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Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:27 am
by sweetjesus
For health reasons, I will join you.

So yeah Smutek and I are gonna be healthy pricks.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:42 am
by 12micsn1
Im totally happy for anyone who wants to quit smoking. This definitely should be looked as a health and financial issue. Smoking is dirtiest most annoying social money wasting habit around. More and more each day, you are being taxed by the government and insurance companies an becoming socially unaccepted in many urban settings because of your habit. If you ever seen what a smoker lung looks like after years of smoking, its pretty serious to go ahead an quit while you still have a chance. You have alot more to gain in your life by quiting. Good Luck!!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:45 am
by Pitch Black
NZ is rooting for you, Smutek!

tho, down here rooting means humping...

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:03 am
by smutek
awesome to have you aboard sweetjesus!

and it is great to see so much support from fellow board members!

I am getting ready to go to bed now so I am smoking my last one. The last four or so in the pack will be crushed up and flushed and I will post back tomorrow with my progress.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:30 am
by serotoninsteve
jbible wrote:You can do it!!!

I just quit in January. The chemical nicotine addiction that makes you super irratible is out of your system in 48 hours...after that you just have to deal with the mental addiction and oral fixation which isnt nearly as bad but can catch you off guard. For the first couple of months while sitting behind the computer I found myself reaching for my pack and thinking WTF. Weirds you out sometimes. Also I get allot more done with my hands in the studio instead of fidgeting with my cigarrette I am tweeking knobs quite a bit more.

It is the best thing I have ever decided to do, health wise, and financially. I cant imagine ever going back to smoking again. So go for it man...its totally worth it.

Come to think of it...if I had still be smoking all the months I wouldnt have been able to afford to put my order through last friday cause I was just barely able to afford.
Yes, that´s it!

I stopped smoking 7 years ago, well after a few attempts I agree, but would never go back.
When I count back, then I can spend about 2000 euros for musicgear and soft today, never thought of that.
I´ll order everything I need and don´t, right now then. :lol:

Surely you can do it, it´s only in your head!


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:44 am
by jimbugtm
smutek wrote: ...
I am getting ready to go to bed now so I am smoking my last one. The last four or so in the pack will be crushed up and flushed and I will post back tomorrow with my progress.
And don't forget to throw away the lighter too! You won't need it!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:05 am
by the unknown wanderer
summersc2002 wrote:or u could speed up the whole process and go to a sperm bank
you could ask the sperm bank for an overdraft !!!

8O :cry: 8O

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:57 am
by rasputin7
smutek wrote:
bensuthers wrote:good luck.

may the force be with you.
As goofy as my post may be, I am 100% serious.

So thanks man! I am confident I can do it. Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting smoking just so I can upgrade. I really want to quit smoking, so the idea of a yummy prize after 4 weeks of abstinence is a solid motivator for me.

If I succeed hopefully I will motivate others to do the same.

If I fail, well.... failure is not an option!!!!!

Great plan!! Damn smokes is too expensive anyway. Back when I indulged (12 years ago) the shit was cheap(er), but no less damaging on the lungs. Of all the various substances I've tried, I have to admit the smokes are the things I regret the most. Good luck with the quitting. I did it after realising I was becoming a slave to the chemicals. You won't regret it.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:10 am
by sweetjesus
12micsn1 wrote:. If you ever seen what a smoker lung looks like after years of smoking,
In Taiwan last year, I went and saw the Bodyworlds exhibition and got to see what a smokers lungs look like firsthand.

I smoke other stuff too, but I would rather that than ciggies.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:42 am
My two cents in case it helps, and I'm sorry in advance if my tangents too preachy:

I quit 3+ years ago, and I have to say that life in general tastes better. Once someone told me that it lowered my sperm count and increased impotence I about freaked.

Intead I started doing sets of push-ups everytime my co-workers went on a cigarrette break. It was some sort of wierd macho thing, but ultimately the number one amazing thing about not smoking, was that I had to find new ways of amusing myself.

The boredom is the hardest part. If you don't keep yourself busy you won't last long. And if you don't keep yourself active, you will get fat really fast. The first time I quit I weighed 145-150 lbs. the second time I quit I weighed 160-165lbs. The last time I quit smoking I weighed 185lbs. I went form hyperactive and skinny to depressed and heavy. It's a really fucked up cycle. I'm finally starting to get toned again: dont be passive agressive about quitting smoking. Premept the obvious, or beware!

The strange thing is, that once you quit smoking your metabolism slows down, so you really don't need to eat too much. In actuality,your body is immediately healthier as it is no longer compensating for the vast intake of engineered toxins. As long as you eat light, and do some light jogging, you will be saving money and greatly increasing your health.

Once I quit smoking for the final time (I hope) I got really anti-social. I started biking everywhere, really fast so as to avoid contact with the outside world, I also stopped going to bars and shows that weren't requisite for life. This led me to get me a second job on top of an (third) unpaid internship monitoring audio.

The need to fulfill my existential boredom led to several years of working multiple jobs, saving lot's of money, reading and learning all kinds of fascinating shit, and eventually making real steps to pursue some of my dreams as a multimedia artist/performer.

Cigarettes are just bad. You are way too cool a couple of dudes to smoke (both Smutek and Sweetjesus). Just think about all of those 5th and 6th generation clansmen you are paying $5 a day to help end your life prematurely, though not before a dragging, agonizing death.

Oh yeah, no matter what, even if it seemed obvioous and absurd: I never told people I quit. I told them I was cutting down. This way rather than sounding preachy people just respected my business and encouraged me to continue something else, and I also didn't have the fear that if I relapsed I would have to hear about it.

Most people who smoke hang around people who smoke, and most people who smoke don't appreciate when their associates try to seperate themselves.

Oh, and you know how they say things taste better? Music sounds better too. Saturator? It's even warmer...

Phyiscal exercise is key though. Your healthy body will be making all these new adjustments, and if you don't tell it how to lay the foundation, your temple will be lopsided and bellowing.

Good luck. despite my early paranoid fears about Live 5's performance it really is the cat's pajamas. In fact I converted my collaborater to buy it tonight after demoing it. I'm excited now, because we will both be using Live, on top of drums guitar and horns, and I am finally getting closer to some of my goals as an artist. If I hadn't openend my mind past the prohibitive economic wall of smoke in which I lived for 8 years, this never would have happened.

Oh yeah, it doesen't matter that I only smoked 8 years. My girlfriends mother quit cold turkey once the prices went up. She wanted that car real bad. People got to stop helping the man shoot us in the foot. Life is so much better when you cultivate
your will power.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:11 am
by Haselmeier
I think, that this is NOT a good idea!!!
Prsident Bush and your beloved usa will miss your taxes badly!
Honestly! you stop giving mr. bush your money to buy something from us, the bad germans!
How can that be?
Are you mad?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:20 am
by Machinate
smutek, that sounds like a fucking excellent idea! (Unfortunately you can't quit smoking when live6 is out)

Lifestyle changes for the sake of computer software - who would have thought, eh?

If you need more encouragement, drop me a line! We're here to help :D

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:45 am
by minimal
nice one smutek!

I stopped smoking last week, after lying ill on the bed for five long days when due to fever and stuff I couldn't even think to a cigarette...

But I didn't think about using the saved money to upgrade Live, which I'm doing now.

Can't wait to get the box... thinking to get operator bundled too...

and yes, life tastes better without cigarettes, expecially the food

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:57 am
by forge
dya think it would work for alcoholics?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:12 pm
by forge