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Post by robin » Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:35 pm

EARLGREY wrote:He's lucky nobody went on stage to punch his lights out..
I'm betting that he's wishing someone had, as soon as he'd made that first remark. He might have a career left now if they had.

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Post by b0unce » Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:37 pm

robin wrote: I'm betting that he's wishing someone had, as soon as he'd made that first remark. He might have a career left now if they had.
heard of seinfeld ?

he doesnt need a career, he's probably just doing stand-up to kill some time.
(the man is filthy fucking rich)
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Post by robin » Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:44 pm

b0unce wrote:heard of seinfeld ?

he doesnt need a career, he's probably just doing stand-up to kill some time.
(the man is filthy fucking rich)
ah yeah I guess you have a point there.....I don't watch Seinfeld (of course I'm aware of it though).

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Post by LOFA » Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:45 pm


There....I said it...

But I can, because I'm black... :wink:

Poor Kramer....I guess he wanted to go the Andy Kaufman way but completely missed the mark..
He's lucky nobody went on stage to punch his lights out..

THis is the post I never thought I would see but I am glad that I have. I sincerely think this is how it went down.

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Post by Adonis » Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:28 pm

Nobody raised a stink when Butters called Biggie Smalls a Nigger on South Park - I'm still cracking up on that...

Biggie was like "We don't use money in hell nigga!"

Butters replied "Damn, nigger..."

but on topic of Micheal Richards - so what if the guys racist - most people have some kind of dislike or distaste of something pertaining to someones background, lifestyle, heritage etc etc

you can pretend you don't, but when you're pushed to the edge, drunk or really really really frustrated it'll come out

Sure people have fought for equality in the eyes of the law and society but that's not going to change what you actually think - MLK wrote about it in his book "Where do we go from here"

the book points out all these white people fought with him on the front lines for equality and what-not but when they found out their daughters where dating a black guy or a black couple moved onto their block they didn't know what to do with themselves

You can force people to pretend to like each other but that doesn't mean they will genuinely like you.

That's why I prefer the south over the west - you know where you stand on both sides of the traintracks - people don't like you, they don't like you...end of story <---> I'm ok with that, really - I'd rather have a true genuine friend then a 2 faced racist who's only down because they have something to gain by being my friend.

If Micheal doesn't like black people that's his business, what he did shows his true colors and it should open people's eyes up to the fact there's still quit a few people out there who have a certain mindset.

America is the only country in the world that is like 90% immigrants (oh and maybe South Africa (the only country where the minority has all the power)) - everywhere else it's pretty MONO ---> perhaps god meant it to be that way for a reason.

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Post by rajcoont » Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:53 pm

Adonis wrote: most people have some kind of dislike or distaste of something pertaining to someones background, lifestyle, heritage etc etc

you can pretend you don't, but when you're pushed to the edge, drunk or really really really frustrated it'll come out.
I'm sorry to have to revert to default canadian mode, but what holds true in america is not the case everywhere else......i'm in toronto, which always gets called 'the most multi cultural city in the world' everytime you read anything about it, and though i'm sure there's lots of racist people here (and with everybody under the sun living here lots of interesting hate projects....surinamese vs estonian hate crimes anyone?) i cannot think of the last time anyone said something genuinely disparaging about another race to me.....does it exist? of course; is it endemic? not in any way
America is the only country in the world that is like 90% immigrants (oh and maybe South Africa (the only country where the minority has all the power)) - everywhere else it's pretty MONO ---> perhaps god meant it to be that way for a reason

totally and utterly incorrect, have you ever been outside the US? you might be surprised at how many people get along in the world in other places

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Post by b0unce » Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:59 pm

rajcoont wrote:
America is the only country in the world that is like 90% immigrants (oh and maybe South Africa (the only country where the minority has all the power)) - everywhere else it's pretty MONO ---> perhaps god meant it to be that way for a reason

totally and utterly incorrect, have you ever been outside the US? you might be surprised at how many people get along in the world in other places
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Post by Adonis » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:01 pm


I'm always open to learning new things so which countries have a similar make up as the US?

Not including the countries in Africa


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Post by jb61264 » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:16 pm

fsk wrote:I dont get it why its cool for black comedians to come out with racial jokes (ok not to the extent of that) but not a white one. Everyone has to watch what they say around black people.. owww.
You're not alone on wondering why its cool for black comedians to come out with racial jokes but not whites (however what Richards did wasn't anywhere near a 'joke' was just a racist rant because he was being heckled a bit)

I don't think "everyone" has to watch what they say around black people...just white people have to watch what they say around black people...I think I'll catch a lot of crap for saying this, but I think most people fail to see that black people are just as capable as being racist as white people...its just more likely to be 'tolerated' when it comes from a black person
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Post by Adonis » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:27 pm

No you wont - check out Sarah Silverman...the Blue Collar guys and some really funny Latin comedians

they make fun of everybody

I think black people just can't come up with normal everyday "knock knock" jokes that are funny - it's easy as a black comedian to use the race joke

Comedy like music or anything else is a formula - dependig on who you are and where you're from if you stick with a certain forumla your chance of success is greater

that's all that is...

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Post by EARLGREY » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:33 pm

"America is the only country in the world that is like 90% immigrants "[/i]

Sorry, are being left out again....:)

In the grand scheme of things, we're dealing with a bunch of freak-nations ( US, SA, Oz, Israel ) that knows no precedent, so it's hard to compare them with countries that changed more gradually...

O, and please leave god out of it or the native americans will have your scalp...


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Post by mikemc » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:38 pm

I lived in an all-white suburb, had a friend when I was young come and visit, we went to the park and some kid rode by on his bike and yelled that word at him. I didn't know what it meant, only that he said it in a really nasty way, so I picked up a rock and threw it at him. I turned to ask my friend 'come on, aren't you going to do something?' and I will never, ever forget the look on my friend's face and his whole body slumped over in hurt and how it made me feel, and I will never, ever have anything but utter deepest contempt for people who use that word with the hateful intent of hurting the way this ex-comedian did.
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M. Bréqs
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Post by M. Bréqs » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:42 pm

ugh - nevermind. I have nothing to contribute that hasn't been said already.

Last edited by M. Bréqs on Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Adonis » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:43 pm

The god thing was a figure of speech - maybe I should have said the "creator" or something like that...

I think my point was there's all kinds of people living in this country from so many different backgrounds, religions, etc etc and we're suppose to get along...I just don't see how that's possible

hell even in MONO countries like China not everyone agrees - but they have a common bond - they all look a like

you can't say that about here or some of these other countries like Canada or SA or (insert country)

- and then someone accidentally lets the N word slip or someone famous calls a cop a Jew and the world is shocked

there's nothing shocking about that

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Post by polyslax » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:59 pm

Adonis wrote:hell even in MONO countries like China not everyone agrees - but they have a common bond - they all look a like

You gotta check your facts bro, there are populations of caucasians in some parts of China.
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