any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by lo.key » Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:20 pm

humnumb wrote:It's not hard to understand that people who already paid too much money for Live 9 and Push would expect things to work out of the box instead of having to pay more money for M4L just to hope for a hacked workaround to come along or having to learn python programming just for the most basic features like browsing samples and clips.

not only is that attitude hard to understand, it seems actively foolish to look at software that way. It seems to me you aren't prepared to do whats necessary to get the most out of your purchase. Why buy a flexible and adaptive audio environment, only to use the default behaviour? The chief appeal of the entire software package is its adaptability.

There are plenty of criticisms to be handed out to ableton in terms of how they've implemented specific areas of the api, and the browser, but to just issue a blanket statement pan because it doesnt work the way you want it to seems a little silly. It works the way they wanted it to, ostensibly, and you have the opportunity to make it work differently, if you choose.

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by Asymmetricalmusic » Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:18 pm

I don't agree at all

Things like Max should do things that can't be done without it, For example convert MIDI to DMX signals or some crazy shit like that.

I just want browser my content whatever I choose that content to be in whatever order I choice that content to be in.

considering this thing is wicked powerful with the functionality only a 5 year-old would say is complete

Truly the only thing I want to do with it is hot swap my drum racks without looking at the screen

I'm confident I'll figure it out but you can't say the things does that easily out of the box, IT Doesn't! Period! Fuck you Ableton and your factory content!

I want to learn Python about as much as I want to learn a "Skin Editor" Thank you very much

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by SuburbanThug » Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:29 pm

If you care to look around there are ways to get your folders showing up in the browser. If you don't care to look around I don't know what to tell you. As far as 5 year olds go, I find that they are the ones that want something to work exactly how they envisioned it before they turned it on and throw temper tantrums when it doesn't. It could definitely use some improvement in the browser section but as a song writing tool and an instrument it is more than functional. For editing you are going to have to look at your computer ( :cry: ).

I'm starting to get the "less whining more music making" spiel of some of the folks on this forum. It's one thing to make a complaint or request better functionality. It's another to throw temper tantrums and all this "fuck you Ableton" nonsense. Christ, get a grip.

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by Asymmetricalmusic » Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:51 pm

I'm pissed

This happens were I not making music cause I'm here reading about what the hell to do

No offense to anyone here but anyone who reads should know everyones opinion.

I'm def learning but I shouldn't have to learn Py. script

I was quite happy making music until I got a new piece of gear that's suppose to help keep me there but I here Pissed cause Ableton won't make public info like "what new changes are planned" that is lame to keep us in the dark

You don'y have Ableton at all do you Suburban? I could be wrong and I'm not trying to piss you off, I'm just trying to make the point I'm an Ableton supporter that Ableton is taking a crap on.

I feel justified saying it!

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by SuburbanThug » Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:05 pm

Here is a tutorial on browsing user drum hits viewtopic.php?f=55&t=192022

You don't have to learn how to program Python. Someone else is doing it for you. There's a pretty awesome community here.

If you need helping learning how the new library works in general you can start here viewtopic.php?f=1&t=190514&hilit=browser&start=30

The Push is being worked on round the clock right now by both Ableton and the community. In the end it may not be the perfect solution to all your needs but there are many resources around you to help you make it do what you want it to do.

There are things I wish the Push did that it doesn't that seem like very easy things to accomplish such as loading clips from the browser. I was disappointed at first but then I remembered that this thing was never advertised as a way to finish a track or a complete solution for performing/DJing. It's an instrument for playing, like a keyboard but it is also a sequencer. In this fashion I have a hard time finding fault in it. I'm writing in a completely fresh and inspired way. I use it as a sketchpad for tracks. When I want to edit I hit the laptop, shape what I'm doing and return to the Push. I love my laptop. Before I had one I was writing on a Roland sequencer workstation and turntables. Pretty archaic.

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by Asymmetricalmusic » Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:10 pm

Big Ups, Man

there is a great community here

I'm learning ......

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From Ableton support today

Post by randallp » Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:26 pm

"Here is some information on how the categories work. This is not documented as we are still improving this, but I am happy to share these tricks with you.

How to add a sample to a Category

1. Drag the audio file you wish to save to a particular Category into your User Library (for example a clap).
2. As you can see, this doesn't appear in the correct category (Claps) yet.
3. The next step would be to create a folder in your User Library with the same name as the category (e.g. Claps) and move the sample in there.
4. Now as you can see, this sample will appear under the corresponding Category.

How to add a preset to a Category

The same applies for user-created presets. E.g. if you save a Bass Analog preset you made to your User Library it won’t initially appear in the Bass Category under Analog.

1. Create a "Bass“ folder inside the Analog Presets folder.
2. Now as you can see, this preset will appear under the corresponding Category."
Live 9, Push, MountainLion

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by Asymmetricalmusic » Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:38 pm

Sound like it's up to us to figure out how to delete the factory content though right?

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by randallp » Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:01 pm

Possibly so.. for the moment I'm renaming my oft-used stuff with an A prefix - eg "AGrand" so they sort to the top of the Push lists. (It's not as though I want to explore the Live Suite from the Push (esp as there is no Push-preview)).
Live 9, Push, MountainLion

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by Asymmetricalmusic » Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:06 pm

Yeah it's not so much I want to Delete ALL Factory content

I just don't want in there the sounds I don't like, Just cause it's factory makes no different expect when I think it sucks and I don't ever want to see it.

For Example: Is there a way to do away with the Max 4 Live folder on my Push? It'll always be empty cause I'm not gonna buy M4L.

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by djlimbs » Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:45 am

here's the tutorial on customizing the browser. long, but i hope it makes sense: ... -dj-limbs/

Abe's factory content is all in the Core Library folder so you can just delete what you don't like from there. I did that and it helped streamline browsing a lot. I hope they don't re-install stuff when the updates come tho...I'm pretty sure updates will cause problems with the Browser customizations

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by SuburbanThug » Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:02 am

djlimbs wrote:here's the tutorial on customizing the browser. long, but i hope it makes sense: ... -dj-limbs/

Abe's factory content is all in the Core Library folder so you can just delete what you don't like from there. I did that and it helped streamline browsing a lot. I hope they don't re-install stuff when the updates come tho...I'm pretty sure updates will cause problems with the Browser customizations
Thanks, man. Your lounge remix of Justin Beiber is mindblowing btw.

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by brianbacio » Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:25 am

What i understand is : if i want to see my own files in the Push browser i will have to move and reorganise every single one into newly named categories in the User Library . In doing so i will of course break the link with all my Previous Live, Maschine, Max sets. Which is a crazy thing to do. Because all my samples and files are not put in a place called User Library. How are you dealing with this problem ? Is everybody reorganising their computer's file system for Live ? And i don't even organise my samples in such a "logical" way.
a modern computer and all sorts of hardware

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by Asymmetricalmusic » Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:43 pm

It's such a huge bitch to have to organize

but yeah I'm planning to but I'm putting everything off to see what develops out of the continued changes that might still be made to this product.

In short I'm gonna kill somebody if I start to reorganize, and Ableton decides to implement what should have been there in the first place

I want an integrated browser with L9 and Push mirroring each other so I can easily make changes and instantly it on Push ready to go.

I real feel like this is the only solution to the Push Browser

if Ableton does agree then I'd really like to hear why?

What's easy from the user stand point, if were talk easier based on the programers stand point......then I want my money back because Push will never become usable.

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Re: any word from abes on the poor user browsing in push?

Post by brianbacio » Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:27 pm

I was expecting from Push what Ableton has always delivered : extreme competence, user friendlyness and top engineering solutions. It is just now dawning upon me that the instrument i bought is only delivering a good half of what i expected. All because of a blind browser. I thought, great, i'll buy in to the "no more looking into my laptop" idea. But Ableton went about it as if most users are preset people and have no peronnal life. What is the "User Library" for if Push can't (hardly) see it ? And i have enough of a busy life to expect me to start hacking my xml files and plunging into python.
So i return to push and use it as a good controler but is it really that much better than Apc 40 ? Maschine does just about the same thing + plus it sees my files !
Strange feeling.
a modern computer and all sorts of hardware

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