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Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:56 pm
by comurit
I am happy with live suite 8.
For me it's not worth the upgrade.

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:32 pm
by docprosper
pepezabala wrote:I am not so happy. I find that the clip automation recording has been implemented in a very confusing way. Try to explain that to a newbie.

IMHO the browser is a debacle. They should have called it factory library instead.

But then again, I can't really compare as I do not use other DAWs or Maschine or whatever. And from what I have heard and seen, Live is still way better than everything else. So I only complain that all the developments go into the wrong direction: Making Live more and more complicated to use.
Haven't tried it, but I think in preferences you can default to the old browser...

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:33 pm
by RhinoInRio
No you can't. But it is shown in the browser as 'Live 8 Library'. In the prefs you can point to the location of it.

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:47 pm
by H20nly
esp81 wrote:
RhinoInRio wrote:
esp81 wrote:Not at all, they should have added proper snap to grid and typing in exact values when they updated the automation. Seems like a no-brainer considering every other DAW has this for 10+ years.
I'm sure snapping and "typing" values will come soon..

I seriously doubt it, considering it's been requested so many times for the past 6-7 years with no response from Ableton.
it's because Ableton hates you. they sent out a secret list of all the people they have decided to ignore in their last Illuminati Edition Newsletter and you were on that list... number sixty-whine, if i'm not mistaken.

they'll probably kill this post, but you deserve to know the truth. i can only hope you will read it in 4/4 time.

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:55 pm
by pablorotter
K1D1M35N wrote:I'd put it this way: I'm happy with 8 for a couple of years now, and I don't see a point in buying 9 unless for the sake of Push.

I'd wish for a lot of small and minor things like more shortcuts, more colours, hiding groups, groups within groups, easy bouncing, HTML-formatted help - none of that happenend.

I know that Live's paradigm is to be an instrument for live performance, but my main workflow relies on editing my music in the piano roll and arrangement page, and there is so much missing compared to other DAWs. Audio to Midi is something I really do not need (it's a nice toy though).

And 9 hits heavier on my CPU then 8.

So I'll stick to 8 (at least until I get the money and time for Push). ;)
Why don't you use cubase 64 bit or Sonar or Dp? I use cubase 64 to compose because I can run a gazillion VSTs....arrange in live. get project performance ready. Then bring the final non-performance mix back into cubase.

I know what its like having money stuck in an app...but if you don't intend to ever perform your compositions live, or use abletons live components to facilitate arrangement, why use live, and why be critical of anything if you are using a piece of software whose ethos is clearly not one you share.



Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:00 pm
by pablorotter
docprosper wrote:
pepezabala wrote:I am not so happy. I find that the clip automation recording has been implemented in a very confusing way. Try to explain that to a newbie.

IMHO the browser is a debacle. They should have called it factory library instead.

But then again, I can't really compare as I do not use other DAWs or Maschine or whatever. And from what I have heard and seen, Live is still way better than everything else. So I only complain that all the developments go into the wrong direction: Making Live more and more complicated to use.
Haven't tried it, but I think in preferences you can default to the old browser...
Live the best DAW? For breaking ground between composition, musicians, production, and live performance it is the best.

But they themselves announced live 9 64 bit is crap. I do believe live 9 is the best DAW if you are a musician or DJ or just like the on the fly composition elements.

But if you use a DAW simply to record audio and use a few VSTs there are VERY VERY good products out there that include massive ammounts of VSTs and FX for free and are easier to use for linear composition/arrangement.

Once again, its not really the software, but how you use it. And if live doesn't get in the way of your creativity go for it. Even on an ableton forum I don't think experienced users would say hands down its the best DAW. Depends on your workflow.

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:02 pm
by H20nly
i always wonder what makes someone decide to buy Live and then later complain about what is missing compared to other DAWs.

when does this comparing with other DAWs occur? before or after the purchase of Live?

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:04 pm
by H20nly
pablorotter wrote:they themselves announced live 9 64 bit is crap.
if by "they themselves" you mean Ableton, can i get a link to that?

if you mean anyone else, then i'll continue to use this one:

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:08 pm
by friend_kami
i stopped using l9 when it was still in beta and now i switched to studio one, so yeah, i'm happy (with S1 which pretty much shits and laughs on live on all occasions).
only thing i'm missing with S1 is a modular build-your-own-thingamajig-thing that is M4L but i'm not fucking handing over another 3.5k swedish for an integrated spectrum on an eq, a browser that is useless, fades on curves that you can hardnöy control precise enough and a build-your-own-thingamajig, when you still hve a horrible workflow once you hit a certain track-count or do editing small enough.

with that said, bye bye ableton, it was nice buying a beta-release from you. too bad you released one more, instead of a product worth it's name (and the upgrade price).

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:22 pm
by Schmidi
Quite an improvement in stability for me! This is my 1st Suite edition and I love all the extras!

I honestly think that Sampletank (which forces you to run Live as administrator) somehow F'd my Live 8 install up (chronic crashes while doing almost nothing: starting and stopping playback). My plan is to never run Sampletank under Live 9.

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:45 pm
by v00d00ppl
Aside from the rewire issue, I am very satisfied. Plug in midi controller, line drum samples out and start building ideas. With max for live and suite instruments you have fun making music. Isn't that the point? Post some ideas on soundcloud. Clean it up and try to sell it?

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:52 am
by agent314
with that said, bye bye ableton, it was nice buying a beta-release from you. too bad you released one more, instead of a product worth it's name (and the upgrade price).
About fucking time.

I hope Studio One continues to treat you well and you don't wind up back in the forum anytime soon.

Cheers! :D

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:50 am
by Punky921
I'm enjoying it. And also since my initial buy in price with Live was very low, this isn't a big deal for me. $200 for all this stuff feels like a real bargain.

My price layout:
$250 for Live 6, Live 7, and upgrade to Live 7 Suite (bought used off a guy on here)
$350 for Live 8 Suite upgrade, Hip-Hop Drums, and M4L (bought during a sale)
$200 for Live 9

So overall, I've STILL spent less than cover price for JUST ONE VERSION of Live Suite. I couldn't be happier. The more I use this software, the more I love it. The incorporation of Live 8's library within Live 9 means that my transition between platforms for in-progress projects is going to be very, very smooth.

I couldn't be happier with how this worked out for me.

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:22 am
by re:dream
v00d00ppl wrote:Aside from the rewire issue

There's a rewire issue?

Re: Happy with Live 9?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:51 am
by K1D1M35N
H20nly wrote:
pablorotter wrote:they themselves announced live 9 64 bit is crap.
if by "they themselves" you mean Ableton, can i get a link to that?

if you mean anyone else, then i'll continue to use this one:
Well, not really "crap", but if you read their FAQ on the topic, you get the idea that they are not really that convinced about their own product.

Which version does Ableton recommend?

We recommend using the 32-bit version of Live for most use cases. The 64-bit version should be used when experiencing out of memory crashes on systems which have more than 4GB RAM installed.
There are no further technical advantages of a 64-bit version of Live.

Well, that's not very promising in the first place, is it?