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Re: Will Bitwig audio engine shit all over Abletons?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:19 am
by Airyck
kb420 wrote:
Airyck wrote:lol Hi I'm Airyck
Is that you on the MPC forum too?
Yep, the one and only...that I know of

Re: Will Bitwig audio engine shit all over Abletons?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:31 pm
by Whizzercone
shadx312 wrote:Was doing a little hunting for fanboism and noticed they got an award. While I've liked what they've done since X1 I can't help but think of them when I discovered them in the 90's and was so turned off by the interface that I never bothered with it.

So I don't get what's up with the Cakewalk forums, haven't delved deep but not seeing much
Xx is prettier, but it has less stuff on the screen and it takes more clicks to do the same things that the earlier versions can do, when it can even do them. Basically, Cakewalk (now killer of companies, Gibson) deserted old users in a failed effort to attract new, more visual, ones.
Oh, this is about the forums...
Sonar users have the worst case of small cox in the audio world. They fight, not because they love the product, but because they believe that are defending a cause. Cake can do anything to them and they will defend it to the death. X1 was pretty much unusable and all the fanbois brutally beat anyone that dared question it. Even now, I do all my "analog" products in 8.5.3 and mix in X3 because X3 is a user interface disaster.