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Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:27 pm
by macmurphy
cabletone wrote:Doesn't matter if OP doesnt use cracks; even TALKING about k's should be not permitted and this thread should be deleted.
that is utter rubbish.

why shouldn't we talk about piracy? give me one good reason. as long as people don't come on here condoning it or trying to link to warez sites what is the problem?

or maybe it should be deleted because any attempted discussion on the subject just descends into a pointless debate about whether we should be talking about it
in the first place.

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:19 pm
by emptypond
putting this thread title into google will give you instant savings.

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:38 pm
by macmurphy
:lol: :twisted:

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:05 pm
by Pasha
Piracy of intangible assets like Mp3, Software, Photos and more is the main reason why Internet is alive.
Telco companies willing to sell you faster connections are doing that only because they know that people
will need speed to download stuff (let me add illegally). If Internet were to be used the way it was originally intended (Hypertext browsing) a 0.5 Mbit connection would do... but we have YouTube today and many other things....
I know people downloading movies, music without having the physical time to watch or listen, imagine downloading tons of VST... you can't try them all or understand how they work. For some of us music is an hobby, hence a pleasure. For others a work hence a pleasure (it depends... work...mmmmm) both in the end buy the software for the services that it brings. Many others don't. I feel those cannot be serious in having a venue with a cracked version that can theoretically stop working anytime. So for me there's a lot of people that simply download things that go filling hard drives but never or rarely gets used. Seems like childish. However, sometimes, the mechanism of self protection that software companies implement fuels piracy more than piracy itself. The absence of a try & buy version for example.
People in that case violate the law by using (testing) a software for their needs because are not allowed to do it otherwise (legally) because of crazy policies. This is not an excuse: you can avoid to buy software like that in the same way we avoid buying hardware from shops without a clear return policy. Complex matter, can of worms. Sure the OP 'Feeling like an idiot' for being a legit user, in a way, suggests other means of getting Ableton software and that IMHO is not fair in the face of the Ableton Forum Members and Ableton as a Company.

- My 2 cents
- Pasha :roll:

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:24 pm
by Rave
I buy all my pornography. :P

It's all about supporting the scene. No money no boobies :(

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:06 pm
by ze2be
xzusa8ky wrote:@hoffmann2k

....Still playing the Board Sheriff?............... :lol:
Says the one who brings a knife to a gun fight. :P

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:35 am
by yeshua
anybody serious at his audiowork does not buy a pc for 200eur and uses cracked software to make serious audio...
I have to disagree. Strongly. The price point simply makes it impossible for a lot of people in this day's economy to afford the tools they want to make music. I've been paying for Live since I started first using Live 4 and I've upgraded all the way to 8 Suite.

Kids I've run across over the years using K versions still make dope ass music and take their music quite seriously. They're just not middle-class like so many "serious" audiophiles and producers who can afford it but only create shit-ass music.

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:25 am
by Pasha
yeshua wrote:
anybody serious at his audiowork does not buy a pc for 200eur and uses cracked software to make serious audio...
I have to disagree. Strongly. The price point simply makes it impossible for a lot of people in this day's economy to afford the tools they want to make music
Concede me the minimum stuff:

1) A PC (today about 499 Euros for a Dell)
2) A DAW (Reaper 60 Euros, Live Intro 99 Euros, Ardour - Free including a lot of plugins but needs Linux)
3) An Audio card (USB ranges from 60 Euro onwards)
4) A Keyboard Controller (99 onwards UMX-250- includes audio interface and software)
5) Headphones (30 Euros onwards)

Sum this up : 499+60+99=658 Euros (UMX-250 is an USB Audio as well)

If you take this as a starter kit (I know not top of the tops but I make good music with a FCA202 from Behringer, 99 Euros).It's expensive for some (1 month of salary) but the only part of the kit you can steal is the DAW. On the internet there are tons of free vst (sorry Ableton) that sometime make noises that are similar or even better than the commercial alternatives. Music does not depend on how much money you spend on your equipment. So even if it looks expensive in the end it's affordable even if it can take you months to save money. Do not forget that in EU there are special discounts on PC for students that could even reduce the effort. There is also 'collective buying' where people put together their effort to buy what's needed. So IMHO your point is good but a little weak. Not an excuse for robbery. If you do not have the money now and you really think you want to make music you can save on other less important things and you can achieve what you want. This day's economy doesn't pay everyone the same amount because it's based on competition (and corruption.. and all the bad that this system brings in :( ). In USSR in the glorious 70s or 80s they had musical instruments paid by the government, musicians needed to study music in special schools 6 days a week and they were employed in bands that played inside the borders of the big USSR territory. Not only Classical Music but Jazz and Pop and yes the folk/country genre as well. Today many wanna be musicians do not even now how to write a notation or what a chord is.

- My 2 Cents
- Pasha

PS : The usage of 'You' was not intended as an offense or directed to you in person but rather as a generic 'You'.

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:58 am
by yeshua
Pasha wrote:
Concede me the minimum stuff:

1) A PC (today about 499 Euros for a Dell)
2) A DAW (Reaper 60 Euros, Live Intro 99 Euros, Ardour - Free including a lot of plugins but needs Linux)
3) An Audio card (USB ranges from 60 Euro onwards)
4) A Keyboard Controller (99 onwards UMX-250- includes audio interface and software)
5) Headphones (30 Euros onwards)

Sum this up : 499+60+99=658 Euros (UMX-250 is an USB Audio as well)
I'm gonna go with USD since that's where i'm based. 658 euros is over 900 USD. That's a lot of cash for the working-class wanting to make beats. If you've got kids to feed? Forget it.

I'm not here to condone robbery--I just was pointing out that there are poor blokes in the world who make dope music and take it very seriously but may not be able to afford the software they want to use. Some of them eventually get legit when they have the cash; others, of course, continue pirating software because they feel like they're putting one over on the man or something equally silly.

It's the way of the new age. Intellectual property is going to mean less and less over the upcoming years as surveillance and copyright infringement detection technology will eventually be all the internet is made of. :mrgreen:

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:20 am
by dgtal
swishniak wrote:
ze2be wrote: but i think its still an interesting discussion; or strange that people DONT talk about how much cracked software is being used out there.. and how it gets cracked / cracks as a form of promotion etc. .

I wouldn´t have heard about version 1.0 or 1.2,(or was it 4???, doesn´t really matter i can´t remember), if i hadn´t seen a cracked version at a friends home, and would have played around with fruity loops ( which i still do, but rewired to ableton) and cubase for i don´t know how long... i`m sure i would have got a demo version sooner or later but i was simply amazed by ableton ad got it a few days later.. so promotion is a very good point... :arrow: and why/how the newest cracked versions appaer on the net at the same time you would be able to buy it, would be interresting too

btw. greetings to everyone using the forum

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:39 am
by Pasha
yeshua wrote:
Pasha wrote:
Concede me the minimum stuff:

1) A PC (today about 499 Euros for a Dell)
2) A DAW (Reaper 60 Euros, Live Intro 99 Euros, Ardour - Free including a lot of plugins but needs Linux)
3) An Audio card (USB ranges from 60 Euro onwards)
4) A Keyboard Controller (99 onwards UMX-250- includes audio interface and software)
5) Headphones (30 Euros onwards)

Sum this up : 499+60+99=658 Euros (UMX-250 is an USB Audio as well)
I'm gonna go with USD since that's where i'm based. 658 euros is over 900 USD. That's a lot of cash for the working-class wanting to make beats. If you've got kids to feed? Forget it.

I'm not here to condone robbery--I just was pointing out that there are poor blokes in the world who make dope music and take it very seriously but may not be able to afford the software they want to use. Some of them eventually get legit when they have the cash; others, of course, continue pirating software because they feel like they're putting one over on the man or something equally silly.

It's the way of the new age. Intellectual property is going to mean less and less over the upcoming years as surveillance and copyright infringement detection technology will eventually be all the internet is made of. :mrgreen:
That's the same in EU. Working Class hero with kids, no beats.
I share your point. It's the way things go.

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:38 pm
by johnnymossville
Agree it's a lot of money if you have kids to feed and it's nothing more than a serious hobby, which is my current situation, and am currently jonesing for Ableton Live Suite. I'm saving my pennies and keeping an eye out for a used copy.

If you think your DAW is expensive try being an Animator like I am. A nice Suite of Adobe CS5 and Maya like I use runs in the many many thousands. The reason I bought those though is that they more than paid for themselves with the first freelance project. I can't say the same for my music at this point. Some can and I'm happy for them.

Once my 30 Day demo of Ableton is up I'll be back to using LMMS, Garageband and Adobe Soundbooth for awhile, until the money comes in.

Great software is worth supporting. Without Maya and Adobe products I'd be out of a job, or at least at a huge disadvantage to my competition, which, by the way, is fierce.

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:14 pm
by Sean_Clarke
It's pretty simple realy, if you want something, you earn some money and than you buy it.
If a car is expensive or overpriced is it OK to steal it from the manufacturer?
If you can't afford the car you want to drive, it OK to steal it from the manufacturer?
If you don't buy your software and you choose to steal it then you are a theif...drop all the pathetic justifications, you stole, you are a theif, live with it, and look out for the karma police...(or FAST)

IMHO people who use pirated software just play with it like the stolen toy that it is to them, it comes too easily and they can't get over the learning curve that people who spend real money feel obliged to climb.

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:24 pm
by ze2be
Sean_Clarke wrote:It's pretty simple realy, if you want something, you earn some money and than you buy it.
If a car is expensive or overpriced is it OK to steal it from the manufacturer?
If you can't afford the car you want to drive, it OK to steal it from the manufacturer?
If you don't buy your software and you choose to steal it then you are a theif...drop all the pathetic justifications, you stole, you are a theif, live with it, and look out for the karma police...(or FAST)

IMHO people who use pirated software just play with it like the stolen toy that it is to them, it comes too easily and they can't get over the learning curve that people who spend real money feel obliged to climb.
I just stole your words.

Re: Ableton.Suite.v8.2.1.MAC.OSX.INTEL.ISO-ArCADE

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:55 pm
by xzusa8ky
The Carpet Cleaner wrote:If you feel like using cracked versions, then do it we're not your parents, but don't come here to tell us, that's simply retarded. :|