Is Live Dead?

Discuss music production with Ableton Live.

Is Live Dead?

Yes, I hate to say it but it needs reviving quickly!
No, even though a new version ain't been released since.... I forgot it's been so long.
Don't really care, I lost interest a long time ago.
Total votes: 108

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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by lanno » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:15 am

hi all!
it's been a long time since i posted a comment on this forum.
actually i'm glad for this topic, because somehow i feel the same. live is pretty much dead for me. first of all i have to say i use live for djing only. i'm using it sinc ver. 5 (about since 2002-3). i kept coming to this and other live forums, but there was just nothing new, nothing interesting. always the same problems, same questions. there is no new "user invented" stuff. i think you know what i mean. after a while i stopped browsing the forums and stopped using live.
and yes, i think live needs an update to refresh the app. and the method.

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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by Piplodocus » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:52 am

Crap in = Crap out.

If I keep playing good stuff into it it works. It's also by far the easiest DAW to use for setting up live triggering for playing parts of songs in a non-linear fashion. I've now got an APC40 and seen various new posts with things I can do with that and I haven't even had time to try. And that doesn't include all the stuff I could do with max if I bought that. If I had to use something else I'd be proper f**ked.

I think there's valid requests to make it easier for live users to create stuff quickly (what Live's all about) or more accurately, like bezier curves, better PDC?, session automation, but equally I think a lot of people here just want a new toy for the sake of it.

There will always be further refinements and things to make it work better/easier, but unless you have a specific stability problem the only reason you can't make brilliant music with it is because you're a shit or uninspiring musician!

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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by heavensdaw » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:36 am

Piplodocus wrote:Crap in = Crap out.
There will always be further refinements and things to make it work better/easier, but unless you have a specific stability problem the only reason you can't make brilliant music with it is because you're a shit or uninspiring musician!
Can it really be that simple? damn.


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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by 3dot... » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:39 am

isn't it usually in...crap out?

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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by lanno » Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:52 am

maybe the problem is with me, i bought my last gear about two years ago. and i lost inspiration.

Capitan Mission
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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by Capitan Mission » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:20 am

I find this kind of questions very st*pid.
Im in the opposite side of the spectrum, I dont like the "marketing driven development". I dont want a bloated software, I like when they work in what we have, making it more stable, bug free, lighter... fixing some conceptual and technical errors, etc. I want Live to stay true to its origins.
Of course, a technical thing like the 64 bits version is necessary, but Im sure it will come, and now, Im more focused on making music.
Live! exploring sound space, taking inspiration from everithing. folk abstract pop classical

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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by Hegpetz » Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:43 am

Regardless of stupidity or validity of the thread, this is just a bad poll, plain and simple. Evidenced by the poll options themselves, it's completely agenda driven.

A good poll should not try to sway or encourage a voter to go one way or the other. Stuff like "I hate to say it but it needs reviving quickly!" and "even though a new version ain't been released since.... I forgot it's been so long." do not do anything but further express how YOU, the poll author feels. While maybe humorous as you type it in, instead of hemming everyone else into ONLY those pre-set opinions, why not leave it as Yes, No, N/A and put how you feel in your post itself? That way we can answer how we feel and then explain ourselves in our reply (if/as needed), and then the poll actually can contain useful votes. As it is, I highly doubt that all the no votes really agree with "it's been so long" tidbit - going by the replies already posted..

Hope this doesn't come across as an attack, just trying to be constructive.

On the rapid release schedule thing about Mozilla, please keep in mind that that is a browser. The entire landscape changes CONSTANTLY for browsers, as HTML and EMCAScript et al continually grow and change their standards over time as people continue to make and update websites - as well, people continuously are looking for flaws and ways to take over or insert payloads onto unknowing people's computers - for such software, a rapid release schedule is very useful. Not to mention they've basically been on one the whole time anyway..

But for audio software, I'm not really sure how I feel. I think it's far more important to get the work done right, rather than just updating for the sake of updating. If it makes it more stable? Great. If it adds new features? Great. If it just shuffles a few buttons around cause you're bored but it's been two months then...ehh, I think we've got a bigger problem.

All in all, relax, or maybe this type of thread should be a hint to the Ableton team that keeping open doors on development can be a very good thing for growing and maintaining community (support). I think that's the real value of Mozilla's release schedule, it brings more awareness to keeping up to date to the average user than just those that would be interested in nightly snapshot releases.

<3 for all, if the version of Live you have now works, go make music! :)

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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by H20nly » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:36 pm

^ c'mon. you're not giving the OP enough credit. i mean just look at this jem from the first post:
malenko wrote:it will be something extraordinary and full of what we have all hoped for, if not..................... bye bye Ableton

i'm sure they're quaking in their boots over Ableton HQ right about now.

Them: "C'mon guys we can't loose malenko. i need 50 CCs of adrenaline and a pack of stickers STAT!! we can save him!"
"if that doesn't work just go ahead and release Live 9. what? what do you mean it's not ready? like. that. matters. did you read what he posted on the forum??? Did YOU? you fucking twat, you're FIRED!!!! i hear BitWig is hiring you, you... so and so.. Now, the rest of you... get to work giving malenko EXACTLY what HE needs"

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Re: Is Live Dead?

Post by BoddAH » Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:38 pm

Why the hell do you want a new version for Live. The only thing that keeps Live from being perfect right now is 64 bit support and some gimmicks that would be cool but certainly don't justify a $150 upgrade price (bezier curves, etc.).

Live is pretty much complete. It isn't intended as a gigantic bloat like PT or Logic with hundreds of instruments, windows and plug-ins. It's a snappy tool and simplified DAW focused on sketching out ideas (and even producing very good results if you put enough time in it) and live performance. The graphical interface design is timeless and the workflow is perfect the way it is.

Live 8 could be the "last version" for all I care; with a couple more patches to improve performance, make it "100% impossible to crash" stable no matter what and then maintenance patches to keep it up to date and stable with the newest OS releases (like they did with OS X Lion).

I'd rather have a perfectly stable and finished professional tool that fits the bill than a new gimmicky version every year bringing back the buggy mess that was early Live 8 with some new "features" that nobody really needs/wants and could easily be replaced by VSTs.

I haven't tried M4L yet but I assume it would be best if they focus their "new features" attention to that instead now.

Also it saves money. :lol:

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