Obama talks about is the US as a great nation leading the world. Essentially a better imperialism. This is a failed vision. It is a vision that caters to an underlying arrogance that is common across party lines.

There is still much that has to first be stripped away from before we can move forward. Too many self lies still muddy the water. I see that happening from the ground up. The best thing Obama can do once elected is stay out of the way of the real change that is fomenting from below.

dj superflat
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Post by dj superflat » Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:52 am

or not really fomenting from anywhere. the US isn't really well set up to permit structural change, at least not quickly, and almost certainly not outside the traditional power structures. people can argue whether the stability that creates is good or bad, but i'm way skeptical of any claim that significant change is coming, let alone groundbreaking change.

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Post by ThrowAway » Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:11 pm

nebulae wrote:I see signs everywhere that Obama represents a movement...record number of voters, record numbers of donors, students, seniors, people engaged and involved, people volunteering, I mean the list just goes on. You can't ignore that politics in this country has changed forever. And from that energy and discourse emerges changed standards as to what we expect from government and how we expect to live as a society.

I get that you may be jaded or cynical. And I get that you may begrudgingly vote Obama as a lesser of evils. But as far as I'm concerned, I see a social revolution happening right before my eyes, and it's fantastic!

This isnt necessarily obamas movement, more than likely a movement against bush imo.

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Post by mdk » Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:29 pm

this might help you decide :
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Post by Incy » Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:06 pm

this election over yet?

anyone else watch the FKN NEWS?

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