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Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:29 am
by Bagle
is there anyway the mods can ban posts mentioning the next version until ableton has said something offically.

im sorry but im sick of people constantly saying, oh live 6 when????

live 7 when???

whats gonna be in live 8..

just spend more time making music with what ever version your on and leave the next to the developers and coders..

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:26 pm
by esky
9? I'm up for it...

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:44 pm
by nuxnamon
Since version 5, Live 8 has to be in my opinion the worst release stability wise.. I am stuck on 8.1.1 and other releases have just given me problems, and not even saying that 8.1.1 doesn't give me problems, but it's the least problematic of the releases..

Sometimes I feel like I should abandon Ableton and maybe try the new Logic or maybe Studio One, or I even hate to say it, ProTools 8. I have older versions of PT and Logic so upgrading them is always an option. It just sucks when your trying to do music and little bugs here and there pop up and totally ruin your creativity and inspiration (like all of a sudden you lose all midi connection and all your controllers stop working!!).. But in comparison to the other software, I am most familiar with the workflow of Ableton which is why I've always stuck with it..

But I don't think the OP's reasoning is not totally out of the question.. I mean from what I gather, for Live to be 64bit, it has to have a total rewrite. I mean more and more people use multicores Ableton has to be better making use of those resources, and the RAM also. so if they are going to do it anyways, why not do it for version 9 and start of fresh.. maybe i am getting desperate also but i am sure it's easier said than done cuz i know nothing about writing code or software programming..

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:13 am
by condra
They'll still be supporting Live 8 users, long after 9 is released.

It's been 18 months already. They're a business, not a charity. I expect there will be news soon enough.

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:17 am
by Migra
Ableton Live 2012 soon.. ?

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:47 am
by fx23
imo better rewrite than fixes things on top of a went buggy overfeatured, with deep flaws in deep core concept.
but as mentionned with fresh M4L and Serato im affraid we can wait the automation to session a decade more...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarff fed up waiting that çàè_ç-àèçp autom to session.

destruct to better reconstruct, the sooner the better!
don't spent time fixing things that anyway need a rewrite..spend energy on the SX

_ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session _
_ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session
_ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session
_ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session
= insane workflow gain.

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:03 am
by 0fps
Ableton has the policy to release a new version once per year. But I think with 8 (as nis from Ableton told in one topic in the forum) got their lesson, to be more patient before releasing a new one. Honnestly I was very satisfied with Live's 7 abilities and I don't think that 8 has such a huge amount of useful new features and tools (except Vocoder and Groove Pool i.m.o. and also some workflow enhancements.

So it would be great for me to see a new version in the end maybe of 2011 or even later.

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:01 pm
by IP
Id love to see more improvements of the existing features before a new version.
Especially for live's 8 features that most of them imo do the half job

at first L8 seemed to be OMFG!!!
but if we look closer ...

-Looper is great but it let you export only a single file with all the sounds in it
-Group tracks are great but r not showing up in the browser (dont care personally, im just saying)
-Fades are great but wont let you fade more than the clip's original length (not even a looped clip) and are available only for audio tracks
-multi dynamics r super great and useful but the gui wont let you enjoy it
-Selecting multiple tracks and change settings at once is also cool but what if i need to choose 3 tracks from one group and 2 more from an other?

and many more...

not whining ... just how i see things.

I really dont care about numbers anymore (live 9,10,11 etc).. i just need to see improvement and REAL, FULL working features from now on

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:39 pm
by stonee
fx23 wrote:imo better rewrite than fixes things on top of a went buggy overfeatured, with deep flaws in deep core concept.
but as mentionned with fresh M4L and Serato im affraid we can wait the automation to session a decade more...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarff fed up waiting that çàè_ç-àèçp autom to session.

destruct to better reconstruct, the sooner the better!
don't spent time fixing things that anyway need a rewrite..spend energy on the SX

_ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session _
_ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session
_ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session
_ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session __ autom to session
= insane workflow gain.

I agree, some of the biggest bugs (no session automation record, automation curves) are because the programming is outdated. instead of them trying to patch holes in old code, i think it would be more beneficial if they just took they're time and rebuilt it from the ground up, building the old bugfixes right into the code instead of just patching them over.

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:23 pm
by fx23
yeah every major soft does a rewrite at some point.
i use a lot 3D softwares for my job , 3DSMAX was completely rebuild after 3DS became to weird old heavy, HOPEFULLY.
CUBASE did the same, WINDOWS does the same.I see also my fav soft USINE, that the programmer olivier sens quasi all
rebuild, ALONE, in 6 month. Usine is without a doubt for me now more adapted for live than live itself, while the soft
being dev by only one guy! WTF

Why can't a + 100, probably biggest daw dev team rebuild? maybe because most of abes are buisness/marketing men, not musician?
every musician/ deep live user knows autom to session is an absolutely needed fix for the workflow from years,
that's also the fist flaw every new users discover:

'ok i got my clip,mmm but why when i move a pot it doesn't reccord to the clip?"
_welcome to the club, take your ticket and wait 6 years, maybe more, or maybe wait 2012.
so why don't they f_è'(çé"g do a complete rewrite? they are fuuuullllll of fuuuundsss. they clearly can.

i start to think this is only buisness. they don't care we users, request this from years,
as long as there are no direct competitors they won't move and prefer to keep on making $$$$ without risks,
selling ya a 3rdparty stuff 100$.or a 500$ 'will fix all your flaws' M4L, or a 150$ loly year update.
this very disapointing when you patiently wait for so long and clearly see in your mind the awesome potential
of what would bring the rewrite, but you start to doubt it will ever come, mean you waited for nothing.

live8 is like windows Vista, a FAIL, thas was weird comparing to good'old XP. live9 should look like W7, swiped and snappy pretty sure the rewrite will only occur in 2012 with live 10, simply because it's more commertial moto.
'L10 a new world' sound better than L9 a new world.

will we have automation before the end of the world ? := that's the question that worries me the more, i would have spent my life waiting something i never could see anyway ;)...

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:35 pm
by mholloway
All I know is that it will include full integration with Songsmith, thanks to Abe's new partnershit with Microsoft.


Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:03 pm
by condra
It will include 4 GB of farmyard animal samples.

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:05 pm
by skipkent
New releases mean revenue for Ableton. How else are they going to continue getting press and making money? We'll see version 9 a lot sooner than some folks think.

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:54 am
by jrob6716
My $$$ is ready, very excited :lol: :)

Re: Ableton Live 9 soon? thoughts?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:31 pm
by Slightlydelic
i cant think of anything Ableton could do that would make me want to spend more money with them, right now native instruments are my prefered company to spend money with.