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Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:20 am
beats me wrote:They should have busted out The Bridge in the same way they just busted out Amp, a little surprise "here you go". Would have gotten a way warmer reception and the expectations wouldn't be as high.
Agreed. are we going to have to ignore updates from now on because it might end up being a downgrade?
Good thing I don't delete the previous version until I'm happy with the new one.
I've been so pissed about the Ableton/Serato FAIL I haven't even given the Amp and the Cabinet a shot yet.
I'll check them out tomorrow when I'm refreshed, unless I have nightmares tonight about the Bridge being out. I'm still hearing Arnold's voice echoing in my head. Wouldn't be surprised if they recalled the Bridge, then that statement, "the bridge is out" will take on a whole new meaning.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:42 am
by nuperspective
Tarekith wrote:Still sort of irks me that Ableton went this route instead of implenting features that people using Live to DJ with for years have been requesting for a long time. We have over 21,000 registered users at, surely that's a pretty sizeable user base to take requests from? Has to be bigger than the Serato users who have the hardware already to take advantage of the Bridge fully?

What's worse is that some of the few DJ friendly features that made Live nice for DJing are slowly being removed, like the timeline in clip view and the easy clip zooming (without the RSI inducing Shift holding constantly) for instance.
could not agree more.

its a massive miss step in my book and huge waste of development time and effort. i have resorted to using live for studio mixes and trakor for live stuff - ask me that 12 months back and i would have laughed in your face. it really has put them a step back in djing terms and where does it go from here? the whole djing side of the ableton development really disjointed and ad hoc IMO. who are the djs they speak to before going on these development cycles? not to mention is the most awful looking piece of software I have seen.

mind you i suppose the hip hop cut up boys are happy. unfortunately, that aint what you or me are about.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:07 am
by Tarekith
I might not take it to that extreme, but certainly for a time there they had some of the biggest DJs on the planet on board, at least from a marketing standpoint. Sasha, Hawtin, PVD, Max Graham, etc were all Live Djs, and it seems like more and more are going to other options now. Oh well, who knows, they've hinted this is only the first step, maybe something more like we had in mind is on the way.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:09 am
by davepermen
flowdesigner wrote:
davepermen wrote:if i could mix two livetracks together, i would actually consider buying it. possible? i guess not. but so far i never got a reply..
Nope, not possible yet.
so byebye bridge for me. maybe bridge 2.0..

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:04 am
by nuperspective
Tarekith wrote:I might not take it to that extreme, but certainly for a time there they had some of the biggest DJs on the planet on board, at least from a marketing standpoint. Sasha, Hawtin, PVD, Max Graham, etc were all Live Djs, and it seems like more and more are going to other options now. Oh well, who knows, they've hinted this is only the first step, maybe something more like we had in mind is on the way.
the marketing doesnt help. throw money at any celeb dj and of course they will go into bat for you. its listening to them a la hawtin with traktor or middleton for pioneer and adding features that make the thing usable.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:46 pm
by smutek
AYBABTU wrote:I'm half tempted to sell my first gen SL1 for $1 and switch to Traktor
Why would you do that?

I just sold my SL-1 about 3 months ago, right before my son was born, and got a decent amount back on it. I can't remember exactly how much, but it was about $350. A good friend of mine who does trading and consignment (read eBay hustler) eBay'd it for me.

For the life of me I can not remember how much came back on it but I do know that I ended up with enough money to upgrade to Traktor Pro (there was a $40 upgrade promotion in June), bought a Kontrol X1, and an Audio 2DJ - about $340 dollar all told - and all with the money from the sale of the SL-1.

As for deciding to switch - I think I just wanted to try something different, switch it up a little. The bridge concept, once I found out a bit about it, and after waiting what, 2 years since the initial announcement - it didn't interest me much so that was never part of the decision.

I dug Serato and it was nice to have, but I'm not really missing it and I'm digging this new setup a lot more. Nice addition to my regular setup of 2 1200's and a Pioneer 500, 2 channels on the mixer for Traktor with the X1 for control, and 2 channels for regular, good old fashioned vinyl. X1 has a fantastic build quality and great default mapping right out of the box and NI has brought Traktor a very long way since I left it at version 2.5.

I'm happy as a lark with this new rig - well lets say I was very happy with it when I last was able to use it. Since my son was born I've been insanely busy and literally haven't been able to touch it for the last 2 months.

But yeah, I was pretty surprised to get back what I did on my SL1, so definitely don't go selling it for a dollar!!!

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:25 pm
by Tarekith
Watch Amazon for good deals too. Audiomidi was selling NI Audio4DJ's on there, and it came with a free copy of Traktor Pro. I picked that up along with an X1 for really cheap as well, not too bad for less than $400.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:27 pm
by Lamont
I'm sure nobody cares, but I recently made the switch from Serato Scratch Live to Traktor Scratch Pro and two X1-Kontrol midi controllers. Bridge or no Bridge, I'm not looking back, Traktor Scratch is an incredible piece of software.

About the Bridge.
The Back cueing/scratching reversing limitation of Live clips turned me off completely. The possibility of scratching Live clips was the thing I was hoping for and the main reason for getting exited about the Bridge. Well unfortunately the Bridge doesn't deliver in this department. :cry:

I do have to say that Ableton Live and Traktor Scratch Pro work very lovely side by side.
No collaboration in the future between the two? :twisted:

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:56 pm
by beats me
Lamont wrote:I do have to say that Ableton Live and Traktor Scratch Pro work very lovely side by side.
No collaboration in the future between the two? :twisted:
I think the complexity of the programming of both Live and Traktor would make it somewhat of a nightmare to have either sitting within the other. Maybe at best their would be some kind of better syncing but each program largely operates separately from the other.

Of course the obvious and ultimate solution here would be for NI to make Traktor a plug-in version that would work in any DAW.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:29 pm
by sebrov
beats me wrote:Of course the obvious and ultimate solution here would be for NI to make Traktor a plug-in version that would work in any DAW.
This is what i thought the bridge would have been about in the first place. Personally i won't be using the bridge and although i currently dj with Live. I reckon by the end of the year i'll be moved to Traktor. NI have made one hell of a product there. Only used it a couple of times but being able to set up your midi controller to how you want it without python knowledge is a plus.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:47 pm
by Tarekith
Yeah, I really thought it was going to a Live device called "Deck" or something, where you could load a wav file, set multiple loops and cue points, and scratch via control vinyl/CD as well.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:56 pm
by JuanSOLO
Yep, the Bridge was not at all what I anticipated.

If we could get access to scrubbing clips, Ms Pinky would do what most wanted out of the Bridge. Currently it just fakes it. Still fun though.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:55 pm
JuanSOLO wrote:Yep, the Bridge was not at all what I anticipated.

If we could get access to scrubbing clips, Ms Pinky would do what most wanted out of the Bridge. Currently it just fakes it. Still fun though.
Is Ms Pinkey still out there??!? that's good to hear as it was doing so much way before the rest of them caught up.
As far as the Bridge, I tested out the recording your serato set as an ALS and just did a little juggle of a beat I made and it recorded everything, but not the crossfader action. It was as if I had tried to juggle and flip the beats back and forth but didn't touch the fader at all, just chaos. I'm using the SL1 and a Rane TTM56. Soooo, why didn't it record what was done to the crossfader?
I guess again, I'm right where I was before the bridge recording my beat as an audio file and loading it to both decks to record the audio back into Ableton as I juggle it. I've disabled the Bridge till later "if" they fix it's issues.

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:01 pm
Lamont wrote: The Back cueing/scratching reversing limitation of Live clips turned me off completely. The possibility of scratching Live clips was the thing I was hoping for and the main reason for getting exited about the Bridge. Well unfortunately the Bridge doesn't deliver in this department.
I concur. can't back cue, can't load to both decks to juggle and cut up the beat dj style and nudging and slowing the record to mix it can cause digital pops and clicks... unacceptable, what idiot djs did they have testing this crap and giving the thumbs up?

Re: The Bridge is out !

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:31 pm
by flowdesigner
So, me and Jeff Milligan is the only one digging this?

The bridge is for turntable djs. If you want to play "live electronica" use Max, Live or both.
If Live 8.2 is stable with Max and Serato, why is people hating and complainging?
I guess a audio clip "scratch mode" is under development.

Add Live to this :

and have hours of fun :)

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