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Post by Machinesworking » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:53 pm

Last edited by Machinesworking on Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Machinesworking » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:54 pm

fraq wrote:Jeez. Jealousy is one thing, but really, this kind of misogyny is sickening.
As is it's acceptance on here.
You know, normally I would agree that people are being misogynistic, but this alcoholic, meth amphetamine, drug casualty actually calls her ass and tits "lady lumps"????

Let me repeat that, LADY LUMPS. It's about as misogynistic as it gets, and yes, women can be misogynists, the term is internalized sexism.

Also, all you pop music fans just don't get it do you? Not all of us want to be "stars", and music that is popular isn't successful because it's good, it's successful because a bunch of people in suits decided it would make them money if they marketed it to a target audience. Pop music is business, not art, and that is exactly why some of us couldn't give two shits about pop music. Unless it gets to a point where you can't walk down the street without hearing some drug casualty refer to her body parts as lady lumps, and brag about her ability to get men to do things because they want her body parts....... Commenting on new levels of low in pop music is not fucking jealousy! Pop fans will never get it. :roll:[/quote]

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Post by noisetonepause » Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:33 pm

I agree with the previous speaker.
Suit #1: I mean, have you got any insight as to why a bright boy like this would jeopardize the lives of millions?
Suit #2: No, sir, he says he does this sort of thing for fun.

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Post by computo » Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:22 pm

besides, these guys may have been "better" back in the 90's...when white boys would be their main attendees...

But now its white girls...little impressionable white girls...probably around the ages of 8-14. Now are these the people you want walking around talking about their sexual organs as lady lumps? or humps for that matter?

I mean christ, these little girls are wearing tshirts that say skank, calling their sexual body parts by offensive nicknames, and waving their asses in the air... no wonder NBC doesnt have any trouble catching child predators.

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