Bipartisan Report: Rumsfeld Responsible for Detainee Abuse

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Re: Bipartisan Report: Rumsfeld Responsible for Detainee Abu

Post by GrooveNinja » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:06 am

Machinesworking wrote:
GrooveNinja wrote:Perhaps you should watch the home movies that Al Queada made of the guys that they captured? Remember Daniel Pearl? Or maybe Saddam's videos are more to your liking? Calling the stuff that went on at Abu Grabe or Guantanamo torture is laughable! Most frat boys endure worse than that during rush week.
We are supposed to be better than the terrorists. Using any of their methods on them is simply giving more young kids in Saudi Arabia reason to think that gaining 100 or so virgins in the after life is a good idea.

I don't give a fuck about your comparisons, I care about one simple thing, not giving Al Queda etc. ANY ammunition. Stacking prisoners up naked and taking shots of yourself giving them rectal examinations thumbs upping the camera is CERTAIN to give them ammunition. Congratulations on whining and making excuses for retarded and seriously damaging practices by a bunch of redneck idiots with no clue, including the current GWB and crew.

Fine, don't give them any more reasons. Yes, that is retarded behavior. I'm not trying to excuse it, but just call it what is, and I have a hard time accepting that as torture. What irks me is these partisan hacks trying to make it into something that it isn't just to gain some kind of political advantage or to get even with those Republicans for what they did to Bill Clinton or whatever idiotic reason they have. They are the ones who are whining, and I'm just sick of it.

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