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Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:34 pm
by srdemonio
I had to remake the tempo map in protools
feliz navidad

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:36 pm
by atari2600
+1 I presumed Ableton would do this basic thing. What a headache that it can't.

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 3:54 pm
by VictorLincolnPine
I'm here asking for this as well. I'm trying to use Embers for YouTube videos, but I can't add the tempo data to my MIDI, which ruins a lot of the effects I put in my music.

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 4:52 am
by tomgulbinas

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:28 pm
by gdgross
Wow, I can't believe that Live doesn't have the capability. Doing my first transfers to PT for mixing, the workaround I found is a pain.

Please Ableton. It's 2022 now.

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:48 pm
by trtzbass
Please please please +1

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:22 am
by lapieuvre
Please, +1

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:53 am
by audiofriction
I am in the middle of a huge scoring project. My collaborator only uses Ableton so we did it his way. There were a lot of frustrations for me in the process, due to Ableton's lack of features and flexibility compared to Logic or Pro Tools. But we got it done. And now, when it's time to move into a scoring program, I need to export two dozen songs, each fully orchestrated, full of tempo and time sig changes. The lack of a tempo map is hell, and the lack of an ability to create one MIDI file with all the tracks is also a disaster. I have to consolidate and export every single instrument individually, and then make a fake tempo map, and then import all of these individually into a professional DAW like Logic, and then clean it up and insert time sig changes, and then export a proper MIDI file just to import into the scoring program?! Guys, this is stuff that has been standard part of the MIDI spec for over 20 years. MIDI is so damn easy, how could you not have this?!

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:21 am
by lapieuvre
Hope you used this way to create your fake tempo map? ... 115903034b

It’s the least bad way of transferring midi from live to another daw.

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:54 pm
by TheGoldenProof
+1'ing this.
It's insane how bad Ableton's midi exporting situation is... manually combining multiple tracks into one file in a separate midi editor sucks as is, but add on to that, I literally cannot possibly manually recreate the tempo automation. Maybe if all I had was instant changes, but trying to recreate a gradual tempo change manually? not possible.

And also, their idea of solving this issue by exporting a click track is the most laughable solution I've seen.

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:43 am
by yellowfin
I just ran into this problem today. I created midi drums and sent them to my guitar student who uses Logic. The tempo information is not saved in the midi file. Is there any way to export a midi file with tempo information yet?

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:58 pm
by Cellcycle
Please Ableton fix this! It is an absolute necessity when trying to collaborate with other musicians and producers! +1

Re: Export MIDI file. Export Tempo map in MIDI

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 4:41 am
by adamshahaha
+1 to all previous replies.

This feature is sorely needed and is essential with collaborating with other industry-standard DAWs.

Users have been requesting this YEARS now. If our requests are falling on deaf ears the very least the company could do is explain why such a simple feature is lacking in Ableton.

It is a serious road-block and adds unnecessary tedium to professional workflows that involve other DAWs (Pro Tools and Logic especially).

Please consider implementing this in the final release Ableton 12, now is the best time to incorporate this feature during the beta phase.