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Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:32 am
by Goran@Irrupt
DAMN! they finally fixed two of my reported bugs in 5.0.3 and now THIS?!

it was a funny situation the other day when i invited one of local musicians to my place to introduce Live to him. i was like: "just put clips here and there, press play and you see, all's in sync. now, hit stop, press space again and you're in the groove again... erm .... ok, ok, now... space... nope ... 8O ... doubleclick on stop ... nope .... erm, sorry, i have to see what's goin' on, but usually it works...?! :? ".
i was a bit embarrassed...

please Abes, give us good old behavior back.

w :!:

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:56 am
by CopyRightJustice
angstorm wrote "it would make sense if hitting stop once used this new 'arrangement sync'
but hitting stop twice should reset all the clips to play from their start markers."

Yes in session
hit stop once = pause

twice = reset
and maybe a modifier for arrangement
that would suit me

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:59 am
by Hedroom
Uh oh...

Not looking forward to my first gig with 5.03.

I was finding 5.02 just too glitchy and 5.03 b7 "seemed" to have sorted this out.

Oh well, here's for clips starting in the middle fun and games!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:42 pm
by serotoninsteve
At least it would be smart to give us a link where we can download the latest beta (or at least 5.0.2 for them who have deinstalled it like me) wich seemed to work, without the bug reporter perhaps, just to let people work on their projects and gigs instead of letting us wait (I know that it takes some time to change it)?
Sorry, but for the beta there is only to put it online and change the time runout.
Another time: Please communicate more with us here in general and especially before you change such big things!
If I look in the posts from L2, there was a bit more comunication it seems.


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:59 pm
by henry ford
you know the fact of the matter could be this: in order to address some of the established bugs from 5 -> 5.02 they just butchered some code , the after-effect being the new 'feature',,,, now they have to go back and address those other bugs again and fix them properly in order for this bug to go away.

I'm just hypothosising tho, seeing as an integral function was completely changed without seems hard for me to assume its anything else. bar the fanboys looking for a job at ableton by pretending its useful. lol , just kidding you guys. hee hee

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:04 am
by markaugust
henry ford
Joined: 21 Apr 2005
Posts: 426
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:58 pm    Post subject:
actually i've had a change of heart....i kind of like this new feature. it really compliments the audio glitches. I was gonna waste some time learning max/msp to make some generative granular style music. now all i have to do is press play
free music theory
Aphex Twin/Square Pusher Styles Tutorial to top



and; offcourse I ditched 5.02 also
can we get it back(with the midi-fix!) or a beta fast!
cauz i am getting really,really,really tired of stopping and restarting al those clips

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:12 am
by Angstrom
stuff like this makes me wonder about Ableton.

like someone else said - they sometimes seem to have a vision for the app that no-one else shares!

Personally, I work a song up as chunks and elements in session for a few weeks before it ever gets near an arrangement. Yet Ableton seem determined to enforce a linear arrange page based paradigm on me when I dont want it.

I really cant imagine a workflow where this terrible idea would work. Anyone with a 2 bar and a four bar pattern who stops then starts their session will find sync is lost between patterns.
Yet they released this feature and not only that .. they removed the ability to put patterns back in sync.

I'm sorry to say it but I find it extremely worrying for the future when things like this and the F.O.D implementation remain in the app. this is not a bug it is a indication of a lack of sense

I know that people will say the above is over-dramatic, but to me it is an indicator of a loss of focus on how people actually use the application and a overwhelming drive to robotically make a tidy application which ticks the pre-defined boxes. If they had asked five users of live whether they ever reset their session clips to their start markers, what would the answers be? And why didn't they ask that question? And why did they go ahead with this neatness driven feature?

coming soon for your car - square wheels

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:19 am
by kennerb
OK Since the Abes have not responded to my technical support request or these threads lately does SOMEBODY have 5.02 that I can download?

I need to get going again and after forking out more for operator I can't even use 5.

I would really rather have the download from Ableton but I'm getting frustrated enough that looking for an old cracked version is starting to look like an option unfortunately.

Please don't make me go there guys :cry:

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:20 am
by henry ford
try phoning them

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:07 am
by illsub1
This is really starting to bother me big time please Ableton can we have a point release to make this switchable behavior!!!! This has got to be fixed I hope you are all feeling better from being sick. Let's please take some echinacea, do a little juice fast, and mend some code for your family. We love you and have faith you will fix this ASAP.

After you guys have your meeting about it please give us a heads up here.


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:13 am
by blastique
This blows!

Hey, can 5.0.3 co-exist with 5.0.2? My performance issues totally disappeared with 5.0.3 but I'd still like to be able to switch in light of this.

Thanks :)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:32 am
by astar
basically the only way to continue using 5.0.3 in light of this is to stop using the spacebar when jamming in session view

there is now no easy way to retrigger all the currently playing clips from 1.1.1 in session view

please give us a MODIFIER for the old behaviour Ableton

modifiers are the key to keeping your customers happy

*patiently waiting for the Abletons to get back on this thread*

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:33 am
Today the macintels may finally come out. It would be ideal If I could have my favorite software back to try it out on. C'mon guys! What is going on? Why no responses?

Everytime I try to imagine what is going on right now in Ableton headquarters, I picture a bad seinfeld episode where Kramer, I mean Herr Henke is protesting some righteous, yet arbitrary cause!

I hope you are feeling better though.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:25 am
by Stefan Haller
Sorry for not responding earlier.

We discussed the matter again, and we realize that most of you actually want a retrigger behaviour when starting the song, so we are going to change it back. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

(It's funny though that nobody ever seems to have noticed the bug in the 5.0.2 retrigger behaviour: it only worked when you started the song from 1.1.1. Try starting from 2.1.1, and see how clips start in the middle; you don't really want to have that back, do you?)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:23 am
by madlab
Stefan Haller wrote:Sorry for not responding earlier.

We discussed the matter again, and we realize that most of you actually want a retrigger behaviour when starting the song, so we are going to change it back. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

(It's funny though that nobody ever seems to have noticed the bug in the 5.0.2 retrigger behaviour: it only worked when you started the song from 1.1.1. Try starting from 2.1.1, and see how clips start in the middle; you don't really want to have that back, do you?)
Stefan, is there a way to combine those two behaviour. As I wrote earlier in this thread, when working for theater or dance rehearsals, the new behaviour can be very useful.
I had noticed the retrigger bug in 5.02 but couldn't reproduce it immediatly, and soon used 5.03 .