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Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:59 am
by nathannn
Homebelly wrote:
And all that usually happens is a few people, like me, see through this kind of conversation, get angry and despair at the state of society, then leave.
maybe you are reading into something that isn't there?

maybe in your country the gay men you have met dont behave the way loopstation suggested.
i have never met loopstationzebra but i assure you every gay man i have met has acted exactly like he suggested.
every women i have met that calls herself a "fag hag" behaves like she has mental issues
what do you want? this is my perspective because of the people i have came in contact with.

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:07 am
by Machinesworking
Homebelly wrote: I consider it a silly thread because in the context of the ableton forum I don't see why it is important to know who is gay or female or black or Chinese or what ever..

If a topic comes up that might be about discrimination or some other kind of bias and someone choses to out them selves to help qualify a statement they have made, then that is all good. But starting a thread like this then filling it with stereo typical heterosexual statements about what you perceve gay people to be like is, in my opinion, boarder line harassment.

I'm not sure there will be any enlightenment to be had in this thread.
Just the same old same old homophobic statements about gay people being fashionable.. funny.. self depreciating..
Or other statements about how woman that hang out with gay men are not to be trusted..
These are broad and quite crass statements.
And all that usually happens is a few people, like me, see through this kind of conversation, get angry and despair at the state of society, then leave.
While every one else gets affirmation that how they think, and what they say on the mater is okay.

Like i said..

A very silly, pointless and possibly offensive post.

Good luck with it..

See ya later.
There has been a slew of gay jokes in the last week or so, that's obvious, if this is the first thread you read here in the last week with "gay" in the tittle you're living under a rock. Honestly this is by far the least politically incorrect thread on the "topic", so your indignation looks like what it is, a chance to attack those who won't openly mock you for your views. Way to alienate those who aren't truly your "enemy".

Seriously, the worst, absolute worst thing about the militantly politically correct is their egotistical righteousness worn like a badge of honor.

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:30 am
by Homebelly
Machinesworking wrote: your indignation looks like what it is, a chance to attack those who won't openly mock you for your views. Way to alienate those who aren't truly your "enemy".
Mr. Working.. WTF are you talking about?
I have attacked nobody.
My views are quite simple.. to use an old cliche "Live and let live".

All i am asking is.. Why start this thread in he first place?
It seems to have no relevance other than to create a forum for people to trot out the same old hackneyed rhetoric about how gay people are.
If i was a gay man, what incentive does this thread give me to come out and start a dialogue with you all?

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:43 am
by rakim87
so much whining from people who don't get outcasted or threatened with violence...

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:28 am
by regretfullySaid
No one had a problem with Happy Holidays until some media twisted it into egotistical righteousness. Before that, it used to generally just be respectful regardless of your faith.
American use of the term "Happy Holidays" to replace "Merry Christmas" dates back at least to the 1970s[7] and was a common phrase relating to the Christmas season at least going back to the 1890s.[8] The term may have gained popularity with the Irving Berlin song "Happy Holidays" (released in 1942 and included in the film Holiday Inn).
In the United States, it can have several variations and meanings:[citation needed]
  • As "Happy Holiday", an English translation of the Hebrew Hag Sameach greeting on Passover, Sukkot, and Shavuot.
  • As "Happy Holiday", a substitution for "Merry Christmas".
  • As "Happy Holidays", a collective and inclusive wish for the period encompassing Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Winter solstice, Christmas Day (The Nativity of the Lord), Boxing Day (St. Stephen's Day), the New Year and Epiphany.
  • As "Happy Holidays", a shortened form of the greeting "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."
The increasing usage of "Happy Holidays" has been the subject of some controversy in the United States. Advocates claim that "Happy Holidays" is an inclusive greeting that is not intended as an attack on Christianity or other religions, but is rather a response to what they say is the reality of a growing non-Christian population.

Critics of "Happy Holidays" generally claim it is a secular neologism. The greeting may be deemed materialistic, consumerist, atheistic, indifferentist, agnostic, politically correct, and/or anti-Christian. Critics of the phrase have associated it with a larger cultural clash termed the "War on Christmas."[9] However, some Christians, concerned that the 20th century conflation of St. Nicholas Day (December 6), Christmas (December 25), and Epiphany (January 6) has subsumed the meaning of Christmas itself, have taken to using "Happy Holidays" and "Season's Greetings" throughout the season, reserving "Merry Christmas" for December 25.[citation needed]
If you want to know if someone is gay, why don't you just ask them?

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:31 am
by stringtapper
shadx312 wrote:If you want to know if someone is gay, why don't you just ask them?
Who said anything about wanting to know whether someone is gay?

If you want to know what the thread is about, why not read the OP?

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:03 am
by regretfullySaid

It's not like no one has ever been too scared to ask a question directly so they have to find an alternate means to find out.
But I'll go with-> that would be reading too much into it.

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:36 am
by Machinesworking
Homebelly wrote: I have attacked nobody.
Bullshit, read your post and tell me you aren't condemning everyone in this thread? Seriously?
Christ? can you get more passive aggressive?
^Rhetorical and ironic on purpose in case you didn't catch it.

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:39 am
by Machinesworking
rakim87 wrote:so much whining from people who don't get outcasted or threatened with violence...
Lol, I see no point in engaging in a battle of 'who has suffered more' with people online I'll likely never meet in real life. What a horrid little game to play?

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:16 am
by Homebelly
Machinesworking wrote:
Homebelly wrote: I have attacked nobody.
Bullshit, read your post and tell me you aren't condemning everyone in this thread? Seriously?
Christ? can you get more passive aggressive?
^Rhetorical and ironic on purpose in case you didn't catch it.
Read pretty much every other post and tell me that it isn't the same old same old bullshit that straight people always spout about their perception of gay people, especially gay men.
I can see how my post might be seen as passive aggressive, but at the same time i can also see how the entire thread can be seen as quite offensive to any one on the board that might be gay.

But any way..
Like i said before..
I'm out of this thread, and maintain my original opinion that it is very silly and can go no where..

Good luck with it.

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:39 am
by Machinesworking
Homebelly wrote: Read pretty much every other post and tell me that it isn't the same old same old bullshit that straight people always spout about their perception of gay people, especially gay men.
I can see how my post might be seen as passive aggressive, but at the same time i can also see how the entire thread can be seen as quite offensive to any one on the board that might be gay.

But any way..
Like i said before..
I'm out of this thread, and maintain my original opinion that it is very silly and can go no where..

Good luck with it.
Right, so you're self righteously defending "gay people" by acting a fool... that really creates dialogue.

For some godawful reason I always have way too many gay friends! :lol: Archetypes exist for a reason, and it's IMO more harmful to pamper people from afar than to fuck with them up close.

I don't mind being called white, I don't even mind when I'm the only white guy hanging out and get jabbed at about it, but it's fucking uncomfortable and frustrating when somebody acts like you're a representative of all white people and you have to "defend white people". It's that line in the sand. You've decided that even discussing the lack of gay men on this forum is "wrong", which is hilarious? Personally I wish there were a few total flaming queens who posted, not because "Them thar queens are so funny har!", but because it would give a natural damper to the gay humor, and probably stop a little of the cowboy BS. Hard to 'internet tough guy' when someone is calling you sweetie! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:58 am
by andydes

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:22 pm
by rozling
I don't think the topic itself is silly - given these recent posts it's quite timely - but some of these responses are disappointing at best. Reading back over the thread I'd agree with this:
homebelly wrote: i can also see how the entire thread can be seen as quite offensive to any one on the board that might be gay.
Lots of generalisations about gay people that don't contribute to the conversation...

I've hung around here for a long time because I always thought of it as a diverse community of people with a common interest, but lately I've been left with an uneasy feeling and I'm wondering whether it's time to move on. Someone described it as homogenous which I thought was fairly accurate...

We've always revelled in minimal moderation – if this is what the community is now then so be it... I'd be interested in what the mods/Ableton think of it though.

nathann I feel bad for you man, you must be an incredibly good looking guy! My gay friends have never once tried to 'convert' me... maybe you're sending out the wrong vibes :wink:

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:34 pm
by rozling
Oh and yes, in a way it should be a moot point in general; the whole point of these public forums is you have the choice of anonymity and individual posters' sexual preference rarely/never comes up directly (although you can take a wild guess and assume that the large majority here are 20 - 50 year old hetero males).

But I would hate anyone to think that they are not welcome to post because of the current wave of talking heads. You can be fairly sure that the forum in general would be losing out.

Re: Gay Forum Members

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:11 pm
by nathannn
rozling wrote:

maybe you're sending out the wrong vibes :wink:
so the gay vibes i send are not the right ones?

i deleted the post that i made that you are referring to because i felt stupid about it.
now i feel stupid for deleting it.
i cant win on the internet.