Obama wins, Dems will crush the weak-ass republicans cuz...

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Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:51 pm

leisuremuffin wrote:who do i prefer? Obama, but by a very slim margin. I don't think it makes much of a difference, to be honest.

what's good about McCain? I read a lot of negative from you, rarely anything positive to say on the topic. not trying to be a dick, just curious.

after '04 I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was elected to a third term, nothing would surprise me.

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Post by Grifter » Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:54 pm

Tone Deft wrote:
leisuremuffin wrote:who do i prefer? Obama, but by a very slim margin. I don't think it makes much of a difference, to be honest.

what's good about McCain? I read a lot of negative from you, rarely anything positive to say on the topic. not trying to be a dick, just curious.

after '04 I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was elected to a third term, nothing would surprise me.


Wouldnt that only be possible if a state of emergency aka war was called ?

Just curious ???

doc holiday
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Post by doc holiday » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:02 pm

your underestimating the power of the american sheeple...

..it'll be close i think.

its funny the current trend in the media to paint clinton supporters as jumping ship to mclame

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Post by landrvr1 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:05 pm

leisuremuffin wrote:hmmm, sadly i will probably be in Maine by then.

if i'm still here i'l buy dinner and drinks though.


Can I put my drink order in now?


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Post by Grifter » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:07 pm

doc holiday wrote:your underestimating the power of the american sheeple...

..it'll be close i think.

its funny the current trend in the media to paint clinton supporters as jumping ship to mclame
I'm all for the belief of the people representing a whole, but lets not kid ourselves... that was sold out years ago in so called "free countrys"

A two party preferred sytem is a sham.

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Post by landrvr1 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:18 pm

omfg people.

Bush won Round 1 because GORE WAS AN ABSOLUTE FUCKING PUSSY WHO SHOULD HAVE FOUGHT THAT FUCKING RULING TIL THERE WAS BLOOD ON THE STREETS AND HEADS ROLLING. My God. He didn't even try. Not even a little. Fuck him and fuck his boring Goddamn An Inconvenient Truth. Have you seen that piece of shit film? Who knew Global Warming could be so fucking boring.

If it were Bill Clinton that Bush was up against in that little fracas, it would have turned out completely different. Gore was a pussy. There isn't a political reporter who doesn't think the same. There isn't a hardcore Democratic pundit who doesn't think so. Fuck me, there isn't a fucking REPUBLICAN who doesn't think so.

Gore won the popular vote FFS. We can go on and on about how the American people are Bush loving assholes, but....um...um...the math says different during Round 1.

Bush won Round 2 because Kerry was a horrid fucking candidate that none of the undecided voters went for... He was the worst fucking Dem candidate since, since, since...fuck, since fucking Dukakis (who was even more of a sad-sack).

This notion that everybody loved and wanted Bush is bullshit. Fuck, his poling numbers at the time of his fucking re-election were the LOWEST OF ANY SITTING US PRESIDENT AT THE TIME OF RE-ELECTION. Support for the Iraq war was also seriously starting to decline just prior to the election.

Most people in this country didn't want him. They were mostly apathetic but just couldn't stand Kerry. Fucking Lurch pussy motherfucker. God that guy blew it. Fucking blew it. He's the kind of pseudo-academic asshole who needed 2 weeks in order properly formulate a half-assed 'fuck you' after he was roundly and soundly swiftboated.

If a Dem candidate the caliber of Obama had been there for Bush Round 2, we also wouldn't be having this discussion.


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Post by mdk » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:36 pm

i dont want either of them because they both spell really fucking bad news for the balkans.

A: mcCain and his favourite money-raising 'greater-albania' extremist lobbymate Joe DioGuardi


B: Obama with his lovely sidekick Biden - "Serbs are illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butchers and rapists"

so its up to you, my fellow live users who live in America to help decide which way its going to go.

Do you go for the KLA lovers or the Serb haters?

remember, my life could be in your hands. :?
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Post by landrvr1 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:40 pm

mdk wrote:i dont want either of them because they both spell really fucking bad news for the balkans.

A: mcCain and his favourite money-raising 'greater-albania' extremist lobbymate Joe DioGuardi


B: Obama with his lovely sidekick Biden - "Serbs are illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butchers and rapists"

so its up to you, my fellow live users who live in America to help decide which way its going to go.

Do you go for the KLA lovers or the Serb haters?

remember, my life could be in your hands. :?


If your life is in my hands, can I just club you now and call it done?


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Post by knotkranky » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:44 pm

Grifter wrote:
doc holiday wrote:your underestimating the power of the american sheeple...

..it'll be close i think.

its funny the current trend in the media to paint clinton supporters as jumping ship to mclame
I'm all for the belief of the people representing a whole, but lets not kid ourselves... that was sold out years ago in so called "free countrys"

A two party preferred sytem is a sham.

Sorry Grifter, but if you lived in america, you would be dubbed part of the problem.

landrvr1, yup yup. Poor showing by dems in those elections was abysmal fer sure. Bush and his super heavy weight corp attorneys and judicial cronies corrupted that in Florida and Ohio too. Stolen by the crooks that bitchslapped Gore n kerry.

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Post by landrvr1 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:44 pm

God, I just checked a dozen polls. All them show the McCain/Obama race as nearly dead even.

Obama: Reality check. Wrap up the worthless fucking masturbatory cumfest circlejerk in Colorado and get out there and hammer McCain. My god. The level of pussy behavior so far in this campaign is mind boggling.

I actually have some respect for McCain. Or at least the McCain of 4 years ago before he underwent his dramtic neocon conversion. That doesn't stop me from wanting to see Obama start to give him the fucking drubbing he so rightly deserves.

God damn. Are there any fucking MEN left in the Democratic Party? Oh yeah. Forgot. Hillary.



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Post by knotkranky » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:47 pm

landrvr1 wrote:God, I just checked a dozen polls. All them show the McCain/Obama race as nearly dead even.

Obama: Reality check. Wrap up the worthless fucking masturbatory cumfest circlejerk in Colorado and get out there and hammer McCain. My god. The level of pussy behavior so far in this campaign is mind boggling.

I actually have some respect for McCain. Or at least the McCain of 4 years ago before he underwent his dramtic neocon conversion. That doesn't stop me from wanting to see Obama start to give him the fucking drubbing he so rightly deserves.

God damn. Are there any fucking MEN left in the Democratic Party? Oh yeah. Forgot. Hillary.


Nah, love fest first then a constant pummeling on McCain after. Debates will be harsh I hope :twisted:

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Post by landrvr1 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:48 pm

knotkranky wrote:Stolen by the crooks that bitchslapped Gore n kerry.

And they just bent over and took it like a couple of girls. Sorry, but the only people that Dems have to bitch about our themselves. Fucking pussies. What we need is some good old fashion knuckle dragging old school Chicago Democrat Machine motherfuckers to start cracking some skulls out there. Fuck me. Pussies.

I know all of you sissies out there want a kinder, gentler, articulate Democratic Party that's going to appeal to your sense of fair play and warm fuzzies.

That's not going to win this motherfucking election.


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Post by knotkranky » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:49 pm

^ I think we'll be surprised. It'll get tough enough.

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Post by landrvr1 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:50 pm

knotkranky wrote:
landrvr1 wrote:God, I just checked a dozen polls. All them show the McCain/Obama race as nearly dead even.

Obama: Reality check. Wrap up the worthless fucking masturbatory cumfest circlejerk in Colorado and get out there and hammer McCain. My god. The level of pussy behavior so far in this campaign is mind boggling.

I actually have some respect for McCain. Or at least the McCain of 4 years ago before he underwent his dramtic neocon conversion. That doesn't stop me from wanting to see Obama start to give him the fucking drubbing he so rightly deserves.

God damn. Are there any fucking MEN left in the Democratic Party? Oh yeah. Forgot. Hillary.


Nah, love fest first then a constant pummeling on McCain after. Debates will be harsh I hope :twisted:
I hope, dude. I really do. But I've not seen once ounce of it so far. Biden is something of an asskicker, so that's cool. He's not afraid to go to the mattresses when it's necessary. I'm just afraid Obama is going to want to consult with his army of fucking academics before doing so. Kerry all over again. I hope not.


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Post by knotkranky » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:56 pm

landrvr1 wrote:
knotkranky wrote:
landrvr1 wrote:God, I just checked a dozen polls. All them show the McCain/Obama race as nearly dead even.

Obama: Reality check. Wrap up the worthless fucking masturbatory cumfest circlejerk in Colorado and get out there and hammer McCain. My god. The level of pussy behavior so far in this campaign is mind boggling.

I actually have some respect for McCain. Or at least the McCain of 4 years ago before he underwent his dramtic neocon conversion. That doesn't stop me from wanting to see Obama start to give him the fucking drubbing he so rightly deserves.

God damn. Are there any fucking MEN left in the Democratic Party? Oh yeah. Forgot. Hillary.


Nah, love fest first then a constant pummeling on McCain after. Debates will be harsh I hope :twisted:
I hope, dude. I really do. But I've not seen once ounce of it so far. Biden is something of an asskicker, so that's cool. He's not afraid to go to the mattresses when it's necessary. I'm just afraid Obama is going to want to consult with his army of fucking academics before doing so. Kerry all over again. I hope not.


The primaries make it look weak cuz of the Clinton's and Obaman's kicking each others asses but now they're cool and coordinating the soon to be attacks. It just won't happen until after the official call at the convention. All of them are gonna kick the shit out of McCain but more importantly, make the republicans look like sorry Bush lovers. Which they are.

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