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Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:59 am
by thefool

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:28 am
by rasputin
morerecords wrote:Why dedicate a thread to hating on another electronic musician?

We are all musicians. I can't believe I'm hearing the "that's not real music" shit from some dance music producers.
Well, music is whatever you define to be music. That's not too big a problem with me anymore.

However, what's a little frustrating is that 90% of success is the marketing/"cool"/lemming factor. A lot of rap and hip hop is so simplistic a neanderthal (! d'oh !) could produce it. To me, it is no more satisfying to my soul than a candy bar is to my body. But *I* am not the one that is being targeted/marketed to.

But from a pure craft point of view, pop music has really dumbed down over the decades. Even a novelty act like Spike Jones has ultra complex charts and arrangements played by people who really knew their instruments. And their tunes were just considered throwaway entertainment....

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:19 am
by morerecords
Wow think what most of the Jazz and classical communty is saying about what you are doing as far as musicality or sophistication. you are just barely above hip hop or exactly the sameif you make techno or house...We are nothing but flash int he pan pop culture ourselves, you don't think you are nothing but a consumer? you are.That electro-house shit is more or less a good example of what tragedies occur when whites steal/re-interpret black music (over and over and over and over)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:38 am
by john gordon
morerecords wrote:Wow think what most of the Jazz and classical communty is saying about what you are doing as far as musicality or sophistication. you are just barely above hip hop or exactly the sameif you make techno or house...We are nothing but flash int he pan pop culture ourselves, you don't think you are nothing but a consumer? you are.That electro-house shit is more or less a good example of what tragedies occur when whites steal/re-interpret black music (over and over and over and over)
well....hopefully the stuff your creating has some originality to it.yes.most of the electro house is pretty much a formula which is hopefully coming to an end.look at jeff mills or derrick may though.they are originators and they always have fresh sounding tracks.there is nothing original about timb. he just steals peoples samples and makes awful beats.i know alot of jazz and classical musicians who love electronic music and good can tell a piece of music that has been well thought out and arranged,but you cant also tell an artist like timbaland just has no talent at all.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:40 am
by EgAD
morerecords wrote:That electro-house shit is more or less a good example of what tragedies occur when whites steal/re-interpret black music (over and over and over and over)

make up your mind do you want equality and unity or do you want division?

if your answer is the prior then lets all rap together, if your answer is the later then you are the enemy.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:48 am
by 3dot...
90% of every genre is crap... learn to cope...

I can think of at least 10 tracks that are way worst than timbaland beats...

speaking bigshot hiphop producers...
he aint got nothing on 'neptunes' ....

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:53 am
by beats me
morerecords wrote:Wow think what most of the Jazz and classical communty is saying about what you are doing as far as musicality or sophistication. you are just barely above hip hop or exactly the sameif you make techno or house...We are nothing but flash int he pan pop culture ourselves, you don't think you are nothing but a consumer? you are.That electro-house shit is more or less a good example of what tragedies occur when whites steal/re-interpret black music (over and over and over and over)
I think you're missing some of the point. You obviously don't respect house and that's fine. There's people who don't respect Hip Hop, obviously. But most people are willing to give stuff a try to see what the hype is all about. I have no idea what kind of music you do or respect, but let's says whatever that may be there are a bunch of producers that are pure garbage in that genre but are getting all the money and attention for it currently while way better artists aren't getting any attention or making any money. And by attention and money I mean corporations forcing it on the masses until they believe it is great. Would you have a problem if this was happening in your neighborhood?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:07 am
by muthafunka
You're dealing with this.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:12 am
by Tone Deft
morerecords wrote:Why dedicate a thread to hating on another electronic musician?

We are all musicians. I can't believe I'm hearing the "that's not real music" shit from some dance music producers.
word. hate threads are teh lame. show me something interesting, I could give a shit about being reminded what's lame. B-O-R-I-N-G!!!

John man, when's that Costa Rica trip? I need that vicarious vacation!!!

muthafunka wrote:You're dealing with this.
holy @#$%!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:21 am
by b0unce
hating on timbaland, lars ulrich & trent reznor makes perfect sense. they represent all the BS in mainstream music today. their chapter in music history should be vandalised with profanities and crude depictions of self-love.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:27 am
by morerecords
Alright, I do have one thing to cop to: I have never heard Timbaland... but I'm sure I can guess what he's about.

Here's anouther perspective to offer, the house folks aren't as pissed off, but we are doing the same thing, making synthetic music.

I love and make house music/Techno too. I am not fully clear on why anyone would say I don't respect or like house music...I mean, I just didn't wuite understand...why is that again?it didn't make sense

And hey I grew up in Jersey! Those pics MUST be photoshopped-scary though...
(those pics are not from East Orange/Bloomfield/Garage/house central,I promise you that much)

Really though, to hear a bunch of electronic artists with that "that ain't real music," or "those aren't real musicians," Jesus...

again, you are in the same corner of musicianship. Their details might be in the Timbres and what you can get out of a board, while you are busy stuttering a sample of a field recording, we are all repping the same movement AND endeavors: (from a theoretical perspective)post-modernism.

Who do you think brought the sidechain Fad of the past fe years that even Live fnally got on board with to us? WE are in a a dialog with the hip hop world, for the most part alot of the ingineering moves that get adopted by techno/hip hop (think Detroit/Basic channel/Chicago) comes entirely from hip hop, who made it cool and who took from disco/R+B

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:31 am
by b0unce
for the record, I'm not talking production/performance skills.

I'm talkin ethics an' ting.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:38 am
by Dominik
And hey I grew up in Jersey! Those pics MUST be photoshopped-scary though...

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:39 am
by morerecords
Bounce I see, you are commenting on the mass of the mass of the mass of the decline of western civilization...but, we aren't exaclty living fundamentally, and using technology to comment on technology, is't irreverant for sure, but it aint exactly changing the world...and most of the people I know in the house or techno community are doing the same shit: trying to get laid, and be an Alpha in thier world.
regardless, I think the orignal comments, the ones that I took issue with, were musicians bashing musicians.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:41 am
by b0unce
morerecords wrote:Bounce I see, you are commenting on the mass of the mass of the mass of the decline of western civilization...but, we aren't exaclty living fundamentally, and using technology to comment on technology, is't irreverant for sure, but it aint exactly changing the world...and most of the people I know in the house or techno community are doing the same shit: trying to get laid, and be an Alpha in thier world.

cool, most of the people you know in the house or techno community are self-serving multi-millionaires are they ?

awesome for you.