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Post by nolus » Mon May 22, 2006 9:36 pm

Angstrom wrote:I think I should also say theres a handy way of getting almost sound on sound loops like this. well, bounced sound on sound anyway.

have 4 audio 'loop tracks' getting their audio from a main loop source, but make that loop source be a return track - now anything you send to that return track is recordable.

so you can send loop 1 into send A , then start recording loop 2, it will record loop one.

the only benefit to this being that you can assign the sends to a standard controller - my usual set-up for this is quite complex, but essentially I have
  • a row of dials that send tracks to the loop return channel
  • keyboard keys to start a loop track recording
  • controllers assigned to the start and loop length controlers
  • a load of stupid effects to reverse the return audio and fragment it as it goes into the loop.
I like the idea of using sends to route stuff to the looping tracks. and making new loops from old ones. (could get interesting poly rhythms going that way by playing a loop against a shorter, mangled up section of itself)

It's amazing what you CAN set up with live with a bit of thought - once you "get it" (A large sheet of paper and some coloured pens helps)

Now that I've got a machine that can run more than one vst at a time, I've started building a complex set up of my own, controlled by a BCR2000 and a Midi Keyboard. The main features so far:

Removed all stop buttons.
a group of tracks containing various vst's or routed to multi part vsts. The "monitor" control of these tracks is turned on and off by pushing the top row of knobs on the BCR. The volume is controlled by the rotating the same knobs.

The buttons at the top of the BCR are used to turn vst instruments and fx on and off as needed and to trigger loops.

The Vst instruments are routed to group tracks (pianos,epianos,strings and pads,analogue synths,bass, etc). each group as some inline fx appropriate for the kind of sound. Plus basic fx like reverb and delay on return chans.

The top 2 rows of knobs in the main area of the BCR are dedicated to controling these groups. some groups have more controls than others, i.e piano just has reverb, epiano has rotating speakers and all sorts.

The output from each group goes to a master "Live Performance" track, which is where the live looping tracks take there input from.

There are 8 live looping tracks (might add more) and other tracks with pre-programmed loops.

I have three buttons dedicated to next scene, prev scene and launch current scene.

The last 8 scenes are the only ones that have any stop buttons, one on each live looping track, layed out diagonally. So I can play with one hand and move up and down and launch with the other. I call this area my "Loop Factory" where I make new loops.

Once you get a few loops running you can start to move them up to other scenes and arange them into groups.

the level of each looping track has it's own control on the bottom row of the BCR.

Now I need to figure out a way to map one control to the same function on multiple instruments (e.g. one knob to open up all the filters) i'm tinkering around with a PD patch for that.

Also need a foot switch to trigger recording so that I can play with both hands.
Angstrom wrote: sometimes the 'songs' that come out are almost bearable, but generally they are a good way to discover things.
I call my "compositions" Streams Of Conciousness (Pretentious? Moi?), by the time I reach SOC99 I might have something worth sharing.

But you can learn a lot by doing them, and you can get enough material for a complete track in less than an hour; instead of taking days (or weeks) just to get started.

gosh, what a long post. It's just that I'm so pleased with my new setup I felt the need to share it with somebody (I tried explaining it to my Vocalist colaborator but his blank expression showed I was wasting my time)
"That very perceptive of you Mr Stapleton, and rather unexpected... in a G Major"

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Post by mathew » Tue May 23, 2006 12:23 am

couldnt you get sound on sound looping by using the beatrepeater in a send and taking both channels into another channel?

does the beatrepeater have a mix knob?
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Re: Noop question help needed

Post by mw » Tue May 23, 2006 9:13 am

nolus wrote:
mw wrote: btw this set up doesnt work in cant have multible records enabled but it does save on cpu with the fx set up
Oh yes you can!

navigate to options->preferences->misc->behaviour->exclusive

and click on the "arm" button

tbh ive barely scratched the surface of live... i only use it to record loops live over some drones

some of this stuff looks exciting

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Post by Angstrom » Wed May 24, 2006 12:00 am

mathew wrote:couldnt you get sound on sound looping by using the beatrepeater in a send and taking both channels into another channel?

does the beatrepeater have a mix knob?
put 4 simple delays on the 'group' return track set them on 16, make them all have 0 feedback and 100% wet. put an eq4 and an autofilter on the same chain, now send that track back into itself. watch that feedback though!
use the eq and filter to 'shape' the audio.
I also put a compressor and a saturator on ther for harmonic interest.

you now have a 4 bar sound-on-sound loop to send to your loop-record tracks.

I actually use an angstrolooper instead of 4 simple delays, also I use an angstro-reverse thing that 'soft-reverses' the audio.

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Post by KU » Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:23 pm

how do you use the Angstrolooper without getting audio hiccups when the reset loop button is hit?

:o :D :oops:

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Getting this echo sound

Post by funknotik » Sat Jun 24, 2006 3:38 am

Tried the afformentioned technique for looping with the 4 loops and 1 guitar all routed to the guitar. Seems i keep getting this echo sound, probably something stupid. Excuse my ignorance Im trying to loop scratches from my turntable in ableton. I used to use a jamman, but when i saw kid beyond i hopped on with ableton. Honestly im overwhelmed by all the technical aspects, but i hope i can figure this out as im a fairly good turntablist. anyway cheers!! GOOD SHIT!

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Post by Lamont » Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:06 pm

Yes!!!!! Thank you, I've been looking for this set-up.

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Re: Getting this echo sound

Post by iMartin » Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:34 pm

funknotik wrote:Tried the afformentioned technique for looping with the 4 loops and 1 guitar all routed to the guitar. Seems i keep getting this echo sound, probably something stupid. Excuse my ignorance Im trying to loop scratches from my turntable in ableton. I used to use a jamman, but when i saw kid beyond i hopped on with ableton. Honestly im overwhelmed by all the technical aspects, but i hope i can figure this out as im a fairly good turntablist. anyway cheers!! GOOD SHIT!
I am getting the same echo problem does anyone have an answer to this? I am very new to Live so it probably is something simple I have missed.


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Post by friend_kami » Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:52 am

see im a bit confused here. ive been trying to set up live for live looping and recording and whatnots aswell, but i cant figure it out really.

i watched the kid beyond video, right. now this guy has a good setup, mainly that when he stops recording it it will loop continously. all fine and dandy, but my live wont. ever. im not sure if he disarms the recording, then triggers it to play with a trigger quantization settings or whatnots, but i cant bloody to get it to work as that, ans its bugging me to hell.

now, i could rtfm, but hey, im as lazy as the next person.
i havent been using live for live looping so much as of yet, because i didnt have my toys that ive got now, so now im gonna give a good go.
i guess its all about learning to handle your software. im getting to it.

ill try this set up the OP posted and see how it works.

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Post by Machinate » Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:50 pm

friend_kami, to start a clip looping instead of recording simply trigger it again.
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Post by friend_kami » Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:45 pm

not what i mean though :)
it is however triggering like it should now.
no idea what happened.

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Re: Getting this echo sound

Post by rbmonosylabik » Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:25 am

funknotik wrote:Tried the afformentioned technique for looping with the 4 loops and 1 guitar all routed to the guitar. Seems i keep getting this echo sound, probably something stupid. Excuse my ignorance Im trying to loop scratches from my turntable in ableton. I used to use a jamman, but when i saw kid beyond i hopped on with ableton. Honestly im overwhelmed by all the technical aspects, but i hope i can figure this out as im a fairly good turntablist. anyway cheers!! GOOD SHIT!
maybe you haven't turned monitoring off in the tracks you record to

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Post by freddie » Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:36 am

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Post by mooncaine » Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:21 am

I have a feeling that screen shot and description is going to help a lot. Thanks loads!

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Post by mooncaine » Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:10 am

Tonight's my first chance to try emulating your example. I find that Live won't do anything when I trigger one of the clips. When I'm in MIDI Map mode, it sees the footswitch's MIDI msg [and I confirm with MIDI Monitor that it is sending it], but in Ableton Live, nothing is happening.

I need to troubleshoot and find out why. Any tips on where to begin?

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