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Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:01 am
by steved
.... also works really well with rhythmic midi clips. Try turn loop on / off, zoom in /out while simpler is playing the clip. This then applies the sweep to a smaller section of the wav.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:33 am
by Mbazzy
Lets say want to slow down a track for dramatic effect - 110 down to 50 bpm , then fade back up to 110 bpm. The problem is - if I trigger another midi clip track before the fade has completed the new clip will continue with the tempo from where the fade had got to. So if you are not careful your could trigger the next clip and the tempo would then be stuck it say 96bpm.
Maybe two potential little solutions - but both willonly apply in specific situations :

-1- working with follow actions could ensure the audioclip doesn't get played before the end of the midi modulation
-2- trigger the next clip with a scene where you have specified the right bpm as scene can be bpm defined.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:35 am
by Mbazzy
Think the different methods described already here show that we in fact don't necessarily need any clipview automation anymore ... this is way more flexible ...

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:55 am
by Mbazzy
In fact what I would we be nifty is to have a "midi send " where the midi clips as described here are automagically applied to the track that activate its send [ and automagically puts that tracks to "sends only" so you have no ghosts :wink: ] ...

word of caution

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:45 am
by steved
These midi control clips might not be the holy grail after all. Running a couple of clips - say modulating Simpler and an automatic fade out at the same time ( clips are on different midi tacks ) seems to put a strain on the system.

Modulating the loop start in simpler is brilliant though - and I will create and save a bunch of clips that I can then drag into a control track in any song. Creating another bunch of midi clips to trigger simpler with different rhythmic patters - I can then mix and match - any modulation clip coupled with any trigger clip.

This is very flexible. Normally if you wanted to automate a midi trigger clip of a single bar so the loop start point modulated dover 16 bars you would have to get into unlinking the the clip and drawing the moduation curve over 16 bars. I've never really got into using this feature.

I'm going to try a few modulation clips now where I draw 2 curves to modulate start and length.

Thursdays installmant

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:09 pm
by steved
Still on the theme of flexibility ( I've started so I'll finish ......) I was playing around with feeding different midi clips into one track. Set up a simpler track - route other midi tracks in and you can play around mixing in different rhythmic/ melodic patterns.

I tried to set up clip envelopes on these midi tracks to control simpler - but you can only create clip envelopes on the actual track that the simpler device is on ( as far as I can see )

Fair enough - but then I realised that if I just use the clips in the simpler track as modulation clips - i'e no actual notes - then I can feed in sequences from other midi tracks and select from a range of modulation clips in the simpler track. This starts to get very flexible when you combine it with the previuously mentioned midi track automation using midipipe.

So this is the set up at the moment -

* Simpler track with a range of clips which contain no notes - just different clip modulation envelopes ( including modulating clip start - which works independently of the second clip start control which is controlled through midipipe )

* Two midi tracks feeding into the simpler track with a selection of simple sequences ( one with some bass patterns, and one with patterns of higher notes ) - I tend to use a lot of single note rhythmic patterns because the modulation in simpler creates enough variety.

* Two track envelope modulatiuon tracks which go out and back in through midipipe to control the start point in simpler and a low pass filter which is on the simpler track.

Doesn't take long to set all this up and then it can be saved in your template song. Of course - all the midi tracks can also be exported.

This setup really brings a new dimension to Simpler ( yeah I know .... it's sounding more like Complexer now ) ... but this setup does actually work, and combined with different delay effects - and alll the other controls that you can tweak in Simpler - and the drag and drop wav's ......

As I was doing this I realsed that I'd never really got to grips with the modulation in Kontakt - I just bought Komplete and was then distratced by beta testing in Live. I think I should spend some time learning Kontakt - it seems very flexible. And then of course there's Reaktor .... there's just not enough hours in the day ....


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:38 pm
by steved
.... and another midi track feeding into simpler - no clips - monitor turned on - so you can play notes on your keyboard while the other tracks are feeding in sequence clips.