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Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:44 pm
by Simbosan

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:17 pm
by WordsworthESP
featherodd wrote:Here's is the M4L device I cobbled together from Jürgen Moßgraber's Program Change patch by simply adding a Modwheel knob (cc1):

I'm using the 32-bit version of Live. No idea if it run in the 64-bit version.
I'm curious, do you believe this M4L device would allow for mapping third-party synth's modulation to say, the computer keyboard? Unfortunately, Ableton doesn't allow Clip Envelopes to be mapped for some reason, and I've tried several of the work arounds to no avail. The common theme of answers tends to be that it would be fairly easy to program into M4L, however at this moment my knowledge in M4L is very limited. I was hoping this device would also work for what I'm seeking.

I apologize for resurrecting an older thread, and additionally I realize it's also probably not the right section either - but this thread was displayed in one of my many Google searches on the matter, and I figured since everyone seems to think it would be easy to do in M4L - that this would be an appropriate place to post such a question opposed to creating a new thread.

Edit: It seems to work, at least with Hypersonic 2, though since I'm using my computer keyboard it tends to work as an on/off switch (0/127.) So I've just got to do a little more digging into M4L programming to find out how to increase & decrease the modulation value incrementally. Even if I'm not able to figure out how to do so, it still makes modulation automation so much easier than trying to do so in the Clip Envelope section.

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:11 pm
by Tarekith
Another vote for a user switch between mod wheel and pitchbend.

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:53 am
by justin
+1 for this solution if its possible...
daichtrax wrote:i agree it seems like touch strip midi mapping should be part of push setup screen (if it is not already)

check box: map push touch strip to

drop down:
pitch bend
mod wheel

then for cc a text box to type in the cc value

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:26 am
by willdahbe
+1 on user selectable pitch/mod strip.

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:10 pm
by Simbosan
Thought I would have a play in Max and see what I could come up with. It's the second thing I have tried to build so there's probably a lot of scope for improvement, but here's a useful first stab.

What it does is allow you to remap Pitch Bend up to one CC and Pitch Bend down to another. Why did I do it like that? Because the pitch bend CC always reverts to 64, and it would be impossible to map it between 0 and 127 using the full range without all sorts of awful code to suppress that behaviour. I have used the high resolution pitch bend control message so there should be no uneven change.

With this you could for example, map Pitch Up to Mod Wheel, and Pitch Down to Expression. Yes I included aftertouch too, even though the keys have aftertouch (and no Ableton doesn't support poly aftertouch before you ask), but it could be useful. You can also specify custom CC if you can think of a useful one.

It seems to work nicely for Modwheel and Expression so far.

I hope I have packaged it up correctly, never shared a device before!

Grab it here:

Next steps:
1) I was thinking of doing something to allow you to map them to Rack controls like the Expression Control device but then I thought, you can use that device anyway!
2) Presets: you can't save stuff yet. Will get that working soon as I learn how =)
3) Suggestions!

I also did an ultra simple quicky to reverse the polarity (so Star Trek!) of my sustain pedal

Anyway, any feedback / restrained abuse welcome


Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:48 pm
by acidshell
Theres a Max 4 live Push device for this. Just go tot he Max 4 live site and filter by push devices. Theres only 3 there and its one of them.

Then assign it to a controller

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:43 pm
by Simbosan
Not finding what your on about.

I tried filtered for push, nothing like this. Can you link a device?

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:14 am
by Perpetual Rift
daichtrax wrote:i agree it seems like touch strip midi mapping should be part of push setup screen (if it is not already)

check box: map push touch strip to

drop down:
pitch bend
mod wheel

then for cc a text box to type in the cc value

Okay, Ableton? I gave you $600 for a MIDI controller. Now do what this guy said.

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:48 am
by Scrybz
Perpetual Rift wrote:
daichtrax wrote:i agree it seems like touch strip midi mapping should be part of push setup screen (if it is not already)

check box: map push touch strip to

drop down:
pitch bend
mod wheel

then for cc a text box to type in the cc value

Okay, Ableton? I gave you $600 for a MIDI controller. Now do what this guy said.
Adding my name to this wishlist item, too!

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:03 pm
by tedlogan

Now that Zebra is my god, I badly need modwheel support.

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:09 am
by Scrybz
I think I'd be okay with keeping the pitch bend the way it is, but have the "Swing" encoder be remapped as modwheel. Maybe hold down the "User" button, and get the option to turn "Swing" into a modwheel, and be able to do clip level automation on it.

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:08 pm
by Simbosan
one thing that i find myself doing is using button aftertouch instead of the strip, it feels very natural

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:45 pm
by ScottIII
+1 (swing button or touch strip)

Re: Using the Touch Strip to control Mod wheel in a synth?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:48 pm
by ScottIII
Simbosan wrote:one thing that i find myself doing is using button aftertouch instead of the strip, it feels very natural
How do you link modulation to after touch?