A Moral Question.

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Post by Machinesworking » Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:35 pm

djadonis206 wrote:I'm not engaged anymore - we're still cool and what not but I'm not getting married anytime soon, like in the next 45 million years

I need a skank of a girl with problems my old lady is too perfect, good family good education etc
That's cool, you must have recently broken it off then? Anyway, you should just answer any questions about your relationship with, "We're dating, like they used to do in the old days!"
Let's be honest here, in the old days they just said they were being good for the parents....
Cheating on a serious relationship is BS though, it's just attention whore drama crap. The best thing to do if you are in a serious relationship is tell the girl you can't because you have to be faithful, she'll make all sorts of moves, then you dodge out before you do anything you would end up looking shifty for in front of your girl, go home to her, and take all that energy out on her. Besides it's pretty fun making a hot chick get all worked up and leaving her there! :twisted:

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Post by djadonis206 » Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:37 pm

Couple months ago

Everyone has AIDS
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Post by leisuremuffin » Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:20 pm

so wait a minute, some of you are just figuring out that Adonis has the mentality of a 13 year old when it comes to women?

We're talking about a grown ass man who quotes "South Park" in about 80% of his posts. (don't get me wrong, south park can be funny, but it ain't that funny)

Where was the outrage during all of the juvenille "i love titties" and "mandatory breast enlargement" posts?

Anyway, i can't hate him for that, he is at least being honest with us. now, honest with some of the ladies in his past it would seem not.

yeah man, honesty. that's what it's all about. I find nothing amoral about sex with multiple partners if all parties involved know what's going on. But going behind the back of your partner (married or not) is just straight up wrong. I did it when i was younger and regret it more than almost anything else i've done. It's a shitty feeling keeping something like that secret from somebody you supposedly care about. and that feeling does not go away. trust me, man, not worth it.

bottom line:

feel like cheating?
go have a wank and a glass of water instead.
(but for god's sake get yourself some real porno, don't tug it to WOW)

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Post by b0unce » Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:12 am

even straighter up wronger to encourage married trolls to do the same, me thinks

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Post by Johnisfaster » Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:18 am

personally I have to step back now and then in my own relationship and tell myself that what I have with my girl is more special than I've ever had. when I start looking at the green green grass I have to really focus and say "it's not that green, what I have is green" and I usually snap out of it pretty fast, but you just gotta focus on what is good and right and honorable.

pretend your life is a movie and in about 2 hours everyone is going to find out whether you're a villian or a hero, which one are you going to be?
It was as if someone shook up a 6 foot can of blood soda and suddenly popped the top.

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Post by stale bread » Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:39 am

Mac, Mpc, and a Microphone

Thanks for the Slicer Abe.

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Post by forge » Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:12 am

interesting post, havent read the other replies yet, but will..

this is always an interesting one because it is really raises the question of why are we totally ruled by societal expectations of monogamy?

if you view the universe in david attenborough, naturalistic terms then there are some species on this planet that seem to be monogamous, and others that arent, there are even animals like sea turtles that lay their eggs on the beach and then bugger off back into the ocean and never even see their young. So life is incredibly varied and there is apparently no right or wrong on this matter.

so what is it in humans that feels like "the right thing" is to be monogamous??

well for you it's probably a bit to do with your catholic background, but on the whole society does put a lot of pressure on people to promote qualities like monogamy, loyalty and faithfulness - but the main difference between us and other animals is we have a much broader capacity to understand the consequences of actions

plus I also think it has alot to do with the fact that our young are very dependent and vulnerable and cant survive without the nurturing of at least one parent, but preferably two.

I think this is where part of this obsession with monogamy comes from

my point? well if you view life in this way then it kind of takes away the need to moralise it and suggests that it is entirely down to whether you and your partner are individually comfortable with it.

So of course, that says alot about trust and in fairness if you are going to expect that relationship to carry on when you dont feel she will approve then you should be open and honest, otherwise it will never be total and there will always be something detracting from it.

For you personally I agree with the others, the fact that you are even posting this suggests you are already struggling and you havent even done it

Also, I would be interested to see if you talked to her about your desires whether you actually would find they disappear

- how much do you think is down to the "forbidden fruit" factor? sometimes that is the biggest turn on.

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Post by forge » Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:49 am

wow, I should have read this thread before posting -it has been totally hilarious and quite surprising!

I'm surprised people have got so wound up about it!

so far leisure mufffin seems to have been the most level headed about it

it seems the issue everybody has is actually about the honesty with the partner, not the monogamy aspect - which i agree with - it's just plain bad karma or unneccessary headphuck to do something like that WITHOUT TELLING your partner

but I dont think anyone can fairly say there is anything wrong with it if both partners know.

but Nobody should impose their ideas on others and get so abusive - this certainly isnt black and white - relationships can be emotionally abusive so while everybody straight away jumps on it questioning how he could do it to his partner, you dont know the situation - she might have been eating away at his confidence for years undermining him subtlely, constantly making him feel like shit about himself so cleverly he doesnt even realise why. He might never have even considered something like that before the abusive relationship.

probably not in the case of keyser here, but I'm just saying there are always different angles to these things and I've seen that kind of thing happen. Women thinking they can change men into their ideal rather than just accepting they are with the wrong one and leaving it. It takes 2 to tango.

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Post by b0unce » Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:10 am

as you say forge, there can be alot going on 'behind the screen' and so not to make assumptions and such. But, speaking for myself anyways, thats not really the issue - more the encouraging another guy to cheat on his wife. Point being he does not have a clue whats going on behind keysers screen...and here he is encouraging him, and rationalising it for him, to cheat on his wife. That is essentially the really offensive bit for me. Not that I even believe anything keysers says about almost anything, but adonis showed his true colors in that he's a bit of a greaseball. 'Being honest' is in no way a justification, the fact you think people trying to act decent are 'fronting' or are in someway dishonest is a testament to who you are - a pleb...I couldnt care less if he didnt terrorise any half serious exchange with cartman quotes and bus-ride anecdotes. Like if that was ever cute, it must have been a couple of years ago. ya greasy bastard. :lol:

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Post by Machinesworking » Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:50 am

b0unce wrote: is a testament to who you are - a pleb...
Hey I've yet to meet adonis, and we live in the same city. I'm not OK with the attitude towards sex he shows, and say what you want I guess?
Do you know what pleb means though? if you do, then you need to grow up.
I have no stomach for class conscious spoon fed people talking trash about ones social standing as insult. :roll:

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Post by ernene » Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:32 am

smutek wrote:Go fuck yourself adonis. I got your pathetic pm too.

Marraige is based in trust. You obviously have no concept of the word.

I really hope you figure this shit out one day. Till then you are just robbing yourself.

Pathetic, inmature, well... sometimes you write funny things... but this way you just look like an idiot... no offense, it's just the way you are showing us you are... or think... or maybe you are just saying that and laughing reading what we say...

If you just care about beats, do not post here... marriage deserve respect, but obviously you don't understand what we are talking about...

Sorry, I'm no one, but Love my wife and respect her, peolpe need to learn about respect... looks like a lot of people don't remember it's meaning....

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Post by Benshik » Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:08 am

strange how some people here focus strictly on the "being married" part. it sounds so unbelievably conservative...

married or not, cheating on other people is wrong, period.

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Post by djadonis206 » Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:59 pm

Isn't the thing about adultery one of the 10 commandments or something like that?

Cheatings wrong because you can give someone AIDS and everyone has AIDS...

but this conversation seems to be deeper than KS getting a blow job by some chick - it's about peoples beliefs in marriage, honesty (or whatever you call it) values and what it means to be a man

I thought those were all different for everybody. and highly moral, spiritual stuff to boot.

I'm pretty sure we're all from different walks of life, class, religions, sexual orientations, countries etc so I just don't see how we can all agree on all of the above mentioned.

It also doesn't seem really fair to tell someone they're being rude or insensitive or less of a man because they speak their mind - if you want people to respect your decisions to be married or not married you should respect someones opinion of women or their treatment of women (no matter how high or low it is) - I could easily say why do you need another person to "complete" you why can't you just stand on your own two feet, you may not like it, but really that's the way it is. If you have no respect for say black people, you are more than within your rights to believe that, and I have no right to change your mind or judge you because of it.

Everyones different and it seems the only hard core self righteous religious types get heated, angry, violent and what not when their values are in some way challenged or questioned. When in fact they're not being challeneged - someone just said something to be somewhat rude, raunchy and funny at the same time

Sarah Silverman is probably the raunchiest, most racist comedian I've seen but it doesn't mean she's not a cool person, or talented or any less of a women because she makes bad jokes about everyone. and she's hilarious - that's the beauty of life - being able to say what the fuck you want to say and having enough juice to not give a fuck about your critics or people who don't want to be your friend or don't respect you - life's not a popularity contest, this isn't high school - "I'm not going to be your friend." <--- kids runs home crying :roll:

anywayz, sure cheating is wrong because of the AIDS thing but if you really feel there's nothing wrong with it or are leaning toward the dark side of the fence about it - who's to tell you you can't. No one has that right, you are a free human being of free will and you can do anything you want in life with your body and other peoples emotions - it's funny, I brought up the abortion thing before but so many chicks I know get abortions regardless of the other persons consent

They shouldn't have had protected sex or none at all but that's a mute point at that point - so since it's her body she gets to go have the fetus vacuumed out if she wants - or keep the goddman thing even if the guys like "fuck that, here's $250 go to the clinic and quiff that son of a bitch out, now!"

We don't get all heated over that so why get so debateful, hateful and self righteous cause I told some guy to go for it, it's his life, his body and his own drama - sure he's playing with someone else emotions but see my above example when it comes to playing with someone elses emotions - we do it all the time in so many different ways and on so many different levels.

If you want to kick it, who's gonna stop you? Not me.

"Now doctor, are you going to scramble it's brains and suck it out, or just scramble it's brains and I can quiff it out myself?" <----I'm so glad I'm not a woman

here's some statistics on infidelity, cheating etc


Have you ever cheated on someone?

▪ Yes

▪ No

Have you ever been cheated on?

▪ Yes

▪ No

Would you be unfaithful if you knew your partner would never find out?

▪ Yes

▪ No

Husbands who admit to cheating on a spouse

▪ Reported in Men's Health Best Life, 2003
1 in 20 (5%)

Wives who admit to cheating on a spouse

▪ Reported in Men's Health Best Life, 2003
1 in 22 (4.55%)

▪ Reported in Oprah Magazine, 2004

Number of guys who take off their wedding rings when they go out without their wives

▪ 1 in 3

Percentage of cheating men who get caught

▪ 80%

Percentage of couple who preserve their marriage after an affair

▪ 64%

Of those couples who remain married despite an affair, what percentage later describe the marriage as unhappy or empty?

▪ 78%

insert picture of dead fetus on the ground, shrivelled up - like the ones where the head has started develop and has the little tiny arms and legs


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Post by djadonis206 » Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:42 pm

Ableton's pretty bomb I'm making a mix of my own music - it's fucking crazy - just fyi...this is cool
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Post by smutek » Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:54 pm

I hate Ann Coulter.

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