$15 bucks for sex while on meth

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Post by thefool » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:39 pm

rikhyray wrote:
thefool wrote:

Ok back to nature then. Screw computers and music too, lets just play rhythms and dance around naked instead of working and being civilized. :roll:
Sounds like description of tarnce party
I had no idea i was describing such a thing. It must be subconscious!

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Post by pabloaugustus » Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:38 pm

PBS just had a special about these new anti-meth ads. They were started by a rich guy who wanted to help people; they are targeted at teen agers much in the same way as advertisements are. Studies found that teens don't have a very negative view of meth use see as something you could maybe try one or two times without a negative effect. (which I'm sure can be true...shit I smoked crys one or two times in my life in my late teens and never would again, but in the targeted areas this is typically not the pattern of use...)

They rely on focus groups of young people to find ads that are effective, and thats why many of the ads and tv spots are so graphic, they are what worked to change the image of meth in young people. The same formula and ads are being adopted by other states as well.

Apparently this campaign is very expensive but has drastic results on kids attitudes and likelihood to try meth. The ugly truth is usually not pushed by advertisers, and its pretty cool to see it work.

Just thought I would provide some background to these images that have been posted.
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Post by brightonalex » Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:54 pm

I think that girl in the picture might be "the one". I really do genuinely feel that I love her.

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Post by timothyallan » Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:15 pm

I think that the meth ads are a menace.

There's no WAY I'd pay more than 10 bucks for sex with a lumberjack... and I'm Canadian. People think we get that kinda stuff for free.

Sleep Tyght
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Post by Sleep Tyght » Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:28 pm

hambone1 wrote:It IS known as the 'world's oldest profession,' but I find anyone choosing to pay for sex pretty pathetic.

Ever been on a date expecting to get some before the night ended?

Same difference.

Marriage...dating...picking up a double cheeseburger to drop off to your jump off while hoping for a late night cock slob....

All the same shit.

I came to Bounce's exact same conclusion before even reading his post. Prostitution vs. dating???....much blurred in "respect" on how much and how forthcoming both parties are in reference to the exchange of goods. Women sell sex to get what they want. Hell many men do the same shit. A few years back I used to ask my jump offs if they could identify "whore shit" when presented to them. Most of them would run off at the mouth ranting about their chickenhead friends' antics when at some point while out on the date...

They all knew they'd end up giving head in the whip if I chose to take them out for a good time. Hence...they sold themselves short for a couple of cosmos and a few dance numbers. Sounds like prostitution to me...

Or would everyone still prefer to call it...dating?
Last edited by Sleep Tyght on Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by D K » Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:32 pm

there are compromises in life for everything.
the key is to be around people that make worthwhile compromises, friends and lovers alike.

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Post by foogermooger » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:11 am

thefool wrote:
foogermooger wrote:
sparklepuff wrote:I have no idea. The pic is a billboard that was posted in Montana and was quickly removed due to the complaints of the naughtiness of the picture. I think it's fucking hilarious. They certainly aren't trying to beat around the bush, there.

"What will happen if I smoke meth?"

"You'll start selling your pussy to truckers at rest stops for $15."

I was pretty offended to start with....but heck its true...so well done sparklepuff for making me look at the disturbing image....I ended up reading all the replies in this post and seen some pretty horrid images....Those comparison pics are shocking...

A lot of the junkies you see round my area i remeber were actually quite pretty before they started the drugs....One was a beauty queen who ended up murdered 8O :( ...she was hot, had her whole life in front of her and got in with the wrong crowd...man such a sad sad waste of a life, you just seen her go down hill..ended up a total mess....so my point is the picture in sparklepuffs avatar showing a girl who im sure we can all agree if was drug free could be pretty nice looking.....well it highlights perfectly what is actually happening....

I would like to forget about it soon though......but hes making a pretty good statement with his pic....we should all be more aware of this fucked up society we live in...

Just my thoughts anyway
you're fucked up too. Now your reason to get rid of meth is because there is less pretty ladies? What the fuck is wrong with you.. "she was hot and now :(" what the fuck? She probably deserved it anyway.
I agree - its a sick world we live in. And people like you are one of the faults

4.33 wrote: ololololol)) what a bunch of hypocrites!
open your eyes- sex for money IS reasonable. "the oldest profession" - heard that saying?
sex sells - thats in the human nature
Ok back to nature then. Screw computers and music too, lets just play rythms on some wooden things and dance around naked instead of working and being civilized. :roll:


Dude, you can go FUCK YOURSELF you idiot!!! Think you are hard because you can slag people off on a public forum........How old are you?? fucking 15 or something......If you dont like Sparklepuffs avater dont fucking comment on it and just ignore it instead of trying to shove ur opinion down peoples throats.....


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Post by Angstrom » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:19 am

Meef Chaloin wrote:heard a girl offer sex for £3 where i live
I was offered it for 50 pence.
the exact phrase used was: "hey Mr, do you want some business? Pleeease?go on, I'll do it for 50p "

50p !?

I saw the same girl later on, coming out of a garage eating a PotNoodle. Obviously had found a punter and just spent her earnings on that tasty and nutritious snackfood.

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Post by aqua_tek » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:47 am


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Post by thefool » Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:27 am

I like timothyallan's avatar.
foogermooger wrote:Dude, you can go FUCK YOURSELF you idiot!!! Think you are hard because you can slag people off on a public forum........How old are you?? fucking 15 or something......If you dont like Sparklepuffs avater dont fucking comment on it and just ignore it instead of trying to shove ur opinion down peoples throats.....


Wanker :lol:.
Go home to your momma and tell her you think its sad only when pretty girls get their life's flushed. Forget the medicore ones!

Well what do i care. People getting their life's ruined by meth, be they pretty or not, probably diserved it anyway.

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