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Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:59 pm
by martian
yeah vidjo!

I bought revision - but has a coupla drawbacks.... can't run some plug ins ( cos live is a slave ) and can't rewire reason into it- which is something I like to do...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:18 pm
by Moody
Call me a sucker but, what ever it is I will be sure to buy it and enjoy every minute of it. I do not know what all the complaints where with 5 but, I have had no problems at all. So, keep on rock'n in the free world!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:30 pm
by nz
Yeah, Revision really sucks. I thought it was going to be great and it really is useless. I have heard they were going to do a revision (pun intended) on it, but no go so far.

How about the ability to group tracks?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:08 am
by womoma

Sorry DJs.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:01 am
by subbasshead
i'd second the vote for totally flexible bus-ing
for routing, printing multitrack stems etc

The only plugin I really want is a simple quad panner plugin
ie mono -> quad and/or mono->LCRsLsR

i'd also second the vote for video playback (24fps, PAL & NTSC please)
even as a paid option if it must be....

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:22 pm
by Hepha Luemp
Well - I have been looking at the website for zplane - they are the one making the code for the complex warp mode in Live 5 -

They released something they called élastique Pro - and that is elastic audio library with formant preservation for monophonic input signal. ... cts11#POS1

So - I guess that Ableton Live 6 will feature a warp mode for melody-instruments and vocal, that will preserve formants...

Hepha Luemp

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:47 pm
by mikemc
Hepha Luemp wrote: So - I guess that Ableton Live 6 will feature a warp mode for melody-instruments and vocal, that will preserve formants...
that would be very cool.

I'd like to be able to arrange better thru technology. To lay down a melody, preferably both MIDI or Audio, but either would be welcome, and have something 'derive some good harmony/chords' to go with it.

There might be a 3rd party plugin that does this, I'd like to know if it exists. Also, some combination of current plugins (scale, chords) might sorta kinda do this already.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:33 pm
by headquest
The really big news with Live 6 is that the whole GUI is going to be redesigned to both look and work exactly like a Faderfox controller.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:43 pm
by nz
How about a freeze track that you can actually do something with like edit?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:08 pm
by glu
I would like a good ring mod, decent distortion, and some more beat oriented effects. Also, perhaps refining the current FX would be welcomed, not that I dislike them (i love the filter/ of course and beat repeat), some could just be better.

Modulate! Detachable windows, ability to stretch and organize windows with multiple monitor support, simultaneous arranger and session views. Users can build a live set similarly to how a synth guru would patch a sound or sequence. NIN talked about using live as a sound creation tool. Abes need to consider this if they do any redesign of the GUI. MODULATE! The end user can customize live to their own environment, or choose from a list of preset templates (dj mode, DAW mode, synth builder mode, drum machinestation mode...etc ?)

lower CPU usage for complex warping and possible future warp modes, channel clip auto-naming (this is possible now?), the ability to consolodate in session view, different type of rendering options (like render OVER sample and clip properties or some other quicker way to replace clips when trying to lower that CPU), The ability to drag a midi clip to an audio channel and it automatically copies/converts the clip into audio. faster freezing with the ability to edit and refreeze in seconds.

impulse- 16 piece kits, simple multichannel routing options, multisample support for velocity triggered dynamic samples.

simpler- MULTIsimpler, for people who want to create multisamples in live and not have to use a seperate program like kontakt etc..

operator- a larger interface, I don't have operator, I have used the demo and wished it had a nice large interface that can be minimized to what it currently is.

slicer- cuts and edits samples and loops, burns FX, chops the fat off of samples, just an option from consolidating, rendering, etc.. but also with some interesting features like automapping samples from a loop into impulse. That would be cool.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:15 am
by huffcw
I like these suggestions! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:37 am
by pulsoc
What is wrong with the Saturator distortion? I have tried a couple plugs but keep coming back to the flexibility and overall richness of the Saturator.

Maybe I just don't know good distortion.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:51 pm
by glu
no~ saturator is cool! but once i got my hands on rchannel from waves... ahhhhhhhh.. big difference. one makes the signal really hot, the other just mutilates it.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:48 pm
by FaX-01
timothyallan wrote:for the love of all thats holy:

a. Consolidate in session view

b. Ability to record midi into clips in session view

c. No massive slowdowns while copy/paste/duplicate/zoom in arrangement.

What exactly do you mean by B ?
I can record midi clips perfectly well in session view.
Duplicate them.
Drop copies into other midi tracks and edit / change loop zones etc with the original data from the first loop still intact etc etc etc ....
Or do you want the ability to record midi data into Audio Clips in session view ?
Sorry I'm a bit baffled by that request as it already exists as far as I can tell.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:00 pm
by djadonis206
Did anyone predict RECYCLE IMPORT?

curious -