Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by H20nly » Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:07 pm

Hektagon1 wrote:Well I have some updates now.

So it seems that Ableton Support are recommending me to delete my Operating system and reinstalling it or keep using Ableton Live on a separate user on my Mac. Neither of the options are good for me, since I use my computer for work and reinstalling the whole system would be a nightmare and creating another user is pointless since I have to share all my samples and all my libraries.

I really wish that Ableton could get to the bottom of these type of issues; it is the only piece of software in my machine that behaves in such a strange way.
if they're essentially saying it's Apple's fault... but more specifically are saying it's a user profile issue, then maybe you could call Apple. do you have Apple Care?

i've seen issues with applications in Windows networks where the fix came down to renaming the user profile on the machine to username.old so that the next time the person logged in it created a new machine profile for them and the application would then work as expected. it's faster than digging through registry settings and [hidden] application files hoping to find the root cause.

for you, copying over your files should be a possibility. in the scenario i described above, we would copy their documents and pictures folders and export their browser favorites. after they log in, we import their files and favorites to the new but matching directories and it's done. it's hassle-ish, but not hard.

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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by Stromkraft » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:58 pm

Hektagon1 wrote:Well I have some updates now.

So it seems that Ableton Support are recommending me to delete my Operating system and reinstalling it or keep using Ableton Live on a separate user on my Mac.
The first sounds like overkill, though if you have not started out with a clean install sometimes this may be necessary. However, this doesn't feel like such a scenario.

While you may move over your user, you could also start over with all preferences by just moving the preferences folder to the desktop, restart the machine, redo all prefs for all music apps and see if the problem disappears. Then slowly move back preferences piece by piece, not overwriting newly written ones unless you're certain you want them replaced with the old. You might want to un-associate some apps with your system before this. I've done this myself. Lots of work, but faster than an OS reinstallation.

Personally I haven't encountered this for a while now. I have updated MFL to 7.3.1 which may be unrelated.
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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by Hektagon1 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:06 am

Thanks for your help Stormkraft and H2O.
Unfortunately I no longer have apple care, so it seems that my only solution in the mean time is to keep using a separate user just for Ableton Live.
I am sure is my machine causing this issues but I can't understand why is it Ableton the only application that behaves this way... surely if it is a problem with my computer all apps should have the same weird behaviour... Anyway, this solution should do for now.
I will try upgrading Max for Live again and see how it goes.

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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by Stromkraft » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:53 pm


This has not reappeared since I updated to Max 7.3.1. Knock on wood.

This could of course be a setup-dependent issue and when I return to the sets I was using when this last occurred this may come back with a vengeance.
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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by RagingRaven » Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:50 pm

2019 and the bug is still present. Searched all the internets on the solution, still no answer anywhere.

Windows user here 100%. The controls dissapear 4-6 times in 10 minute itnervals, sometimes it happens just after restart.

And I'm using no MAX plugis.

And clean install of Windows.

Ableton guys seem in deep s*** with this one I see. Damn shame blaming users :)

If anyone managed to overcome the bug, please let me know as well!

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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by magicsmoke » Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:36 pm

Hi all,
I've had this same issue but I noticed one user had said Ableton suggested it was due to another application running in the background... Well, as soon as I quit Ableton (whilst having this issue) and went to relaunch it, I received the message that Ableton was being updated in the background...
As soon as the update had finished, I relaunched and everything is fine!
I think that's the answer.
Good luck.

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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by brbr7 » Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:29 pm

Also have this going on my mac. Only closing then reopening temporarily fixes the issue :cry:

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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by voig7 » Wed May 06, 2020 11:48 pm

Hi! This happens to me randomly also, it started years ago..I have to say that the last couple of years it was all going pretty well and I basically forgot about this, but unfortunately, with the current bit of extra time at home we all are sharing, I decided to clean my system and reinstall my OS and all my virtual studio...This was a couple of weeks ago, to my surprise it just started to happen again, just now. I came to the forum to see if there was anything that I might have found previously that was now missing, but apparently there`s no solution..or even worse..there`s apparently no reason for this to happen...uau!! this honestly sucks!!
I reckon I have Live since 2008 and I would say that the first time this happened was at least 7 years ago...I guess it happened on Live 8 and Live 9..

I basically restart Ableton and it fixes it for a while...there are projects where this never happened and I remember that there were some where it was always happening...eventually I would import track by track to a new empty project to go on working on it...this is super superbly annoying!!

Does anyone have a better turn around/solution for this?
In case I remember one I will share it here.

Thank you!

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Re: Inability to delete or rename tracks and clips

Post by poweruser » Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:23 pm

ROFL! (at myself)
I had this issue (which is why I'm reading this post),. After a new mouse- keyboard and desk (from smashing it in frustration, jk) I then realized that I was zoomed too far out to rename. After zooming in closer, I could rename again.

I really hope this was your case.
Good luck!

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