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Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:40 pm
by silicon1138
I've been tearing my hair out trying to get the faders to works as well as the 8 pots (which work fine) on my nanoKontrol2. Is there a way to do this so that the 8 faders follow on from where the 8 pots finish? It seems criminal that i can't use al these extra controls. I'm not interested in controlling live - i just want to control as many synth parameters as possible with the nano.


Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:02 pm
by silicon1138
I'll gladly give €30 to anyone who can work this out. It's my experience that controllers are never ever straight forward. I've owned many over the years and somehow they never seem to let you get to the nuts and bolts fully. Like i said, midi learn is fine, but it quickly eats all your available controls up on just one synth if you want to map loads of things.
I really love how these first 8 pots are just instantly there ready to go. I just REALLY wish i could take it further and have all those faders on the nano do the same. I halso have a Novation Impulse 49 and automap just ended up being more annoying than useful, which is a shame because it's so nearly there. It just forgets what's going on too often and doesn't focus on the plug you want. Again, even with this Impulse, they Navation only allow you to use the 8 pots....WTF?!

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:57 pm
by yur2die4
The limit for instant mapping is 8.

Beyond that, you have to rely on 'locking' to devices, and Bank select buttons. (Which is the same as using the APC.)

Or maybe m4l.

Did you make two sets of scripts for your controller?

Oh, one last tip. If you are controlling third party vsts. You can keep a set of unassigned knobs or faders. Then, in the vst itself, map cc#s. these parameters should NOT be assigned to macros or to any fader in Ableton. You can make it the Same cc#s for the same parameters for several synths (Given that they let you assign them in the first place).

When you arm the track which that synth is in and 'listening' for commands, those cc#s will simply control it. The only tricky thing is that some vsts require you yo 'load' the midi assignment template. Careful though as, it will record automation in session view........

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:23 pm
by silicon1138
64 pots per vst? I thought the Akai's didn't have auto sensing of stuff like that.
The nano is only €44. It's an amazing little device to be honest. I bought another piece of software for it that turns it into a pretty crazy little Live controller.
I just wish i could create a kind of auto map. It's so nearly there...

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:25 pm
by silicon1138
Why would i need two sets of scripts for the controller? First time i've heard this.

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:40 pm
by yur2die4
Yeah. I believe it is even mentioned in this thread.

Simply make one script for the knobs

One for the faders

Then you have two sets of macros.

The problem is, they are still essentially the same, you highlight one thing and they'll both control it.

But you are able to lock them to devices. Like one locked to a reverb while the other controls anything your blue hand is on. It isn't the ideal workaround. The bank select is probably closer to what you're after. In that case, you have the one script with te bank buttons.

With Operator for example:
Bank 1-4 control oscillators 1-4 of their ADSR, tune and fine, vol-velocity and level.
Banks 5-8 are like, LFO, Filter, Pitch, Global.

So with only 8 knobs and 2 buttons, you control all of that.

With 8 buttons, you can Jump to the bank you want! (All this is mentioned in the user remote script text file).

As a lovely bonus, Live clues you in on the bottom of the screen what bank you are on.

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:18 am
by silicon1138
After much gnashing of teeth i decided to just give in to the fact that i'm not going to be able to use my faders to control the synths (outside of midi learn). They seem hardwired to control live's mixer or nothing at all. I just don't get that. I can see perfectly well that they are outputting normal controller data. I don't know enough about the technical side of it all though tbh. It's frustrating to have this little nanokontroller BURSTING with controls but i can only use the 8 pots, like i said, outside of midi learn.
I spent an hour working out 16 pot setups for Diva, Massive, FM8, MorphoX and the TAL synths - i'm ok with those on tap now.

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:50 pm
by re:dream

I can't get it to work.

I have a Access Virus KC. I created a script like they said, put the correct values into the file, saved it.

- Live now has Virus as a control surface.
- I can make the Blue Hand appear by right clicking on a rack and checking Lock to control surface 1
- I can assign the correct virus knobs to different Macros

But I have to re-assign them every time I start new set.
It does not remember that a particular knob controls, say Macro 1.

Am I missing something? I understood that this method allows me to sign 8 macros so that they would always control particular macro knobs on a particular rack in my instrument library. Is that wrong?

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:04 pm
by re:dream
funken wrote:. Make sure you have the global channel in the script is one less than the global channel in the controller. .

Is this referring to the MIDI IN channel on Live? The Virus sends to Channel 1 . The script says Channel 0 so it is one less.

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:29 pm
by silicon1138
You say you have 5 scripts - where do you put those, in 5 different folders? Or do you name them differently and put them all in the same folder as your UserConfiguration file?

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:18 am
by login
SO when using hardware synths (not controllers with previous scripts), how do you name the folder?
For proper midi handshaking between your hardware & software, the name of this folder must match the name of your controller so if your not sure, open your OS midi manager and check what the OS Midi manager is calling your controller and simply copy that name to the name folder. Done.
So, I use the name of my MIDI port on myu interface? In my case Fireface UC MIDI 1?

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:07 am
by login
funken wrote:
login wrote:SO when using hardware synths (not controllers with previous scripts), how do you name the folder?
For proper midi handshaking between your hardware & software, the name of this folder must match the name of your controller so if your not sure, open your OS midi manager and check what the OS Midi manager is calling your controller and simply copy that name to the name folder. Done.
So, I use the name of my MIDI port on myu interface? In my case Fireface UC MIDI 1?
I think I did it without having to match the name.

Yeah, I tried naming it Nordlead3 and then just configured Input to the interface midi input.

works great so far in Live 9

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:27 am
by login
funken wrote:Excellent!

By the way,
# Enter the respective map mode for the encoders here. The following
# map modes are available:
# - Absolute
# - Absolute14Bit
# - LinearSignedBit
# - LinearSignedBit2
# - LinearTwoCompliment
# - LinearBinaryOffset
# - AccelSignedBit
# - AccelSignedBit2
# - AccelTwoCompliment
# - AccelBinaryOffset
Do you know how each works?

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:59 pm
by fantasticmachine
cool, thanks for this info

i just wanted to mention the thing that got my remoteSL working after about an hour of nothing working...
originally i made a folder called "remoteSL" but I actually had to call it "RemoteSLnew" because when i just created a folder called "remoteSL" it would use the factory remoteSL controller config. I would select the new "remoteSL" as controller in ableton prefs, and it would automatically jump back to the old "remoteSL" as controller. Changing the name of the folder fixed it, so i could just select remoteSLnew as controller. Just thought i would let people know in case they are having the same problem with stock configs conflicting with the new config. (i thought the name of the folder would HAVE to actually match the keyboard, but that was the misconception i had that created the problem i guess. Probably with usb the name of the folder is more important.)

also works with lemur so that is cool.

p.s. just to explain again for anyone who hasn't understood what was posted earlier in the thread -
to control 16 parameters
1- get the 16 parameters you want to control listed using the configure button
2- map 8 of them to macros
3- drag the other 8 so they are the first eight in the configure window, and the macro'd ones are the last eight
4- click on the macros and the blue hand controls them
5- click on the device itself and the blue hand controls the non macro'd (first eight) parameters

Re: a very useful MIDI tip

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:04 am
by djmichaelwenz
Great stuff! I got my VCM600 working awesome! BUT wish I could save more buttons with mapping a device control chooser. Anyone know how to map the blue hand to move left and right? Like the arrows on a regular computer keyboard?