Live's Reverb?

Discuss music production with Ableton Live.

What do you think of the Reverb effect that comes with Live

Very Good Indeed
OK, but other reverbs are better
Good for some things, bad for others
Plain horrible
Total votes: 179

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Post by polyslax » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:09 pm

NorthernMonkey wrote:
b0unce wrote:anyone tried the altiverb 6 demo ?
now thats a tastey vst reverb...
I've got altiverb 5.something.something, can't remember, but it sounds fucking sweet, comes with loads of presets and really does sound authentic. Live's reverb is ok if you need a synthetic sounding reverb, but the altiverb, to me, is the best convultion reverb out there.
Isn't 6 a free upgrade from 5?

Regardless, Altiverb rocks the house, and then some. Their other fx are nuts as well.
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Post by NorthernMonkey » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:18 pm

polyslax wrote:
NorthernMonkey wrote:
b0unce wrote:anyone tried the altiverb 6 demo ?
now thats a tastey vst reverb...
I've got altiverb 5.something.something, can't remember, but it sounds fucking sweet, comes with loads of presets and really does sound authentic. Live's reverb is ok if you need a synthetic sounding reverb, but the altiverb, to me, is the best convultion reverb out there.
Isn't 6 a free upgrade from 5?

Regardless, Altiverb rocks the house, and then some. Their other fx are nuts as well.
How the hell did I miss that, cheers mate :D

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Post by nebulae » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:21 pm

Have you guys checked out ArtsAcoustic reverb. The sound is really lush. It's pricey though, and it sucks up a reasonable amount of CPU, say Live's reverb on medium to high quality setting.

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Post by NorthernMonkey » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:25 pm

nebulae wrote:Have you guys checked out ArtsAcoustic reverb. The sound is really lush. It's pricey though, and it sucks up a reasonable amount of CPU, say Live's reverb on medium to high quality setting.
Haven't tried it yet, but if you think that's pricey, have a look at the cost of altiverb.

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Post by nebulae » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:30 pm

I'm not really into convolution verbs. If I had to buy one, I'd just get Voxengo's Pristine and really good. I much prefer unnatural verbs, and artsacoustic is prolly the best of the bunch for very lush long tails. I really need to purchase it, as I tend to use it every time I work on my friend's studio...

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Post by Angstrom » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:42 pm

I do like low rent reverbs for use on individual elements, and I use Lives reverb for this sometimes. But as far as high end reverbs go I am never really satisfied. I set the bar high by using tasty hardware a few years ago, now I have very specific ideas about what I want from a high-end reverb.

I keep wishing that Focusrite's Liquid Mix would do reverb too.
I find it very hard to spend 350 quid on a software reverb such as altiverb (no matter how good) when stuff like Liquid mix is £400

I haven't bought an LM, simply because I just know they'll bring out a V2 (now with reverb) right after I do.

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Post by NorthernMonkey » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:49 pm

Angstrom wrote:I do like low rent reverbs for use on individual elements, and I use Lives reverb for this sometimes. But as far as high end reverbs go I am never really satisfied. I set the bar high by using tasty hardware a few years ago, now I have very specific ideas about what I want from a high-end reverb.

I keep wishing that Focusrite's Liquid Mix would do reverb too.
I find it very hard to spend 350 quid on a software reverb such as altiverb (no matter how good) when stuff like Liquid mix is £400

I haven't bought an LM, simply because I just know they'll bring out a V2 (now with reverb) right after I do.
I bought my Liquid Mix a few months ago, I think the EQ is spot on, very good quality, but I'm still unsure about the compression, the emulations sounds very similar to each other to me and I'm not sure they are any better than the waves. I guess only time will tell but I'm sticking with it until I decide one way or the other.

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Post by Sales Dude McBoob » Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:32 pm

Native reverbs all kinda suck. I like Live's because it's easy to use + automate. Plus the wacky presets are always fun. If I just want a gentle background reverb (which I do need most of the time) I always throw in a Live verb and set it to First Class (or whatever it's called in 6).

I use Space Master in Reaktor for more important projects. It's okay. I'd rather have an external hardware reverb like the Eventide Eclipse and plug that into my interface via SPDIF. But, the budget doesn't allow. Live's reverb and Space Master will do for now. What I REALLY need is a $10,000 advance from a label!

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Post by leedsquietman » Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:48 pm

mono reverb has it's place, there are several top mixing engineers who PREFER to return certain elements in mono.

Live's inbuilt reverb is not the best (but it has it's uses and is better than some in the box reverbs, certainly better than reverb a and b in cubase sx) but people who triumph Logic ought to know that Logic users pay a premium for the synths and inbuilt fx (as do Samplitude users) of around 300 dollars extra compared to comparable sequencers such as Cubase and Sonar which offer the same functionality except for the vstis and some fx. (Although both companies have recently included much better in the box plugs) - the point being for teh extra you pay, Logic's internal reverbs OUGHT to be better.

You can get some great sounding free reverbs too, such as SIR and Glaceverb.

Altiverb is great but until recently was mac only and costs 2 kidneys and a testicle to buy. And convolution verbs suck the crap out of CPU. And I second the Voxengo Pristine Space sounds only marginally less good than Altiverb but costs a sixth of the price. And IK Classic Reverb is also a very good non convolution verb too, as long as you don't mind dongles. And what about the verbs that are usable in UAD-1 cards, they sound sweet too !

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Post by djadonis206 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:55 pm

I like Live's verb - it's free and sounds good
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Post by mbenigni » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:02 pm

It's not useless, but it stands out as a weak spot in an application where almost everything else is 1st class. I like to use the Ableton plugs wherever possible because they're efficient and the UI is consistent and all that good stuff. But I've stopped using the Abe reverb, it just doesn't cut it IMO.

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Post by b0unce » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:05 pm

leedsquietman wrote:Altiverb is great but until recently was mac only and costs 2 kidneys and a testicle to buy. And convolution verbs suck the crap out of CPU.
so you've used the altiverb 6 demo then ? which has only been out a week or two ?
because, it is the least cpu hungry of my meagre vst collection....on a dualcore macintel. I'm comparing it to two cpu pigs tho, izotope trash & spectron. I also use reaktor 5 - just the library of instruments & FX that came with it so far - and i find altiverb6 to be as light as your average instance of reaktor 5 running banaan electrique (sp?)....which is to say, very light on my machine.

try the demo.
its great.
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Post by sebovzeoueb » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:07 pm

Thanks for the replies. As I thought, the general opinion seems to be that it is not a great reverb... looks like I'll have to get hold of a reverb sometime. Some of the LADSPA ones that you can use on Ardour (open source DAW) sound pretty nice, but it is annoying to set up routing between Live and Ardour using Jack (open source audio driver thing that lets you route audio between programs) just to have a reverb send...
MacBook Pro 17", 2GB RAM; Live 6, Pod XT Live, MOTU Ultralite, M-AUDIO Axiom 25, Electric and Acoustic Ukuleles, Fretless Bass.

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Post by Sales Dude McBoob » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:16 pm

b0unce wrote:banaan electrique (sp?)....which is to say, very light on my machine.
You spelled Banaan Electrique correctly. I FUCKING LOVE Banaan Electrique. An all time favorite without a doubt.

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Post by Angstrom » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:22 pm

b0unce wrote:
leedsquietman wrote:Altiverb is great but until recently was mac only and costs 2 kidneys and a testicle to buy. And convolution verbs suck the crap out of CPU.
so you've used the altiverb 6 demo then ? which has only been out a week or two ?
because, it is the least cpu hungry of my meagre vst collection....on a dualcore macintel. .

I do love convolution verbs for the posh verb, I must confess to using freebie ones with monstrous latency & CPU and only adding them near to mix time. Perhaps if the CPU is so low then Altiverb6 is worth a look. I'm just putting together a new desktop with dualcore/quadcore so it may be worth trying.

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