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Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:32 pm
by andydes
hoffman2k wrote:And as far as the originality of the technology goes.. I'm pretty sure that IBM and some other company are responsible for something that tracks the distance and position of a ball. This was many years ago, I think it was developed for golf and allowed automation for cameras to track the ball. So the system knew exactly where the ball is and which camera has it in visual range. Saw it on CNN or BBC.
The system is able to measure almost any aspect like velocity, speed, distance, curve,..
You thinking of Hawk Eye? First used in Cricket to show the TV audience whether the umpire had made the correct lbw (leg before wicket) decision. ie. If a ball that has come off a batsman’s leg would have otherwise gone on to hit the stumps.

The idea is to predict the path of the ball had it continued on it’s trajectory. Never saw the point using it for golf. You can see where the damn thing landed.