Reposted thread in General

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Reposted thread in General

Post by thecourier » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:38 am

I've posted this inside wrong "GENERAL" topic, so I post here
that maybe it's more right:

Here's the mail:

wow, great feedback,
first of all I'm not english so you excuse me.

first, it's clear that I consider ableton live n°1-
and it's also clear that is stupid to say
- vocoder is great, warp is wonderful, great program wow good...

Second consideration is that maybe, there is some
dude here, it'snt true. infact answer like
you trollin or switch to cubase :( is no adults answer.

I want to purpose a serious questions...
I've exposed some points, is what I think.
Now what you think?
It would be handy to be able to cut and paste a section that is grouped but its not that awkward to have to open the grouped items and copy/paste them....maybe that will be corrected in a future update
Yes It's what I mean :) like cubase or apple logic. I like group but more useful
Im not really 100% sure what your after. But are you asking for an option to be able to map a send to individual pads in a drumrack....Im sure it can probably be done, maybe someone more experienced in making racks & chains can put up an idea
no I'm asking to add a simple delay for each channel
I dont have a multiple out on my laptop, maybe someone can confirm that when grouped, the group channel can be sent to a seperate stereo pair? other than the master stereo pair....


are you asking whether an external channel can be routed into a group....yes you have to create an audio channel within the grouped section
I think you may need to spend a little bit more time with L8, still stuff im figuring out....but good luck getting it the way you want
It's a really common pratice to use an analog mixer and separate output, many sound card have 4 stereo pair, well many musician separate in the first groove, second for bus etc. in the 90's we use external gear and make the same thing with sob group.
But this is not really fundamental thing.
If you wanted to use 16th shuffle you had to set it to 16th shuffle before and after having added shuffle to your song's grooves, it's the same mouse click. Also you don't have to do that for every single clip. Select all and change the groove setting for all at the same time.
WRONG? in ableton 7 you set easy by [option] -> [preference] swing 16, maybe you're never use this option, but I repeat it's fundamental for give the right feel
Go into the clip, select all notes (cmd+a), drag, hold cmd again and shift the small amounts. Same thing as channel delay and not that complicated. Channel delay might be slightly faster, but I can live with it.
Yes I know but it's more easy with delay, and try to anticipate the first beat and then make loop, you don't hear the first note because is out of box.
I mean this:
Do you mean 'nudge' or a different its in the same place for me
I mean this in live 7


that's all folks

But this forum is not moderated???

ps. Project director = project manager
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