Guerilla marketing - hints and a request

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Re: Guerilla marketing - hints and a request

Post by Angstrom » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:21 pm

djsynchro wrote:You can only sell people what they want. You could have something new, and they don't know it exists, so then you need to show them, but at the end of the day they will only buy it if they want it. And to turn that around: If you have something that people want you'll be able to sell it, and there's a whole lot of ways you can do it and ultimately it won't matter. If I show you an APC40 dropping out of a flying saucer or on a nerdy YouTube video or you go into your music shop one day and they have it, either you will want it or not.

Marketing is not selling what you make, it is making what sells.
yes and no. More no than yes
That's a common assumption but it doesn't take into account several crucial factors

- there are billions of people out there and they all like different things, not just one standard of 'good'
- people often don't know what they want until someone tells them, usually a friend recommends, or a DJ plays it
- all new music has come from NOT making what currently sells
- in a sea of choice, making your similar item stand out makes choice easy.

the idea that you must simply make what people will buy is wrong, you should make what you make. The public now have an over-choice. Too much choice makes people grind to a halt, they don't pick anything. In fact what people tend to do is pick the one "at the top of the list"
When you search Google, do you select the result on page 52, halfway down the page, or is it one somewhere on the first page.
Is that one on page one necessarily better than the one on page 52?
Probably not, but they marketed themselves better, in that case using SEO

As much as people dislike the idea of marketing and like to believe that talent and skill is all you need to get your just reward, sadly that's not the real world. There are many geniuses who will never be heard because the public at large was never alerted to their work.

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